Bankroll for deep-stack cash games?
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 190
I know that the traditional number of buy-ins for a certain level is anywhere from 20-40; so for $0.50/$1, you need at least $2,000 to be reasonably rolled (realistically online you'd probably need more, but for the sake of the discussion we'll leave it at that).
If the game is with a $200 buy-in at the $0.50/$1 instead, however, do I need to treat my bankroll in terms of "I have X number of $200 buy-ins," or "I have X number of normal 100 bb buy-ins?"
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 903
you have x number of 200 buyins (because thats what you are buying in for), however, for a deep live game where you are a favourite I would feel comfortable playing with 10 or 15BIs. Just play in your comfort zone, no one else can tell you what to do with your money.
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 6,092
Generally as buy in amount (in terms of BBs; not absolute $) goes up the amount of buyins needed goes down.
Personally for a game played with 200bbs I'd feel comfortable with 15 buyins.