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April Beginner's Bankroll Thread April Beginner's Bankroll Thread

04-21-2014 , 01:18 PM
Made a couple of questionable plays yesterday. Lost stacks.

h1: Call down? History: we we're starting tables and he had started to 3b me quite me a lot. Cbet 54% cbet in 3b pot 57%.

Microgaming - €0.20 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

UTG: €19.84 (VPIP: 14.29, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 7)
CO: €31.37 (VPIP: 57.36, PFR: 18.27, 3Bet Preflop: 17.44, Hands: 201)
Hero (BTN): €25.24
SB: €22.58 (VPIP: 24.66, PFR: 18.83, 3Bet Preflop: 8.91, Hands: 675)
BB: €14.14 (VPIP: 25.59, PFR: 20.11, 3Bet Preflop: 8.89, Hands: 386)

SB posts SB €0.10, BB posts BB €0.20

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.30) Hero has Q A

fold, fold, Hero raises to €0.40, SB raises to €1.60, fold, Hero calls €1.20

Flop: (€3.40, 2 players) 5 5 2
SB bets €1.70, Hero calls €1.70

Turn: (€6.80, 2 players) A
SB bets €4.50, Hero calls €4.50

River: (€15.80, 2 players) 4
SB bets €14.78 and is all-in, Hero calls €14.78

h2: Thoughts on this? Can't be sure how wide he flats, so might have A2-A5s? I wasn't sure what to do, think flatting would be better and gii turn? or decide?

iPoker - €0.20 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: €29.62 (VPIP: 23.26, PFR: 17.88, 3Bet Preflop: 11.72, Hands: 649)
BB: €13.26 (VPIP: 31.25, PFR: 26.17, 3Bet Preflop: 8.08, Hands: 264)
UTG: €7.19 (VPIP: 26.67, PFR: 16.67, 3Bet Preflop: 7.69, Hands: 31)
CO: €19.50 (VPIP: 0.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 5)
Hero (BTN): €20.00

SB posts SB €0.10, BB posts BB €0.20

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.30) Hero has T A

fold, CO raises to €0.60, Hero raises to €1.80, fold, fold, CO calls €1.20

Flop: (€3.90, 2 players) A 9 A
CO checks, Hero bets €2.00, CO raises to €6.00, Hero raises to €18.20 and is all-in, CO calls €11.70

h3: will jam get called by worse here?

iPoker - £0.20 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: £25.22 (VPIP: 66.67, PFR: 44.44, 3Bet Preflop: 42.86, Hands: 9)
Hero (CO): £19.40
BTN: £19.00 (VPIP: 32.88, PFR: 23.97, 3Bet Preflop: 5.56, Hands: 153)
SB: £20.00 (VPIP: 29.66, PFR: 23.45, 3Bet Preflop: 23.33, Hands: 147)
BB: £36.58 (VPIP: 34.00, PFR: 26.00, 3Bet Preflop: 7.89, Hands: 103)
UTG: £31.73 (VPIP: 48.15, PFR: 29.63, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 29)

