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cardrunners or poker tracker? cardrunners or poker tracker?

12-11-2008 , 03:15 AM
what should i "invest" in, i consider my self a beginner/some what intermediate NLHE player, i know the basic grind and can pull a move here and there if im running card dead... what do you think i would get more out of, buying a cardrunners membership, or buying poker tracker? I was really surprised to see that poker tracker was 89.99.... that really turned me off, but for 90 bucks something has to be right about it..

What ya think? (i dont really want to spend money on both, atm that is)
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 03:17 AM
pokertracker without question
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 03:19 AM
get HEM
play poker
then get card runner or stox membership from FTP store with ftp point.
then Fulltiltpoker pay for your education from there on.
stox membership also available at eurolinx.
make sure you get rakeback at FTP

note: tracking software will be the best bang for the bux you ever spend on poker.
note2: HEM or PT3 both are good, i recommand HEM because i happy with it, and i haven't try PT3 yet. what ever you do, stay away from PO and PO2 and PO3. POS software
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 03:22 AM
PokerTracker or Hold'em Poker. It's not close.

Both have trial versions. Download one, use it until the trial expires. Download the other, use it until the trial expires. Then decide which one to buy.
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 03:24 AM
k, thanks. oh and yaaa i used to play on FTP got banned because some one i traded money with was "fraudulent" makes sense eh.. how the *** am i supposed to know. And does PS have rakeback like FTP? or what ever it is? and if i already made a PS with doing rakeback first im pretty much facked right..
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 03:54 AM
Pokerstars doesn't have rakeback so doesn't matter if you have an account already.

I like HM way better. You can also buy HM for only $50 if you get the microstakes version.
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 06:13 AM
difference between HM and PT? your personal dislikes/likes? and what do they consider "micro stakes" anything under 5$? or 10NL for cg?
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:09 AM
cardrunners or poker tracker?
def. poker tracker.

however i prefer holdem manager. much better interface, more filters, more reports and you can configue everything there. micro stakes=everything upto .10/.25
you can try both(PT and HEM) for free
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:20 AM
I got pokertracker 3 for free... (well i had to earn 500fpps).. for regerstering up to pokerstars through Pokersource.

Just an idea if you dont have an account for pokerstars.

edit. just checked pokersource and you can get 6 months of stox poker instead of pokertracker if you wanted.

** I have no connection to pokersource other than using there bonus **
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 10:48 AM
For a beginning player, get Holdem Manager small stakes version for $50

Play on FTP with rakeback

After a month of play you will be able to afford Stox Poker membership for free, watch all those vids and move up
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Acombfosho

Play on FTP with rakeback
he can't play at tilt
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 12:47 PM
get holdem manager. i have poker tracker and now i need to make the switch to holdem manager.
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by MAC-N-TODD
he can't play at tilt
QFT lol
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 06:40 PM
If you buy the SS version of HEM, can you upgrade for the difference when you move up or do you have to pay full price?
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 06:53 PM
Get pokertracker, and use your own experience to teach you through it.

Get your 7 day deucescracked membership for free and see how you like video learning before you drop any money.
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Acombfosho
Play on FTP with rakeback
  1. he said he got banned from FTP
  2. PokerStars is better if you are playing nano-limit (e.g. .05/.10, .02/.05, .01/.02) because PS rake is better than FTP's 10% rake - rakeback.
  3. at PokerStars you can trade FPPs for cash. FTP's rakeback is better than PS's FPP for cash until you reach SuperNova on PS (or so I'm told)
  4. your never f#@ked on PS because you signed up before learning about rakeback -- everyone gets VPPs and FPPs.
  5. Get PT3 or HEM. Step 1 of any improvement plan is understanding what you are currently doing.
cardrunners or poker tracker? Quote
