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April Beginners Bankroll Thread April Beginners Bankroll Thread

04-24-2012 , 05:56 PM
I got a decent wedge stuck on there myself. Thought it was gone long long ago. Still dont hold out any hope. Why would stars buyout ft anyway? just let them die and get all their customers makes more business sense.
04-24-2012 , 05:56 PM
Hand 1: fold river, everything got there
Hand 2: fold flop
Hand 3: fold pre
Hand 4: call pre, post is ok
Hand 5: call pre, check back flop
04-24-2012 , 06:01 PM
hand 2 - why fold flop?
hand 3 - is that a rule - if someone open shoves, they are only doing with AA (maybe KK?)
hand 4 and hand 5 we arent 3betting JJ or QQ pre? whuthefuh ?

please explain a bit more your answers zumby mate
04-24-2012 , 06:12 PM
Too thin for value (vil is 28/0 but has shown up with hands as weak as K hi)?

    Party, $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 7 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    MP2: $0.77 (38.5 bb)
    Hero (SB): $4.94 (247 bb)
    MP1: $2 (100 bb)
    BTN: $5.76 (288 bb)
    BB: $2 (100 bb)
    CO: $1.54 (77 bb)
    MP3: $1.99 (99.5 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with A K
    4 folds, BTN calls $0.02, Hero raises to $0.08, BB folds, BTN calls $0.06

    Flop: ($0.18) 3 9 5 (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.09, BTN raises to $0.24, Hero calls $0.15

    Turn: ($0.66) 4 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN checks

    River: ($0.66) 3 (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.31, BTN calls $0.31

    Results: $1.28 pot ($0.06 rake)
    Final Board: 3 9 5 4 3
    Hero showed A K and lost (-$0.63 net)
    BTN showed 7 9 and won $1.22 ($0.59 net)
    04-24-2012 , 06:16 PM
    I dont understand why you call the flop raise, I dont understand why you lead out on the river. particularly the river. Thin value has got nothing to do with your bet. he raised your flop bet, this is hardly ever a bluff. at the river you have Ace high, which hand that he was raising the flop with do you beat? Be honest, you just bet a random amount on the river and hope to take it down didnt you? Maybe if you had bet more ~ $0.50-0.60 perhaps? still, I wouldnt.
    04-24-2012 , 06:31 PM
    Originally Posted by chad0x00
    hand 2 - why fold flop?
    hand 3 - is that a rule - if someone open shoves, they are only doing with AA (maybe KK?)
    hand 4 and hand 5 we arent 3betting JJ or QQ pre? whuthefuh ?

    please explain a bit more your answers zumby mate
    Post less questions at once get longer answers

    Hand 2
    We had that thread at the weekend where there was seemingly endless debate on whether you should bet-fold the flop with an overpair. That should at least suggest to you that it's close in EV. TPMK is not even close, with no reads just fold. What worse raises for value? It's not a good thing that you've seen this guy show up with a BDSD because it's going to validate your thinking that you might be getting bluffed, but it's usually going to be a value hand that beats you or a draw that has good equity.

    Hand 3
    Might be AA, KK, QQ, AQ, 75s. Who knows? You want to call off a stack with AK having only invested ~3bb when someone squeezes all in to find out?