SB posts SB £0.10, BB posts BB £0.20

Pre Flop: (pot: £0.30) Hero has A 5

fold, MP calls £0.20, Hero raises to £0.60, BTN calls £0.60, fold, fold, fold

Flop: (£1.70, 2 players) K A 9
Hero bets £1.00, BTN calls £1.00

Turn: (£3.70, 2 players) 6
Hero checks, BTN bets £2.59, Hero calls £2.59

River: (£8.88, 2 players) K
Hero checks, BTN bets £4.00, Hero raises to £15.21 and is all-in, BTN calls £10.81
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-21-2014 , 01:25 PM
Folding the JJ 180bb deep.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-21-2014 , 06:00 PM
Thinking about a new plan. I would start playing 20nl speed on iPoker, 4-tabling preferably. Enough hands that way. I would start reading Janda's book, start studying hand ranges, cbet & 3b tendencies vs the population. And just put more thought into why players do what they do.
Got a nice schedule of summer studies coming up (meaning i have income on the summer). Most of them are online studies, so when i finish them i will have plenty of time for poker.
I think speed poker might have better regs playing. It also allows to end session quick, if you feel tilted. Also opens up a lot more spots with hands.
I know my edge is in the regular cash games, but that's just a whale-hunt sometimes
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-21-2014 , 06:09 PM
20nl speed on Ipoker is just a nitfest RB grind. You're not gonna improve like that very quickly. Why not just play normal tables and get a higher winrate whilst doing the same thing and really getting to understand villains and how to exploit them?
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-21-2014 , 06:50 PM
Why not just play on Stars tbh.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-21-2014 , 07:31 PM
RB is very convenient with low volume. I don't like how big zoom player pool is. Takes time to get real reads on players. End up bluffing some fish always :P
Originally Posted by Dunna100
20nl speed on Ipoker is just a nitfest RB grind. You're not gonna improve like that very quickly. Why not just play normal tables and get a higher winrate whilst doing the same thing and really getting to understand villains and how to exploit them?
I like it how new hand pops up every time. Allows to think what players do as "standard" in certain spots. Also more options to play 3b pots etc. I can also work on my opening ranges. See how opening sc's from MP works out. These are all available on normal tables, but i could practise more systematically in speed/zoom.
I agree that it's a RB grind. Some regs play with 50bb's... Like the edge wasn't small enough already
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-21-2014 , 08:37 PM
Meh. When exams are over this week i will start reviewing DB, my own gameplay and other regs. This month's graph looks embarrasing. It's RB grinder poster boy graph. One goal was to be at least b/e at 20nl so that's fine though. But i think it can be improved a ton.
Posted stats + graph here:

Last edited by Fishtankz; 04-21-2014 at 08:43 PM.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-22-2014 , 05:32 AM
Getting frustrated with spots like this, jam the flop here?

PokerStars - $0.10 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP+1: $13.30 (VPIP: 14.43, PFR: 11.34, 3Bet Preflop: 4.35, Hands: 98)
CO: $10.00 (VPIP: 10.84, PFR: 7.39, 3Bet Preflop: 2.30, Hands: 203)
BTN: $20.08 (VPIP: 55.56, PFR: 16.67, 3Bet Preflop: 12.50, Hands: 18)
SB: $10.09 (VPIP: 21.76, PFR: 12.59, 3Bet Preflop: 2.70, Hands: 857)
BB: $12.46 (VPIP: 33.33, PFR: 33.33, 3Bet Preflop: 50.00, Hands: 15)
UTG: $14.73 (VPIP: 27.78, PFR: 11.11, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 18)
Hero (UTG+1): $8.60
MP: $14.79 (VPIP: 18.80, PFR: 12.40, 3Bet Preflop: 3.45, Hands: 252)

SB posts SB $0.05, BB posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.15) Hero has 7 7

UTG calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.33, fold, fold, fold, fold, SB calls $0.28, fold, fold

Flop: ($0.86, 2 players) 8 7 3
SB checks, Hero bets $0.40, SB raises to $1.21, Hero calls $0.81

Turn: ($3.28, 2 players) J
SB bets $1.56, Hero raises to $3.12, SB raises to $7.80, Hero calls $3.94 and is all-in

River: ($17.40, 2 players) 6

SB shows T 9 (Straight, Jack High) (Pre 50%, Flop 40%, Turn 77%)
Hero shows 7 7 (Three of a Kind, Sevens) (Pre 50%, Flop 60%, Turn 23%)
SB wins $16.62
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-22-2014 , 06:07 AM
I'd be jamming flop.
Maybe I can find a fold on the turn, since the FD completed. But it'd be more of a 'scare fold' than anything, I'm not that good. Though with the flop raise I'd put him on overpairs/sets.

