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BR question BR question

01-07-2010 , 11:13 AM
Hi, i debated about posting this here and bq, please move it if it should be there instead.

I am currently playing $5 9-max sng on stars using a br of 20 bi min (if i won't have 20 bi after i buy in i can't play that level) and was planning on continuing with this as i move up to $10 sng. I since realize this is much more aggressive than most others here suggest. I see suggested rolls of 50x +. I'm not playing for a living, but would like to make some extra cash from poker (goal is to save up enough poker money to withdraw and buy a cruise or about $600-800). I do not plan on redepositing. My roll is currently just over 200. Over 206 games at $5 i have a roi of 6% and itm about 40%. (Not actually how sure this is since i discovered i had a bunch of incomplete tournys and deleted them from hem since i didn't want to manually fix them all and now my winnings don't match with my actual winnings. and the winnings reported in hem are only about 1/2 (a little over) my actual winnings. I have since learned how to make sure the tournys finish)

So is my plan to transition to the $10 sng when i have $210+ before buying in and then buying the rest of the tables i have open with $5 too agro in your opinion?
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01-07-2010 , 11:21 AM
Really, it's up to you. Someone else can't tell if you it's overly aggressive since you have reasons for doing so.

However, if you plan on never redepositing, why would you let you risk of ruin be so high. It really wouldn't take you that long to get up to 40-50 BIs for the 10s if you keep playing and improving.
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01-07-2010 , 12:18 PM
its all player dependent. I prob have the worst br for the lvl i play but i got plenty of online people who will ship for me anytime i ask.
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01-07-2010 , 12:58 PM
If your true ROI is 6% in the 5's I'd recommend improving your game prior to moving up.
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01-07-2010 , 01:03 PM
I'd take a shot at $230, 4 buy ins then move back down to 5$ if run bad.
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