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best way to make  dollars a day? best way to make  dollars a day?

10-06-2008 , 07:20 PM
I've set a goal to make an extra $15 dollars a day playing poker. What's the best game to do that in? I have a $400 bankroll. Are the sit n gos better or should I play in full ring cash games? Thanks

edit: also, I work full time so only have a couple hours a day
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 07:29 PM
limit Omaha 8 play tight

basically recommend low limit hi/low split card games and learn the correct hands to play preflop just by doing that you should pretty much be guaranteed a profit because you opponents will find it irresistible to play medium to high pairs in stud hi low or worse and most suited and medium connected cards in omaha 8

Last edited by deesnuts; 10-06-2008 at 07:41 PM.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by BigWilly30
I've set a goal to make an extra $15 dollars a day playing poker. What's the best game to do that in? I have a $400 bankroll. Are the sit n gos better or should I play in full ring cash games? Thanks

edit: also, I work full time so only have a couple hours a day
you could make about $50 in less than an hr with that br depending on how the cards and the players are on the table

just play .05/.10 and buy in for the max $10 thats 40 buyins so you will have good money management aswell

Last edited by padod1; 10-06-2008 at 07:58 PM.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 07:33 PM
Well, you're rolled for NL10, maybe NL25 if you're decent.

You could probably win 1.5 buyins a day at NL10 if you play enough tables. Once you have $500, move up to NL25 and it will be a lot easier to hit your $15 goal every day.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 07:35 PM
you think you can make $100 at 5c/10c? That's a 1000% return!
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 07:36 PM
Well the answer depends on what you are skilled at? Cash games, then i would recommend 4 tabling .05/.10 if you can handle that (less tables if you cant, more if you can do so with an edge) and are you looking to build a bankroll or withdraw? or maybe a little of both. Atm my bankroll is about $900 i 4 table nl25 and either 4 table $5 stt or 2 table $10 stt (both 6 max) and i have built my bankroll well by throwing in the odd mtt. I would say no more than $5 per mtt for you. I also much prefer 6 max cash to full ring as i can play more hands and play looser but 9 max is fine if that is your game. Look forward to your response
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 07:39 PM
it sounds like you want consistency. cash is the best way to achieve that, mtt is the worst.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 07:54 PM
To answer the title of the thread:

Probably working a 2.5 hour shift at McDonalds or a similar establishment.

I would say that right now cash games look like the better way to go than sng's in terms of the amount of money it is possible to make and will probably also be less swingy.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
To answer the title of the thread:

Probably working a 2.5 hour shift at McDonalds or a similar establishment.

are you joking or would you really rather make 15$ a day working mcdonalds than sitting at home playing poker??? why would you want to deal with all the bs that is involved?
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by pairtheboard69
are you joking or would you really rather make 15$ a day working mcdonalds than sitting at home playing poker??? why would you want to deal with all the bs that is involved?
It was a half joke. Obviously I wouldn't want to. It takes me like 12 minutes to make $15 playing poker. I don't think anybody would want to really.

But for someone who hasn''t really played poker/won at poker before it's definitely easier to make $15 a day getting a job like that than learning to play poker.

I was just like half kidding because I've seen this question hundreds of times ....and there's not really an answer for it.

Best way to make $15 a day [at poker]?

Play poker well? I dunno. You aren't gonna make $15 a day if you aren't at least somewhat decent. I guess if you could beat 10NL for 5PTBB/100hands while playing 600 hands an hour (so like 7 tables of 6max) and you played 2.5 hours a day that would come out to like $15 per day. I dunno if that's the best way though. I mean, what does best way mean? If you can do that, maybe that's the best way. But if you're better at 7 card stud than that might be the better way. If you're not so good at anything right now than McDonalds is probably the best way ..... though admittedly probably less room for raises there than improvement at micro stakes poker. But you're also not gonna start off winning like that.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 08:47 PM
Dress like a bum and walk about asking everyone you see for 1$. You will have 15$ in less than 2 hours.

If that doesn't work, then the NL10/25 idea should work fine too
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 09:36 PM
I personally could make $15 a day playing for roughly 1.5-2 hours playing .50/1 Limit pretty easy if I stop win at $15 or over.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:00 PM
I make pretty good money right now putting a few hours into 25NL, usually 2-3 tables at a time.

