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Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Beginner looking for all the tips he can take

11-12-2011 , 08:30 PM
Hey guys

New player here. Been playing 4 weeks but during that time ive been really active. Haven't stopped playing, reading or learning. And watched the full WSOP 2011 just to try and pick up some stuff. I'm 18 so I don't have the largest amount of real world knowledge or the bank roll for serious play. I do play cash and I want to start playing properly so that when I get to Uni I can supplement my income. I'm also looking for coaching at the moment.

So any tips you guys have got?

I play .01/.02 NLHE 10 max. I'm aiming to increase the amount soon. Cheers guys

Last edited by oNste; 11-12-2011 at 08:48 PM.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-12-2011 , 09:08 PM
Play very tight out of the blinds and in early position.

Loosen up in late position, you want to be the loosest when you're on the button.

Pay attention to the board and how your opponent has played his hand. By this I mean don't get in love with top pair if he's betting hard and you have A7 on AKQ98 with 3 hearts for example, more than likely he has you beat.

Don't continuation bet [bet flop after raising preflop] on boards where it is likely your opponents hand hits. for example, say you raise AT and board comes 569 this is a board you definitely should not cbet. So much of your opponents range will call. 55 through to AA will continue as will lots of suited connectors like 67, 89, etc.

Conversely, you should often cbet Ace high flops if you raised preflop, paired boards where there are no flush+straight draws, and King high flops.

This video goes into more detail about cbetting and you should definitely watch it as cbetting is a major leak for lots of players at micro stakes:

When setmining, make sure your 'implied odds' are 20:1. Implied odds are easy to calculate, divide your stack by the betsize you're facing and if the result is 20 or more, it's ok to setmine.

Think ahead of yourself, make sure you have a plan for every hand. If someone reraises you make a plan of what you will do for any card.

Don't play multiple tables until you are comfortable doing so.

Try and find a seat where there are fish on your right hand side. Fish on your right is great because you have position on them virtually all the time.

Finally, read all the links on post#1 of this - - they are an immense help!

Good luck OP!
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-12-2011 , 09:11 PM
Cheers bro. I don't actually play hands that I'm not certain about the strength. Sounds a bit noobie but I don't play a hand with an ace just because it has an ace. I will fold or check if it is anything less than AT.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-12-2011 , 10:21 PM
Work your way through the FAQ for this forum and come back and ask questions on anything you're not sure about. Good luck!
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-12-2011 , 10:53 PM
Cheers bro. That's a useful link. Reading through it now.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-12-2011 , 11:15 PM
That's a really good vid.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 09:52 AM
can´t pm you

you can pm me if you want to talk about poker in skype
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:03 AM
Hey man yeah I'll definitely take that offer thanks! I am getting a new computer very soon so when I have it I will pass you my skype details! Cheers man
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:42 AM
Best tip I got when I first started was not to go chasing with small pocket pairs. If you miss the flop (which you usually do) just fold to any raise if there are overcards. Don't worry about odds just go by your intuition - I was a winning player long before I could work out pot odds. Things like pot odds can come later but the most important thing is play play and play.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:53 AM
Cheers man. Yeah I played in a $50 NLHE event at my local casino the other night. And got raised all in while I had pocket jacks. I called. He had a queen six suited. On the turn he pulled flush. Man was I annoyed.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 11:20 AM
pm me now for talking in skype`?
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 12:36 PM
Play ABC tight like a crabs *******, and light 3 bet when u feel the urge. Purchase holdem manager and become active with hands and updates on 2+2, then lastly id say as far as coaching holla at sonny jim
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 05:46 PM
Sweet as man. Cheers. I don't play many hands to be honest and when I do I usually come out on top. I think my value betting for the stake level is pretty decent and I can pull a fair amount of value out, and if I don't trust their hand come the turn. I'll just give a quick overbet to really make them think.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by oNste
Sweet as man. Cheers. I don't play many hands to be honest and when I do I usually come out on top. I think my value betting for the stake level is pretty decent and I can pull a fair amount of value out, and if I don't trust their hand come the turn. I'll just give a quick overbet to really make them think.
Don't overbet!

A pot bet doesn't give odds to anything but an open ended straight flush draw, only overbet if you haven't got the chips to reshove.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 05:56 PM
It's not usually by much. Just enough that I can afford and so that where he was a bit apprehensive on my v-bets. Now he just pulls out.

But could you please explain what you meant please?
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by oNste
I can pull a fair amount of value out, and if I don't trust their hand come the turn. I'll just give a quick overbet to really make them think.
If you think you have the best hand, you should only overbet if you think you get called by worse. Most of the time you extract maximise value by betting amounts that make the villain think he's getting good odds to call when you're actually just reeling him in when he is way behind. Overbetting as a bluff is OK, but you have to get a fold most of the time, or otherwise you're just spewing.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 06:05 PM
A pot bet doesn't give odds to anything but an open ended straight flush draw, only overbet if you haven't got the chips to reshove.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 06:10 PM
Alright mad. Cheers guys. I'm trying to just overall improve as a player so any help is really useful. Thank you
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 07:14 PM
wow i think i need a card runners subscription after seeing that vid well explained
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 07:39 PM
Don't play rags.

Seriously don't play them.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-13-2011 , 07:55 PM
Sooner rather than later you are going to lose 10BI in one session, guaranteed. It will affect you emotionally. Walk away from the computer and dont play for the rest of the day. You can undo months of good work in one day if you lose your composure. All the skill in the world wont matter if you dont control this.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-14-2011 , 12:17 AM
So what you're saying is don't get cocky and that I should bounce back. Because if that is what you were saying I lost 100 in the space of 3 hours the other night.
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-14-2011 , 04:51 AM
Good advice = do not move away from 1cent/2cent until your bankroll actually increases by your earnings
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-14-2011 , 05:02 AM
What do you mean by that?
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
11-14-2011 , 05:03 AM
Dont try to move up in levels quickly
Beginner looking for all the tips he can take Quote
