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03-12-2011 , 12:03 PM
So I went to the casino yesterday. There was a small stakes game with blinds as £1 / £1 and £40 minimum buy in, which I baught in for and had a £200 max, which seemed like most people had.

I hadn't been to the casino before, just private games. I got AA. Raised to £6 and got 2 callers. Ended up winning a pot of about £40 and everyone was saying I raised too little.

I was playing real tight and not even aggressive either. I admit that I was scared a lot postflop and know I got bluffed a few times but couldn't make some of these calls where people would put me all in.

I got up to about £160 in 2 hours and I thought I should have left, then looked at AK so played.

Raised £8 preflop, 2 callers. Board 2 9 K. One guy bets £12 I through in a £25 chip to raise but the dealer says that's a call. so the other player called him too.

Turn is a 6, I bet £25, initial bettor calls. River is a 7, he checks, I thought he was being crafty so I checked also. I thought he had a King. He shows K 7 to win the pot.

A few hands later I get KK.
I raised £10 preflop, 1 caller (same guy as before). Board is 4 7 j. I go all in and get called, the guy shows 6 8 and the turn comes 5.

He had raised a lot preflop, played every pot and bet on the flop no matter what.

One thing though everyone raises so much. One guy could raise the pot preflop by £8 then another guy will double it and still get 1 other caller.

I seen a raise of 8, call, raise to 25, call, original raiser calls, next guy all in for an extra 50. One guy folds.

The pot was large and they show pocket tens, pocket 6, kj suited. Tens wins.

Any general advice for dealing with this kind of table? Everyone seems to have a lot of money and throwing it about like it's nothing, even the younger guys.
03-12-2011 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by jinjouk
Any general advice for dealing with this kind of table? Everyone seems to have a lot of money and throwing it about like it's nothing, even the younger guys.
Don't bluff, don't get crafty (no slowplaying), bet your good hands strongly.
03-12-2011 , 12:43 PM
Yeah I think that's the way but when you say bet big, they bet huge so I wouldn't even really know the size to bet.

Another example I raised £10 with JJ. Everyone folded.

I called a £6 with qq (i know that was probably wrong) and board came with j j. The bettor went all in so I folded.

Also I've folded a lot when I had top pair.

KT and the board had T 3 8. Someone went all in and I folded my T.
