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Build a BR 4: Graph Hard with a Vengeance. Build a BR 4: Graph Hard with a Vengeance.

01-31-2010 , 08:28 PM
Did you/him raise pre? Folding TPGK on a rainbow board seems kinda nitty against someone that loose in 6max. It's not bad and it certainly will keep you out of tricky spots. But someone with 1 aggression factor doesn't mean they will triple barrel necessarily. I always advocate going with your read.
01-31-2010 , 08:31 PM
Since i joined you guys late due to my exams, the amount of poker in January suffered. Here is the sucky little swingfestival, January 22nd up to today.

01-31-2010 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by rocaerix
Makes sense right?
makes sense to me. c/r is the nuts a lot of the time.
01-31-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by BlaneH
Did you/him raise pre? Folding TPGK on a rainbow board seems kinda nitty against someone that loose in 6max. It's not bad and it certainly will keep you out of tricky spots. But someone with 1 aggression factor doesn't mean they will triple barrel necessarily. I always advocate going with your read.
He open limped from UTG and called my CO/BU raise, but he was open limping a lot nearly everywhere. His AF was only like 1 but his Agression Frequency was like 50%. I'm fairly sure he was purposely limping a lot because he knew a lot of people would do the raising for him and he could be extremely annoying post flop.

Was in a similar situation on a low unconnected board with TPTK (A9 or something) and called him down and he hand limp called JJ pre flop. From what I had seen I was nearly always going to have to face more than one barrel and his betsizing was not indicative of all of hand strength so would have had no idea how to gauge my strength at any point.

Going to point out the obvious that I untagged him as a fish (he has done some REALLY fishy things in the past, but playing him is too hard) and am now avoiding sitting at his tables. Having no idea where you are at basically ever just makes playing him too hard.
01-31-2010 , 10:03 PM
wow i had a tumultuous weekend... up to a high of about 196 and a low of 120 playing 5nl... tilt definitely had a factor. Now i'm refocused and determined to grind up to 200 without any hitches.
01-31-2010 , 11:14 PM
last day of january. here's to a solid february everyone!!

12+ tabling 10NL full ring:
02-01-2010 , 01:15 AM
In the poker doldrums the last few days ... up and down a few dollars, down overall over the period

$515 --> $513
02-01-2010 , 01:43 AM
moved up to the $1.10 MTT sng's today and took 2nd in a 90-man for $16 and change, dropped a few bucks in cash, but then turned things around for a small profit, I played around 400 or so hands. I still have just been playing on stars and not too much on full tilt($1.10). My stars br is now showing some steady gains and is currently at $50.12
02-01-2010 , 01:49 AM

NL10 6max. 8.6 hours.

All in a days

After few initial coolers, and a bit of tilt.. decided to grind back to even.

Got there.. eventually, luckily I had no work today.
02-01-2010 , 01:49 AM
Well, I started off the month of January losing $68 on Jan. 1st. I lost $15 at 5NL 6max, and went on monkey tilt because an idiot hit a 1 one outer on me (I still remember because it F'd my month up!) so I jumped to 2 25NL 6max tables, and got rivered twice for a full stack each time. After losing more than 10% of my roll, I stopped playing for a few days and watched tons of videos and read a lot stickies/HH posts here on 2p2. Then I jumped over to 5NL FR, and proceeded to win back all my losses within the next few weeks, and at one point I was running at like 12ptbb/100 over like 4k hands. After I was close to even on stars, I jumped on the Rush Poker roller coaster! I won $4 in 22 hands, then I lost $39 in 557 hands!!! So I went back to old reliable, 5NL FR, and had to grind back my losses!!

After going on tilt the first day of the month, it really messed up my head. I was hardly playing, and spent more time focusing on studying my leaks (main leak is TILT). So in the end I missed about 8-10 days of playing during the month, an only ended up putting in 23,685 hands. I barely recovered from the two downswings to win a total of $19.18 this month. I also switched to FR from 6max, and haven't experienced to much TILT or to many downswings. I'm hoping to begin playing 10NL FR full time within the next cpl of weeks (barring big downswings) but until then I'll just add a cpl of tables in with my usual sessions of 5NL FR.