Just my opinion, wait until someone better responds.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-22-2014 , 06:37 AM
Never flatting flop on that board, I'd fist-pump put more money in the pot versus all those draws. Villain makes a mistake by raising flop, and you should have benefited from that mistake by making him put more money in the pot with the worst of it.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-22-2014 , 07:16 AM
That flop is wetter than an otters pocket, GII OTF.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-22-2014 , 07:31 AM
Snap shoveling the money in vs that player. He should have no bluffs in that spot really, given his stats, which indicate that he is weak tight player.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-22-2014 , 07:43 AM
Let me go through some more hands:

H1: This is close, I don't mind calling him down as AK is basically the one value hand he can have, except for some juicy 5x or something if he 3bets K5s and those kinds of hands (polarized).

H2: Never 3bet ATo pre-flop unless villlain folds to like a crazy amount of three bets. This is a huge mistake, pre-flop.
Do not raise the flop, here either. You don't give the villain any chance to turn up with the worst of it.

As you have trips, you also have kicker problems. This is a spot where I might just check-behind and call down turn river regardless unimproved. I would be surprised if you are good here.

H3: Not that many houses in villains range here I would assume. I'm not sure if he limps he's whole range. He looks like a donk so you should be able to see a lot of worse hands call you down here like KQ KJ KT.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-22-2014 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by gamma001
Folding the JJ 180bb deep.
Would you call QQ/AK?

And yeah the reason I asked was because it was 180BB. If it was 100BB's I'd have just snapcalled JJ there but ended up tank calling and wasn't that happy about it.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-23-2014 , 12:30 AM
Such an annoying grind yesterday. Down -50€. Decided to toggle off EV, some fish sucked out after i raised <2bb less than my stack with top set. I was about to lose the hand anyways, so why bother with EV?
But if this is what i lose on my worst variance days, how much will i win on my best days?

h1: b/c ok?

partypoker - $0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: $28.81 (VPIP: 35.90, PFR: 25.64, 3Bet Preflop: 5.88, Hands: 40)
BB: $11.15 (VPIP: 23.73, PFR: 20.34, 3Bet Preflop: 4.55, Hands: 59)
UTG: $57.79 (VPIP: 35.00, PFR: 7.00, 3Bet Preflop: 3.26, Hands: 200)
Hero (CO): $49.19
BTN: $28.84 (VPIP: 31.82, PFR: 9.09, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 24)

SB posts SB $0.10, BB posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.35) Hero has T T

UTG raises to $0.75, Hero calls $0.75, BTN calls $0.75, fold, BB calls $0.50

Flop: ($3.10, 4 players) 7 5 8
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $2.00, BTN calls $2.00, fold, UTG calls $2.00

Turn: ($9.10, 3 players) T
UTG checks, Hero bets $6.00, BTN calls $6.00, fold

River: ($21.10, 2 players) Q
Hero bets $9.00, BTN raises to $20.09 and is all-in, Hero calls $11.09

h2: the fish was really weaktight. Found it hard to stack him. Would have probably folded to any raise. Glad to not go broke in that hand.

partypoker - $0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: $25.00 (VPIP: 0.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 1)
BB: $25.95 (VPIP: 13.64, PFR: 10.39, 3Bet Preflop: 5.08, Hands: 155)
UTG: $32.85 (VPIP: 22.83, PFR: 13.04, 3Bet Preflop: 5.71, Hands: 93)
CO: $45.60 (VPIP: 40.06, PFR: 9.63, 3Bet Preflop: 2.90, Hands: 329)
Hero (BTN): $30.88

SB posts SB $0.10, BB posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.35) Hero has 2 2

UTG calls $0.25, CO raises to $1.25, Hero calls $1.25, fold, fold, fold

Flop: ($3.10, 2 players) 9 2 K
CO bets $1.50, Hero calls $1.50

Turn: ($6.10, 2 players) J
CO bets $4.00, Hero calls $4.00

River: ($14.10, 2 players) 5
CO checks, Hero bets $10.00, CO calls $10.00

Hero shows 2 2 (Three of a Kind, Twos) (Pre 18%, Flop 4%, Turn 2%)
CO shows K K (Three of a Kind, Kings) (Pre 82%, Flop 96%, Turn 98%)
CO wins $32.40
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-23-2014 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by MMSS
Think I made something in the region of $100 this month. With time spent on poker related stuff that probably equates to I should just get a part time job.

