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B&M vs. Online, how to get started B&M vs. Online, how to get started

01-28-2010 , 11:52 PM
I've been throwing around being a pro poker player in my mind. I think I like it, and that I can do it. However, I find online poker so very boring, and much more competitive than live action in a cardroom. It seems so much easier to play in person than online. I would have thought it would be easier online, but so far, the games seem much looser and the play seems a lot worse in Brick an Mortar. (Mind you I've only played $100 max nl and 2/4 limit, however the play online at these levels is vicious comparatively.) I'm not an expert by any means, but I am a winning live player in low limits, and I've done ok online, however its seems a lot harder online.
My main question is, is it that much more lucrative online than in person? Would I be better off just working on my game and keeping at online?(mind you i'm not too good at multi-tabling, so that advantage is minimized a bit, i can probably handle 4 tables max in a cash game and maybe 6 in sng tourney, but that gets hairy when the tourney hands speed up near endgame)
I'm just looking for general advice. What does it take? What can I expect? How much more competitive does a 5/10 limit game get? 10/20?

My game is ok in general, however I am too conservative sometimes I think,
I'd like to develop a more aggressive style, as I've seen those players playing, and they almost always do quite well. I do ok, but I see all that profit that they soak up by stealing small pots and chasing people out of pots etc, whenever I've tried to do that, I just suck at it. I can bluff a bit, but these guys seem to know just when to semibluff, just when to fold, and they seem to always have a reasonable (and usually winning) hand whenever someone gets frustrated enough to just shove on them or call them down...

I realize that this has been a bit of a rambling post and I'm sorry about that, but I just wanted to ask a few questions all at once, hopefully one of you wise pros will give me some pointers.

Any thoughts or suggestions on what to do, and how to get better would be appreciated. It's a dream that I can actually envision coming true, and that really excites me.
Let me know what you think
B&M vs. Online, how to get started Quote
01-28-2010 , 11:57 PM
$100 buyin game at brick and mortar is = to a $10nl game online. and your 4/8 limit live game is = to .50/1 online game. talent wise. imo and i come from a live playing back ground. i think they play at a lower stakes but mass table for lower variance and high volume.= constant $$
B&M vs. Online, how to get started Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:14 AM
200nl, 400nl live = 2nl online
B&M vs. Online, how to get started Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:22 AM
you can make plenty playing live you just have to put in the hours. and even though youre 1 tabling the variance is lower live cause you'll have a much bigger edge. just make sure you game select if you make it to 5/ could do it lower but almost every table will be soft, though if you find a rare tight table during peak hours prob best to switch
B&M vs. Online, how to get started Quote
01-31-2010 , 03:06 AM
I would put $100-$500 online if you can. Start small and build your skill/br. Online you will learn faster and it takes a lot less time in the long run. There are way more options playing online.
B&M vs. Online, how to get started Quote
02-01-2010 , 01:50 AM
Contrary to what people will tell you on here, live games can be tough. Even if the players are not that skilled, many are very aggressive and love to gamble and intimidate scared money (which you will be). Your local 1-2 2-5 will probably be games that are tight and fairly solid, with some crazy money mixed in with scared money. If you run good you will win nicely if you run poorly you will lose (simple as that). If you continue to grind these games however and figure out the regulars, you can usually beat them for a nice profit and this is all NL hold em btw.

If you dont have a lot of start up cash I would consider getting a job first and keep a guarenteed income coming in. Work and grind some games online you can beat and try to get the best rakeback deals you can. Take shots at live cash games and hu nl online if the games are good and you are feeling it until your roll is fat and durrr is telling you nice hand . The turnover rate for pro poker players is quite high though, I suggest not putting all your eggs in one basket.
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02-01-2010 , 02:23 AM
Wat are the peak hours during a week and during a weekend?
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02-01-2010 , 02:38 AM
when drunk buisness men from out of town come in after work. or the regular working drones get done with the work day,- 5pm-11pm. i found wed-sat night good with of course fri night the best. some thursday's " depends on paydays with the locals". the best is when a big concert comes to town, like jimmy buffet or some crap. i live in omaha,NE so when the college world series comes to town that 3 weeks is gold.
B&M vs. Online, how to get started Quote
02-01-2010 , 07:27 AM
When I started at online, I was like this is amazing and lot more easier than live. But as I keep playing online, came to know various aspects and why it is so different from B&M.
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