I hope to see some more monthly summaries from the regulars of this thread! I also hope everyone has a great February, and remember to enjoy yourselves!
02-01-2010 , 05:38 AM
Start of janurary I finished off 5NL and moved up to 10NL when my roll was like 22BIs.

Started on an amazing heater and won 4BIs over first 2k hands very easily. Then was the first of my "weekdays are horrible" posts where you can see the first sharp drop. Some of this was tilt because I was getting annoyed at getting 3B so often so flatted and then c/f and started opening up too wide and then realising how bad a shape I was in and folding later. Notice the first dip away in the redline at that point.

Then all was good again until second "weekdays are horrible" posts. But there is no associated drop in redline so I have a feeling I just got coolered and c/bet flops and then checked down to lose a fair amount.

Then grinding grinding grinding up at a decent rate and we get to hand 9k. I have no idea what happened around then but as you can see my redline started tanking. This was a weekend session that I just hated. Huge spike up when I won KK v AA v JJ v TT AIPF followed by a long session and lots of losses and finished break ever for day after starting +$30 or something stupid. Think same day NOTHING went my way (other than that AIPF) so I just stopped being aggressive because it just meant "nothing" but losing more.

So over last 4k-5k hands I've managed to lose 6BIs from my (ignoring tilt) break even red line. So main aim is now to put the AG back in the TAG way I am trying to play. Might lose a bit in near future but I'll just post hands if confused! I have a strong feeling bad results have strongly influenced the way I've been playing recently even if it isn't just tilting money away.
02-01-2010 , 09:37 AM
BR: $365

Can't edit post but played session since then. I lost, HOO RAY! But I was playing a lot better just on the end of some not nice hands and decking. Hit set of 5s on AQ5tt board so was like PERFECT! since so many hands would stack off, as did the dude who flatted QQ from the SB to my button raise... Another dude was set mining me and flopped open ender and turned straight to my over pair. Flopped nuts only to have another guy have my exact hand to split. Turned 2nd nuts only to have river forfeit me in another pot to split.

Few folds in fairly big pots where I would take exactly the same lines but couldn't see showdown. Only one calldown which was questionable and I blame cold decking for that (thanks for giving me top pair on the river to his FH!).

First 500 hand session netted me +$1.5. Second 175 hand session was -$8. But I'm really not fussed since I was playing MUCH better. If I wasn't playing extra aggro I would probably have lost more. If I would have won more playing tight/passive at least this time I was playing to win and making good plays, just hitting tops of ranges and bad boards.
02-01-2010 , 10:39 AM
What are your thoughts guys on agr BRM since atm im at $250 but since i withdrew about $600 during the holidays and ive been playing 25NL for about 3 months before holidays, im thinking of adding 1-2 tables of 25NL with my current BR, and i will cut down to 4 tables giving me time to put in more depth into each hand, maximizing the value im after.
Edit: rest of the tables are 10NL ofcouce
02-01-2010 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
semi pro

how many games u play at a time?
2-4 tables u?
02-01-2010 , 12:03 PM
$1 -> $3100 in the last three weeks of January. Withdrew my roll to pay for a vacation which I was on for just over a week to start january. Friend shipped me $5, played almost exclusively heads up and built most of my roll via sit n go's:

HU SNG Graph (The first 550 sit n go's were from last year):

50nl cash graph:

Last edited by PGNX; 02-01-2010 at 12:12 PM. Reason: fix links
02-01-2010 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by PGNX
$1 -> $3100 in the last three weeks of January. Withdrew my roll to pay for a vacation which I was on for just over a week to start january. Friend shipped me $5, played almost exclusively heads up and built most of my roll via sit n go's:

HU SNG Graph (The first 550 sit n go's were from last year):
02-01-2010 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by gyruss

Bankroll has grown:

$358 -----> $862.

