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Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Demoralized (Micro-Stakes)

01-09-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by sam63333

Here you go guys, I hope I did it right!
- I suspect that you are sometimes open limping, if that's the case don't do it. You need to always raise to gain initiative and get a chance to steal the blinds.
- Fold more to 3bet. Especially when OOP. At the nanostakes people rarely bluff when they 3bet you (however, never fold if they min-3bet you).
- This might be a sample size effect but it seems that you do not pay enough attention to position. Your vpip and PR in EP have to be lower than in MP, and in MP lower than in LP. For example, don't open something like KTs UTG. But do it on the cutoff. I'd suggest looking for a preflop starting hand chart online.

Read Crushing the Microstakes by blackrain and post your hands here.

Good luck
Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Quote
01-09-2014 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by sam63333
Thankyou for your kind words. It was more the mistake than the buy-in that put me on tilt. I do believe the mental game is my biggest enemy. Are you saying that I should just keep getting on that horse until I get it right? Right now I feel like I'm throwing good money after bad.
As long as one mistake is enough to put you on tilt, that will remain a major leak in your game. No matter how much you learn about how to play, you will be holding yourself back by not learning some combination of controlling your emotions better and/or not playing / stopping when you're not on an even emotional keel.
Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Quote
01-09-2014 , 05:27 PM
OP, I make your overall VPIP/PFR 23.4/13.51. This gap is too high, you want these two figures within 3 or 4 points of each other. Overall you are probably playing the right number of hands - though you may find it easier to tighten up and fold some - but you are calling way too much when you should be raising.

Try folding easily dominated hands like QJo or KTo to a preflop raise instead of calling, especially when out of position. If your opponent limped ahead and you hold hands like this, go ahead and isolate them with a raise. Don’t overcall suited connectors out of position unless you have great implied odds, like 3 people already in the pot or something. Overcalling pairs to set mine is usually OK.

You are open limping, stop that right now. Try this rule: when you are first into the pot, never limp. There may come a time and a place to do it but it will make it much easier for now if you take this to be a set rule. Overlimping can be OK sometimes, when you have a hand that wants to see a cheap flop but doesn’t do well against calling stations e.g. suited connectors. But no more open limping!

Your positional awareness is pretty bad. Your opening range UTG should be tight. In 6 max you could probably make it AQ+/AJs/any pair to start with and add some hands when you get confident. You’ll notice you are getting crushed in this position, part of the reason for that is you are too loose.

Loosen up gradually in MP, then CO and finally on the button you could open something like say A9+/any suited ace/any two broadway/any pair/suited connectors from 65s up. You should see a clear progression from a low PFR UTG rising gradually around to the BTN, whereas your UTG/CO/MP are all basically the same.

Your raising range in the BB should be pretty wide if no-one raised yet. Your SB range should be tight because it’s the worst position. Fold more in the blinds, this is the worst spot to call with unsuited broadways, A-rag, suited gappers etc.

Fold more to 3bets. Fold based on hand strength, position and opponent tendencies. When you are out of position and you have say AJo and someone 3bets you, unless you think they are full of ****, just fold it.

The good news is that these are all common leaks with beginners and easily fixed with some application. Replace some calls with raises (and a few folds), no open limping, better positional awareness and you can expect better results quite quickly.

Probably get Blackrain’s Crushing the Micros, it’s a good way to start.

You need to learn to use your software, so read the tutorials which will either be contained within the PT4 itself or on their website or both. They may have some kind of leakbuster analysis included in it, if so and if it's free, use it.

Read these forums and post questions.

Post 1 or 2 hands you played that you are unsure of, every day in the Micro Stakes NL forum, feedback there can be a bit brutal but posters will put you on the right path.
Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Quote
01-09-2014 , 05:54 PM
I think the wtsd% is also on the high side. It looks you are calling too much on the river. Most of the time if you face 3 barrels they are not bluffing, fold out your weaker hands there. Also respect reraises on flop and turn more, unless you have history/reads that villain likes to bluff.

About the wtsd i am not 100% sure, hope someone can confirm if what i say is good or not good.
Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Quote
01-09-2014 , 05:55 PM
Agree with all previous comments on stats.

The two following things jumped out at me:
1. Positional awareness. As werebeer says, this is important. I wouldn't be surprised if this is your biggest leak. Search on YouTube for gripsed poker. Watch the first few videos of his university series. Understand the value of position and how to use it to your advantage.
2. Your WTSD (went to showdown) stat is quite high at 30%. This can come from several sources: 1. Not enough aggression (see open limp comment above as another symptom of this). 2. You may be calling too much (do you frequently think you're being bluffed? How do you react to a big bet on the turn or being raised on any street?) Make sure you know where the fold button is.
I'd shoot for something in the low to mid twenties for this stat.

Poker is harder than it used to be, which is actually a good thing in a way. Instead of having to learn hard lessons at NL25 or above, we get to learn them at NL2 instead. That's like a 90% discount on the price of learning Poker!
Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Quote
01-09-2014 , 06:17 PM
As previously said, bankroll management is your first concern. Deposit at least 50$ for nl2 (I would go for 80) and play 20000/30000 hands to see how it goes.
If you're looking for a good read, head for the sticky about micro strategy threads. It's great and free.

Good luck mate
Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Quote
01-09-2014 , 09:52 PM
Amazing advice guys, thankyou for taking the time to help me out here. I'm definitely taking every single piece of advice on board.
Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Quote
01-09-2014 , 10:44 PM
One note about bankroll management:
Bankroll management only works if you're a winning player at the lowest levels.

If you're losing money and there's nowhere to move down to, no bankroll management strategy will keep you from going broke.

Be prepared to invest some money into learning poker before you become profitable, even at the lowest levels.
Demoralized (Micro-Stakes) Quote
