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Build a Bankroll: I love the fishes.. Build a Bankroll: I love the fishes..

04-04-2010 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
Cbetting this flop is terrible as I'm only getting called by better.
Which is why you shut down on the turn/river.
04-04-2010 , 06:16 AM
I can't take this anymore. Another -2 BI day.

of course the second nut flush runs into the nut flush 200bb deep vs. a aggrofish playing 100% of the hands as if they were the nuts.
04-04-2010 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
Cbetting this flop is terrible as I'm only getting called by better.
Fold turn then?
04-04-2010 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Malfunction
Fold turn then?
That's where my leaks begin to shine.
04-04-2010 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
That's where my leaks begin to shine.
Everyone's bluffing
04-04-2010 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Malfunction
Everyone's bluffing
It's like the devil on your right shoulder telling you he's bluffing, and the angel on the left telling you to give him credit.
04-04-2010 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
Cbetting this flop is terrible as I'm only getting called by better.
this is a 4bet pot ... 70-80% of the time you cbet, you'll get folds and win 25BB

it doesn't matter that we fold out the hands we beat, we want folds in this spot ... if he's tight/nittish/stationish, it could be different, but at 5NL, most ranges are wider than Kx in this spot
04-04-2010 , 11:03 AM
Hey guys, i've lurked this thread for a while, guess i'll make a post here.

I've played poker for a while now although never hardcore, I played 2nl-10nl but had to cash out sometimes and played like an idiot when I moved up to 25nl etc, but I decided to give it another shot at the beginning of March. Roll is now at $664 and although i've taken little jabs at 25nl here and there i've not really played it yet. First 15k hands are 5nl, rest is 10nl.

Basically told myself I was not going to seriously attempt 25nl this time before at least having played 30k hands of 10nl to plug leaks and fix mindset etc. Thing is, i'm a pretty solid player up to the point where I start running bad or get angry otherwise and then I start tilting off buyins at turbo speed; this can be seen here and there in the graph. Can't have that when moving up of course.

So to that end, instead of moving up to 25nl at around the 30k mark in hands, I kept playing and have been making a little list of ******ed stuff i've found myself doing, and some rules I need to follow before I let myself move up. Here's what I got so far:

1) Have a reason to put money in the pot every time you do it
2) Dont 4b bluff people with <10% 3bet (Guess you can argue that 4b bluffing is bad in general at these stakes but whatever, it's fun right?
3) Fold to limp-raise/shove they have KK+ every single time
4) Dont dbl/triple barrel bluff vs unknowns
5) Before 3betting, check fold to 3b% and steal %
6) Fold more you idiot
7) ffs find tables with BAD players dont sit around with people like yourself
8) Dont 3b AQ

So anyways, once I finish my 30k hands of 10nl I guess it's time to move up. Hope I can settle in to the new stake this time.

04-04-2010 , 03:00 PM
After last night's nightmare, I started thinking about why it went so bad. It'd be irresponsible to just do as a lot of people do and put it down to running bad/variance. Some things were unfortunate, me with A889, flop comes A 8 x, get it all in on flop and he has AA. Some of it was just me not willing to believe I was beaten and paying off people. Great hand last night was flopping top set with second nut flush draw and then making flush on turn and stacking off to nut flush, I guess I had outs though. Some was just me missing all the flops and putting in too much pre-flop.

I came back today, got a few coolers as has seemed to be the case lately, but won a buy-in from that session. Came back later and 6 tabled it being a bit of a nit, it went better. So I think i'm 6BI down from where I started yesterday. Just it's made me think maybe I need a few more buy-ins for next level if I can lose 10 in a session. Though I should have really stopped.

Here's my current PTR, I actually hit a peak of $108, but it didn't seem to register.

04-04-2010 , 04:40 PM
Why do you keep posting PTR stats/graphs? They missed almost 5k hands for me at 5NL and are off by over $40 for the 5NL/Overall profit.