140% growth since starting to post in this forum. Considering taking $500 out of account to set aside for WSOP trip.

took $500 out of account, set it aside for WSOP trip

BR $362 ------> $328

Been struggling since taking withdrawal. Finding play at $11 so ridiculous at times to the point of being unpredictable. Finding better luck at $22 and $33, but misses take big toll on BR.

Will report before end of week.
02-01-2010 , 03:17 PM

it was an ok month. I didnt get in here at the start so ill start with an end of the month summary. Grew my PS bankroll from 40 to about 230 today. I would like to get up to 500 to start playing 25nl. I was up to 350 but like i said i just cant buy a bucket so to say. felt like i absolutely crushed it for the first 3 weeks and the past week its just been blah. cant hit a flop, A3s beating AKs PF, qq over kk pf, KJs over AKs PF, etc. standard stuff but its just not that fun when it all piles on. Just kinda feels like im swimming but not going anywhere the past few days. Oh well, heres to february gents. GL except against me
02-01-2010 , 03:30 PM
My first bit of online success: $42.50->$285.43

From Memory: Deposit on Jan 9th and win $60 playing $3.40's, breaking even mostly. Reach $100 playing 4man shootouts, then variance sends me back down to $80ish. Begin playing LHE, try DougL's 15bb challenge and hit $139 and reach $1/$2. Lose first hand at $1/$2 and then some at .5/1---->$90ish. Bubble FT of 3.30 $5K, where a hilaribad hand makes the sting of bubbling even worse(88 vs A6 266r board, I am such an F donk) BR-$184. Run/play bad at HU LHE->$130. Suffer serious Hold Em burnout. Take stock of my situation 2 days ago and come to a few conclusions:
A)need to rework my complete HE game
B)FU tournaments
C)stop playing SNG's entirely.

So obv the solution to HE burnout is LOLmaha and I throw $15 on two PLO25 tables and double up on both. Been playing spread out short sessions and I am playing Omaha a lot better than I used to. I am not playing optimally because I guess I am nut peddling some what and also playing a bit weak tight, because certain situations arise and I have trouble proceeding in them. But this is countered by the fact that A)people love stacking off in multi way pots with the bad draws and B)people love playing omaha like its the lottery, getting money in preflop with very bad rundown hands or just hilaribad hands all together.

Gonna focus on my PLO game, continue playing short sessions, drink more green tea, and hope I don't have to make a busto post anytime soon in this thread. GL all.
02-01-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by richeh
2-4 tables u?
o thats why
02-01-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by SOA
Gonna focus on my PLO game, continue playing short sessions, drink more green tea, and hope I don't have to make a busto post anytime soon in this thread. GL all.
you probably will playing $plo25 with that bankroll. I might be a nit, but I'm on $plo20 with a 2,5k roll and have my fair share of 10BI downswings on monthly basis, I'd say. keep up with the green tea though and move down a couple of limits imo.

best of luck.
02-01-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by PGNX
$1 -> $3100 in the last three weeks of January. Withdrew my roll to pay for a vacation which I was on for just over a week to start january. Friend shipped me $5, played almost exclusively heads up and built most of my roll via sit n go's:

HU SNG Graph (The first 550 sit n go's were from last year):

50nl cash graph:
Originally Posted by axel_nld
02-01-2010 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by axel_nld

NJ man on running like god though
02-01-2010 , 05:34 PM
That's a sick heater at 50NL, especially when you barely played any hands!
02-01-2010 , 06:14 PM
I am going to be moving over to one of those smaller sites from only ever playing at Stars. From what I've seen it looks much much fishier but with a lot less traffic. Anyone have any experience moving from one of the big sites to a smaller one (cake network for me..)? I think I remember seeing Ice_W0lf saying he had moved.

I saw a bunch of tables with 40%+ plrs/flop but I also saw a lot of full tables. Hoping I don't have to start spending a ton of time on wait lists pre session.

Edit: Jesus, I just saw the hand count. That's insane.

Last edited by BlaneH; 02-01-2010 at 06:26 PM.
