Originally Posted by Mr. Big Stack
My apologies for not using the correct terms. So over the long term a player can expect -EV from the blinds? Now, I guess the question is does the +EV from the BUT make up for that?
Just look at one single 6max hand in a vacuum without rake:
One player pays the BB, one player pays the SB. Now let’s say the blinds don’t win the hand because they are in a crappy position. That means those $4 (in a 1/3 game) are distributed among the other 4 players.
If you distribute that money equally, everyone is getting $1 for every hand they’re not in the blind. After 4 hands of not paying blinds, you have $4. Then you pay the blinds, $4 total so you’re back to 0 after six hands which equals an orbit.
Compare that to a 10 handed game. In the 8 hands you’re not in the blinds, you make 8 x $0.5 (your share of $4) for a total of $4. Then you pay the blinds and after that you’re back to $0. So again, you ended the orbit with the same amount of money you had when you started.