MMSS = Real Pro
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-23-2014 , 10:42 AM
Started playing online again this month with $50. 15k hands at 2NL so far and $62.84 in profit.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-23-2014 , 02:12 PM
On the latest episode of PP Premier League, Selbst starts talking about balance in her bustout interview... *facepalm*
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-23-2014 , 02:32 PM
Anyone got any links for a video to blind play for 6 max? I've found Splitsuits video but it's for Full Ring.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-23-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by kevsaled3e
Anyone got any links for a video to blind play for 6 max? I've found Splitsuits video but it's for Full Ring.
Makes a difference why?
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-23-2014 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by MMSS
Makes a difference why?
Guess it doesn't then.
April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
04-23-2014 , 06:59 PM
    Poker Stars, $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #26140111

    Hero (BTN): $2.18 (109 bb)
    SB: $0.95 (47.5 bb)
    BB: $2.03 (101.5 bb)
    UTG+1: $7.16 (358 bb)
    UTG+2: $3.58 (179 bb)
    MP1: $0.95 (47.5 bb)
    MP2: $1.03 (51.5 bb)
    MP3: $3.28 (164 bb)
    CO: $2.34 (117 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BTN with K K
    UTG+1 raises to $0.07, 5 folds, Hero raises to $0.24, 2 folds, UTG+1 calls $0.17

    Flop: ($0.51) 2 Q T (2 players)
    UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $0.40, UTG+1 raises to $1.69, Hero raises to $1.94 and is all-in, UTG+1 calls $0.25

    Turn: ($4.39) 9 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: ($4.39) 3 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: $4.39 pot ($0.15 rake)
    Final Board: 2 Q T 9 3
    Hero showed K K and won $4.24 ($2.06 net)
    UTG+1 showed Q Q and lost (-$2.18 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Vill is 14/14 over 30 hands.

    Fold flop? I think the only hands he would call a 3bet after opening UTG and not 4bet-GII are QQ/JJ/AK/AQ.
    And he would probably x/f JJ/AK on that flop (maybe x/c AhKh but I have the Kh). He would bet bet AQ. So I'm against QQ most of the time. Do you guys think that's correct?
    April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
    04-23-2014 , 07:04 PM

    Decided to become more aggressive with my BRM and attack 50nl along with 20nl. Games aren't plentiful on 888 atm and it will help me maximize the last weeks of my 80% rakeback.
    April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
    04-23-2014 , 07:04 PM
    You have K
    What does that mean for villains range? Oh well you posted it already. Means that he can't have AKhh KJhh etc. Only combo draw would be 9Jhh or AThh. Less drawy hands, more value hands, so fold it imo. Unless you have a read that he would do this with TPTK.
    April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
    04-23-2014 , 08:04 PM
      Poker Stars, $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #26140291

      BTN: $5.56 (278 bb)
      SB: $3 (150 bb)
      BB: $2 (100 bb)
      UTG+1: $2.01 (100.5 bb)
      UTG+2: $1.58 (79 bb)
      MP1: $1.91 (95.5 bb)
      MP2: $2.90 (145 bb)
      Hero (MP3): $3.25 (162.5 bb)
      CO: $1.33 (66.5 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is MP3 with A J
      4 folds, Hero raises to $0.06, 2 folds, SB calls $0.05, BB calls $0.04

      Flop: ($0.18) Q K K (3 players)
      SB bets $0.02, BB calls $0.02, Hero raises to $0.20, SB folds, BB calls $0.18

      Turn: ($0.60) T (2 players)
      BB checks, Hero bets $0.50, BB calls $0.50

      River: ($1.60) 9 (2 players)
      BB checks, Hero bets $1.24, BB calls $1.24 and is all-in

      Results: $4.08 pot ($0.14 rake)
      Final Board: Q K K T 9
      BB showed 9 K and won $3.94 ($1.94 net)
      Hero showed A J and lost (-$2 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

      Value betting river is obvious, right? Vill is 38/5 over 20 hands.

      Last edited by thoughtsymmetry; 04-23-2014 at 08:10 PM.
      April Beginner's Bankroll Thread Quote