If you're not going to let us see your name, then we don't know if the graph is yours or not
04-04-2010 , 05:07 PM
Reason i'm doing PTR is because it's the most accurate thing i've got at the moment. I can't be bothered to buy HEM yet as i'm not sure how much i'll be playing poker & I know there's a 15 day trial, but i'd rather use it for when I need to go through my hands and it'd be more useful with a larger sample size. I'm hardly going to post someone else's graph and brag about making $80 or whatever it's at, and I don't think it's the smartest thing to be posting SN's as I may talk strat at some point or another and if I get to bigger games i'd rather they knew as little as possible about how I play.
04-04-2010 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
Reason i'm doing PTR is because it's the most accurate thing i've got at the moment. I can't be bothered to buy HEM yet as i'm not sure how much i'll be playing poker & I know there's a 15 day trial, but i'd rather use it for when I need to go through my hands and it'd be more useful with a larger sample size. I'm hardly going to post someone else's graph and brag about making $80 or whatever it's at, and I don't think it's the smartest thing to be posting SN's as I may talk strat at some point or another and if I get to bigger games i'd rather they knew as little as possible about how I play.
You should take advantage of PT3 60 day trial
04-04-2010 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by enprinte
You should take advantage of PT3 60 day trial
I didn't realise the trial was available for PLO too. I'll see if I can get it working some time.
04-04-2010 , 07:53 PM
Well it seems i'd had PT3 trial previously installed and it had expired. I was sceptical whether they did a PLO trial, but I decided to download PT3. I found a way around the trial which meant I could use it again (which i'm sure i'm not supposed to say, so won't elaborate here) and then started importing my hands and it didn't recognise PLO. So unless they do a PLO trial (which I can't see) then all I get is a 15 day HEM trial and i'll save that for when I play a bit bigger and have more hands.
04-04-2010 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
Here's my current PTR, I actually hit a peak of $108, but it didn't seem to register.

Haven't you heard? They only miss the pots you win (they actually had that as a tagline on their site 2 weeks ago lol)!
04-04-2010 , 08:52 PM
I'm interested in a sweat session. Being a spectator of course. Someone message me if one is going on, or will be going on shortly?
04-04-2010 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by SchererBoy
Why do you keep posting PTR stats/graphs? They missed almost 5k hands for me at 5NL and are off by over $40 for the 5NL/Overall profit.

If you're not going to let us see your name, then we don't know if the graph is yours or not

I would say that PTR is accurate for me, but IceWolf might ban me. He doesn't like when I say that.
I had a decent day today. Up $220 over 1K+ hands. BR still kind of staying flat.
04-04-2010 , 09:40 PM
I'm not sure about # of hands, but i'd say it's accurate to within a $ or 2 for me currently.
04-04-2010 , 11:19 PM
Ick. just tilted off 5 BI at FT... well, tilted 3 BI, had two suckouts. the latter led to the former.

fortunately up 4 BI at Stars, so down 1 BI overall.

Deep in the Sunday 2 Grand, need some run good, 13th of 13 left atm. gogogo.
04-04-2010 , 11:28 PM
Sorry for the double, this was my last hand:

Poker Stars 50FPP No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t3000/t6000 Blinds + t600 - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: t774539 M = 64.54
BB: t87061 M = 7.26
UTG: t285876 M = 23.82
Hero (CO): t31040 M = 2.59
BTN: t367290 M = 30.61

Pre Flop: (t12000) Hero is CO with A 9
1 fold, Hero raises to t30440 all in, 2 folds, BB calls t24440

Flop: (t66880) 7 9 4 (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t66880) 3 (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t66880) 5 (2 players - 1 is all in)

Villain shows A2o.

Picked up a BI on stars, so I'm up 4 BBs on the day. Go me.
04-05-2010 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
I would say that PTR is accurate for me, but IceWolf might ban me. He doesn't like when I say that.
I had a decent day today. Up $220 over 1K+ hands. BR still kind of staying flat.
No ban at all sir... you argued your side well enough that I leave it alone It's accurate for you, not as much for others.

