Hi guys, I just checking the preflop range in GTO wizard, I found some calling range like below. So after SB 3bet UTG then UTG 4bet SB, I don't know why SB can call with 44-88, I know 44-88 have like 40% equality face UTG 4 bet range, but is it reasonable? If so, then why SB should fold 60% TT-JJ ? It makes me a little bit confuse.
Also there's some random range I cannot understand like below, when BTN open then facing SB 3bet, why BTN should call most of K6s but fold K7s? If this is pure for balance, why we don't use 50% K6s and 50% K7s?
So I think the questions is if I met some range I cannot understand, how can I know if I should ignore it ?