Originally Posted by RagingBull
ICM is apparently not a very sound strategy, according to a lot of people I've spoken with... it has its limitations..
I am starting to turn things around,.. thanks for all the great advice..
(and the picture of Nelson from the Simpsons helps)
What? I have no idea of the qualifications these "people" have but they are 100% wrong or leveling you. You are doomed to being Mr. Bubble Bust Out without a solid understanding of ICM. Run that idea past the MTT Strat forum. Currently your only chance of cashing is to luck box your way in as a short stack and loose before the big money. THIS is ONE of your significant leaks. Over confidence is another IMO. You were just running hot-it is all an illusion.
Good Luck. Hope things turn around for you but you need to open your mind up a bit. Creative and lucky is good but some fundamentals need to be applied. The game has changed a lot in the last couple years also-what worked last year isn't "sound" today in many cases.
I agree with your buying in to higher dollar tournaments being a mistake. I play SNG's and puke those profits in big MTT's. Rinse and repeat. I regularly re-deposit 10 BI's and take a shot. Bankroll management is important if roll building is your goal and you have an aversion to re-upping. I'm just playing for fun hoping to take down a big one some day. I have no delusions of being "good". I just try to make fewer and fewer mistakes.