change in my results...need help
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 6,872
from about january 08 to january 09 i played on sbsolute poker with pretty good results. i played like 90% .50-1$ sngs with the other 10% being the occasional stud8 cash game, 2nl cash game, or like 1$ mtt. im a bit concerned because ive recently moved over to pokerstars and i cant seem to win anything. im not sure how many hands ive put in, but its gotta be like 10,000 at least. the only thing i can think of is that ive made a small change in my play to tighten up a bit. i was playing about 35% of hands at absolute and now i think im playing an estimate of 20-25%. is that too few? should i limp in more, or just open raise more, or does it sound like im doing fine? if anyone has any suggestions id appreciate them - thanks!
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 5,213
It may be a tighter opponents that is causing this. Also changing your game is obviously going to change outcomes aswell. I dont think 25% of hands is to tight, its loose.
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 6,872
is there really that big of a jump between the mostly .50 sngs that i was playing on absolute and the 1$ ones on pokerstars? i cant imagine the play is all that different.
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 227
I've only ever played on pokerstars, so I can't help in responding to your direct question.
Nonetheless, I did want to add my 2cents' worth: From what you're saying, it sounds like you may not have a very accurate picture of your play.
You should really consider investing in one of the tracking software packages.
People usually tout the "opponent-scoping" capabilities of these packages, but in my opinion one of the most valuable features of the packages is the amount of information you can get on your own game.
You'd be able to tell immediately if you're playing 20% or 25% of hands (and there's a big difference between these two numbers, btw). And you'd see immediately if your play has changed.
As far as SnGs are concerned, btw, it's not so much the number of hands that matters but the number of games.