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C-betting A/K/Q/J high boards C-betting A/K/Q/J high boards

11-30-2007 , 05:26 AM
I was going to post this in the FR forum but thought it might be too noobish.

I'm wondering if you are more likely to c-bet a J/Q/ or even K high flop when you miss rather than an A high flop. It seems to me lately that I have been getting c/c a lot more on A high flops than the others. Are OOP villain's holdings more Ax heavy than other paint cards, taking into account gap theory? Of course this is player dependant, but say for the average 25/8/1.5 10NLer.

Also, does this change for 6 max?
C-betting A/K/Q/J high boards Quote
11-30-2007 , 09:07 AM
I play 6 max and C-Bet all A74, J72, K72, Q72 sort of flops.

How many people are you betting into?
C-betting A/K/Q/J high boards Quote
11-30-2007 , 09:40 AM
I usually don't C-bet into more than one caller OOP unless I have a hand/draw. In position, I'll C-bet into 1 or 2 if at least one is pretty weak tight or I have a really good draw.

Play mostly full ring.
C-betting A/K/Q/J high boards Quote
