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Best approach to the 50BB max buy in fishy live game? Best approach to the 50BB max buy in fishy live game?

10-15-2008 , 05:42 AM
Hi, recently i've just turned 20, and finally i can go to the local casino (at least 20 to enter at my country)
I'm a NL 50 online reg and with my bankroll, i can only play NL100 at most. What so special is the NL100 game is 1/2 blind, and your buy in can never exceed $100.

There's plenty of fish out there, and definitely I can crush those tables. However sometimes the tables will be full of weak tight players, they just limp preflop with marginal hands and they often call to my raises.
Most of the time I play TAG, but when card runs cold I'll be end up folding a lot.

So here's my question:
Since we are not deep at all, we are a lot easier to become pot committed. Postflop play becomes less important, would playing extra tight preflop do any good? Or do you have different approach? When i play online I always buy in full with 100BB, no way i'm getting used to it.
Best approach to the 50BB max buy in fishy live game? Quote
10-15-2008 , 06:02 AM
Generally at these live games poeple hate folding (folding's not fun, people go to casinos for fun and sometimes wander into the poker room ... and hands are dealt slower though so people get impatient, they don;'t wanna wait, they wanna have fun and gamble now ... and standard raise sizes are bigger, it's expected, etc. .... Usually play a bunch tighter than you would online, raise bigger than you would online ..... so yea tighten up and hands you're gonna play, play them harder ... Live is usually very very soft, you don't need to do much of anything ... fold most hands and the goods you get raise a bunch, play them fast and hard.

Can't do it 50BB's deep but if deeper can get in there with other suited connectors and low to mid pockets and expect to have ridic implied odds quite often.
Best approach to the 50BB max buy in fishy live game? Quote
10-15-2008 , 06:16 AM
Yes, it is wild on weekends, but on weekdays there are more regular nits.
Can't really do much with 50BB, low implied odds and people usually pot committed at the turn.
Best approach to the 50BB max buy in fishy live game? Quote
10-15-2008 , 06:32 AM
I keep hearing that live play is weaker than online play. But does the play level get similar as you move up in stakes? Would 2000NL be the same skill level for live and online? What about 10000NL? Thanks, Yojimgari
Best approach to the 50BB max buy in fishy live game? Quote