Of course if you can't play that level it wont work.
Throwing down 3-4 $3 SNG's isn't a bad idea either, depending on your win rate.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 11:08 PM
i'm playing cash NL20 and i'm making $101.9/day as my avg.
so, i recommend u to play cash...
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-06-2008 , 11:41 PM
the reason I asked is because I feel like my play is better suited towards sit n gos, I sit back and let the donks bust themselves out. Once in a cash game I made $2 (5c/10c) in a minute, but it usually doesn't work out that way. But sit n gos take so long and there's always the chance that your AA will get busted by garbage.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 07:30 AM
If you can multi table, SnGs are the most consistent because the worth of each decision matters so much less (Shove Q5 into AK-- wow, you still have decent equity!), so much easier to make, and you make so many more of them.

the reason I asked is because I feel like my play is better suited towards sit n gos, I sit back and let the donks bust themselves out.
If you can fit in a huge volume and play low stakes, it should be fine. I'm doing exactly that project atm; playing 3-4 hours a day for 100-130 SnGs, and I'm getting well above 50 a day. Planning to move up stakes, of course, but so far I've had two downswings, and neither affected me too much because I just have such huge volume.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 07:55 AM
[QUOTE=playing 3-4 hours a day for 100-130 SnGs.[/QUOTE]

How many do you play at a time?? Are you playing turbo? What percentage of your bankroll is at stake for each sng??

I'm going to take your advice and try multi-tabling tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 08:16 AM
Oh, start with 4 tables first, playing extremely tight-- it's easier and more +EV to play this way in 9max, obviously.

You can loosen up as you get better, but here's a general guideline I've used. You probably know about this in some form or other.

Limp 22-88 EP-MP, raise them LP, Raise 99+, Raise ATs+, Raise QK MP-LP, limp suited connectables if 3+ limpers in front of you, complete small blind ATC if 3+ limpers in front of you. Reraise AKs, JJ/QQ+. Shove all in with your 3bet if potsize is more than 20% of your stack (not sure about this, I just approximate, but I shove all in if there's a raise in front of me and at least one limper).

Once you get past 25/50, start stealing blinds in late position. If effective stacks are 10BB or less, just shove all in if you're gonna raise. Learn about folding equity and shove fold from a program like SnG Wizard.

Now, I don't know if you know all this; if you've been around the site you probably know that this is the sort of basics to winning micro stakes SnGs. As you get better you can loosen up, especially in 6max, and bubble play gets significantly harder in turbos because lots of players will remain by the time the blinds are 50/100 or even 75/150.

I now do turbo 6max, which finish very quickly, and I do 6-10 of them at a time, and replenish them as they are about to end (or I lose a flip). As I mentioned, in turbos and 6max, you start opening up a lot, much like 6max cash compared to FR cash, and I like that + higher hourly rate, but when I do FR SnGs, I can play up to 15 tables at the same time, but I don't do turbos, so I play regular ones instead.

I get anywhere from 20-40 SnGs in in an hour when I'm playing intense, but it's somewhat stressful, and I only do 6 at a time usually so I can watch videos and movies while I'm at it.

I play really small stakes atm. My roll atm, is around 2.5k, but I'm playing only 6.5, but I'm likely moving to 13 tomorrow because I just got into the BoP leaderboard. I actually only have 500~ in my account because I send my money to a friend for safe keeping and I'm trying an experiment with another friend to earn 1.2k this month, then 1.8k the next, and so on, and I'm tracking progress at, which I mentioned in some other threads. I'm doing this because I'm trying to see if I can keep this up and use poker as a source of income (I'm still in college), so maybe this is relevant to you.

So in a way, I have a very small percentage of my entire bankroll at stake, because I started as a live player, and my offline roll is larger, but I only actually had around 40 BIs in my account when I started this month. I actually prefer to play lower stakes than I can afford because I think my edge is great enough and there will be far less variance. I am likely gimping my hourly rate by doing that, though...

Variance is managable for SnGs if you: have a large volume, have a reasonable roll, and have a good RoI. I'm running at 10-20%, fluctuating between days; I used to run at around 5% when I start, and had huge swings, but nowadays my swings don't matter much because after 100 games they even out pretty quickly most of the time. Haven't had a huge swing for a while, now.

I actually got 200 last night playing just SnGs (was on a heater), but then lost almost all of it in cash games. Pretty bad, I know.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 08:47 AM
5 to 20$ HU Turbo SnGs -> Profit
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 09:07 AM
u can easily make 100 bucks a day play the 10 buck sngs , i ave done it for the last few months
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 10:47 AM
Heading downtown and picking up change on the street. Decent exercise too
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 10:56 AM
learn to play poker games
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 01:14 PM
How about not setting your self up for faliur by setting up stupid daily monatary goals and make some good decisions.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by BigWilly30
I've set a goal to make an extra $15 dollars a day playing poker. What's the best game to do that in? I have a $400 bankroll. Are the sit n gos better or should I play in full ring cash games? Thanks

edit: also, I work full time so only have a couple hours a day
Learn to become a winning player, and strive to improve always.

The $ per day / $ per hour / $ per hand will take care of itself after that.
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
10-07-2008 , 02:21 PM
i would say 6 max cash game is your best bet... stay away from MTTs though they are teh ghey
best way to make  dollars a day? Quote
