Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,752
Your post lacks some infos.
- Stack sizes
- Stakes (!)
Anyway, your preflop 3bet is way too small. There's already 28$ + the blinds in the pot. I'd probably raise to at least 40.
This flop is pretty bad for you. Checking or betting in this spot is very villain dependant but given the draws on this board, you should bet at least 60% if you chose to bet. If we follow your read that he likes to bet his pp, it's a good idea to check. Check/raising is awful however as he is going to fold his pp and call with his Ax.
The river bet is not very standard and I'd really prefer to check here unless you are pretty confient that he could call with worse in a 3bet pot.
In general, standard postflop bet sizing is around 60-80%, though betting more in some spots can be a good idea. On the river this is a bit more complicated and you can often bet less as people aren't drawing anymore. For this reason your $35 bet into a $152 pot looks dumb but may be ok if you think villain will call often enough with random hands you beat.