Got bored today waiting for gf and family to get home from church so I loaded up some .80 cap plo..... that was almost fun. Running into AAxx with KKxx twice and QQxx once.... weeeeeee.
04-05-2010 , 02:05 AM
Thank god i finally booked a winner. FT was starting to own my soul. Ive finally climbed out of my cash-out downswing. it was one of those kind of days. i took a hard suckout earlier and so i threw in an nl25 table for fun (yeah i know, smart) and almost immediately got shipped a BI. guy open-shoved 11X pot AI on the flop and i snapped him up. avoided the draw, ez game lol.

On a sort of aside, i feel that im really growing a lot as a player. More than i ever have. Ive spent a lot more time than i ever have away from the tables and thats really what it is i think. im in the process of running through all meaningful hands in my database and breaking them down to bare bones. ranges, ev calcs, and how i missed maximizing. I had a sort of epiphany tonight too that might sound stupid to some and might help others. Nobody cares if you make a sick call at the micros. and youre not gonna build a BR by trying to make hero plays either. there are spots where fancy plays have their place, but theyre few and far between. when you make one, you (I) get results orientated and think youre (I'm) totally owning the game but youre not. you owned 1 idiot of many, many different idiots youll face. there is just no need to get involved if you think its close. point being, when you dont think its close is when youre good enough to make the plays. Its been said a million times before but im going to repeat it because i think it needs repeating. Play ABC poker, and hit your value spots hard. Fold when its close because youre going to get paid off when you have the nuts too. At the micros, a penny saved is a penny earned, seriously.

Especially if you fancy yourself a good player (which we all do) think about what it does to your mindset when you lose a BI to a total fish be it by suckout, cold deck, or bad play. I know it makes me feel awful like "how can i not beat these fools" and i dont think any of us play optimally after something like that. Since we fancy ourselves good players, i think it hurts our mindset MORE to take those kinds of swings. The fish dont care; theyll donk off their whole BR and just deposit again because its fun to them. Its not fun to us. I mean, it is, but not in the same way. We have all kinds of other considerations going on. And i think part of that too is getting over the sense of entitlement, however small it is. Just because we are better than average at our limit, it doesnt mean we are a lock winner every day. And if you tilt because you did something stupid, youre jeopardizing all the money you play with thereafter.

In short, tight is right. Fold when its close. If youre contemplating an AI decision, be OK with the fact youre not always going to win. If it will hurt you too much and youll beat yourself up over a bad decision, just forget it.

I'm not qualified to give any advice, im just one of you guys, but ive played too many hands at these limits now and im just trying to pass it on to some people that may be starting out or just havent realized this before.

now start folding to raises postflop and ill see you guys at SSNL

tl;dr i know
04-05-2010 , 02:45 AM
I'm finally back after my 2 week break from poker. I just finished taking my DAT's so now I have a lot of time to work on my game again.

I probably won't start playing 25nl again right away. I'll probably be watching DC videos for the next few days until I feel I am ready to play again.

Will keep you guys posted.
04-05-2010 , 05:24 AM
Sheepmoose how come you rage at losing two buyins a day? Trying losing 10
04-05-2010 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by tcs
Sheepmoose how come you rage at losing two buyins a day? Trying losing 10
Because the majority of those buy in's were lost by me running bad and then tilting. I want to get out of NL5 A.S.A.P as I can't stand playing it and it's difficult to do so when these things happen.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.05(BB) Replayer
Hero ($6.24)
BB ($1.49)
UTG ($3.75)
UTG+1 ($5)
CO ($6.25)
BTN ($5.49)

Dealt to Hero J K

UTG raises to $0.20, fold, fold, BTN calls $0.20, Hero calls $0.18, fold

FLOP ($0.65) 2 J 5

Hero checks, UTG bets $0.25, BTN calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1, UTG folds, BTN calls $0.75

TURN ($2.90) 2 J 5 K

Hero bets $2, BTN calls $2

RIVER ($6.90) 2 J 5 K 3

Hero bets $3.04 (AI), BTN calls $2.29 (AI)

BTN shows A 4
(Pre 56%, Flop 31.2%, Turn 25.0%)

Hero shows J K
(Pre 44%, Flop 68.8%, Turn 75.0%)

BTN wins $10.93

So with that in mind, I've withdrawn my bankroll. Going to deposit $200 at FTP and start at NL10, moving down when I get below $200.
