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Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop.... Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop....

08-09-2010 , 01:36 PM
hi guys, i am wondering if its ok to call strong c-bets if u marginally connect with the flop, ie mid or lowest pair????

i had a loose live game which turned out like this:

Hero (UTG +2): Kh4h

Hero limps in (hoping to see a flop cheap and hit at least a draw)...
Villain(CO) raises 3xBB
Hero calls... (i put his range as Ax, small pockets....)

Flop: As4d6h
Hero checks
Villain bets 2/3 pot... (i think he has top pair... i called thinking of making a move later on turn since i believe he will release TPTK if faced with a tough decision... i am getting good implied odds even with 6 outs since he is the biggest stack at the table and is willing to push up the pot.... if the turn is bad, i will fold....)

then i got lucky with a K on turn(which i think means me having the best hand at the turn with two pair so i flat called the fairly weak turn bet) and another 4 on the river... we stacked off with me winning a big pot with runner runner fullhouse.... turns out he had A6 suited...

but of course i wasnt really happy with the way i won it cuz some at the table thinks its a donk call on the flop.... was it right to have call the c-bet or nitty poker is "correct" poker????

Last edited by imdurr; 08-09-2010 at 01:47 PM.
Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop.... Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:44 PM
1st, I would fold or raise pre. Limping gives away the weakness of your hand. Calling the raise is also bad.

Again calling the flop is bad. Either raise his bet or fold. When weak take the pot or get out.
Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop.... Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:49 PM
noob qn: why do u see so many pros call flop c-bets with mid or lowest pair when its obvious they do not have a good drawing hand on televised poker???
Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop.... Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:55 PM
This hand has fold written all over it
Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop.... Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by imdurr
noob qn: why do u see so many pros call flop c-bets with mid or lowest pair when its obvious they do not have a good drawing hand on televised poker???

1. The range for raising hands in deep-stacked poker like you see on HSP is much wider than the "typical" raising range, for a few reasons. A hand like a 76 on an A64 flop is MUCH more likely to be ahead than it would be if it was a player with a more typical range doing the raising.

2. Given that people are raising with a wider range of hands, hitting a pair on the flop quite often means that one is ahead, especially as the raiser continuation-bets more often.

3. If you folded to a continuation bet every time you missed the flop, you would basically be both burning money (because you miss the flop most of the time) and exposing your hand on those occasions where you didn't miss the flop. (If you always fold when you miss the flop, and you didn't fold, you MUST have something, right?)
Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop.... Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:02 PM
I think your opponents were correct to berate you. Fold pre, fold flop.

Nice suckout though
Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop.... Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:44 PM
sigh, if he's cbetting every board, its fine to float, if you think he has top pair, its stupid to float, also, **** THE TABLE, your there to stack them, your image is **** now, you will probably stack them as they now bet more lighter againist you! Ship it imo....
Calling strong c-bets with after connecting marginally with the flop.... Quote