    Hand 4&5
    I hadn't look at the spoilers but the JJ hand is a good example it turns out. When you 3bet a UTG/MP raiser from MP/CO your perceived range is very strong. This is because a) their range should be perceived by you as tight and b) you have half the table left to act and seem unworried about being overcalled or cold-4bet. That guy isn't flatting QQ to trap you, he's likely concerned that your range has no bluffs. If you have a read that villain calls or 4bets light in this spot then obviously go ahead and 3bet these hands, but against an unknown I'm usually flatting.
    04-24-2012 , 07:17 PM
    Originally Posted by chad0x00
    I dont understand why you call the flop raise, I dont understand why you lead out on the river. particularly the river. Thin value has got nothing to do with your bet. he raised your flop bet, this is hardly ever a bluff. at the river you have Ace high, which hand that he was raising the flop with do you beat? Be honest, you just bet a random amount on the river and hope to take it down didnt you? Maybe if you had bet more ~ $0.50-0.60 perhaps? still, I wouldnt.
    No, I seriously expected him to call with a worse ace or even a king. I'm just asking whether this is ever appropriate - the circumstances at the table were extenuating to say the least, as I'd been playing hyperaggressively for a while. I called the flop raise because it's seemed like a spazzy attempt to take down the pot, and after it checked through on the turn I was fairly comfortable with my hand and fully expected to be ahead.
    04-24-2012 , 08:15 PM
    *sigh* it was one of those sessions. Started off running good and luckboxing it a little and found myself up a few buy-ins. Then I started running bad and playing a bit bad in some spots. Made a few questionable folds and found myself getting priced into hands with weak holdings. Was soon stuck on session, finished down some, but probably still up after rakeback. It's probably close. Trying to get my grind on more, but it's tough with work I was playing during the football, just finished around midnight - games pretty much died.

    I luckboxed it with the KQJT, I didn't even think villain would have top set in this spot. Still quite a few outs.

    Slow playing AAxx pre and flopping a set and running good.

    Started going downhill after this hand. I hate playing deep

    Dead on the turn

    Decided to put in a 4bet from the BTN with AAxx. Once the flop hit didn't think it was great so thought i'd fold rather than stacking off. Not sure if it's "correct"

    Nasty...I put villain on AAxx and thought I had tons of outs. Turns out it wasn't so great and he was a donk. Got him back later though.

    I knew the turn was an awful card for my hand. I just decided to turn my hand into a bluff based on villain's bet sizing. Wasn't successful sadly

    Couldn't believe this....I was feeling sick like I was hero calling and hoping to not see QT. I thought it was very possible.

    Not sure if a bit donk by me. I might have been getting a bit tired. Not sure if i'm supposed to fold here pre to the big bet. I didn't even realise how little it was to call on the flop. I obv should never fold there!

    Weird line by villain with AAxx.

    Near the end of my session, a bit stuck. I decided to peel for turn with gutshot and hit + flush draw. Villain couldn't fold top set, turned out to be a bit of a donk. Def got a bit lucky here.

    Same villain as the one where I had Q6 and thought they could have QT. Idk why I do this stuff. Decided to 3bet him with a DS hand and when he 4bet given stacks I called. Flop felt like an obv spot to get it in. Horrible shape for me and I lost a fairly big one at the € tables to make things worse.

    04-25-2012 , 12:08 AM
    Bankroll :

    Start : $100
    Now : $330

    $20 from ring game
    $210 from 6 max hyper turbo sng (1800 games with 7% ROI )


    Get a start on sharkscope ( in a couple days )
    Get to SilverStar
    Moving up to $3.5 hyper turbo
    Reaching $1k bankroll
    04-25-2012 , 01:24 AM
    Seriously Stars

    Stop Doomswitching Me. After reloading, I've lost that + more - Happens everytime (on FTP as well)

    Down ~$300ish playing hypers - people sucking out every time. Ax keeps getting there!, Losing flips, Losing vs underpairs!

    Ahrg... can't stop this downswing.

    /End rant.
    04-25-2012 , 02:35 AM
    Come on...

    Poker Stars $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em $0.02 Ante - 4 players -
    The Hand History Converter

    CO: $22.43
    BTN: $24.69
    SB: $6.24
    Hero (BB): $24.31

    Pre Flop: ($0.23) Hero is BB with 4d 5c
    CO calls $0.10, 1 fold, SB calls $0.05, Hero checks

    Flop: ($0.38) 2s As 9c (3 players)
    SB checks, Hero checks, CO checks

    Turn: ($0.38) 3c (3 players)
    SB checks, Hero bets $0.36, CO calls $0.36, SB folds

    River: ($1.10) 9h (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.90, CO raises to $2.50, Hero raises to $5.65, CO raises to $15.10, Hero calls $9.45

    Final Pot: $31.30
    CO shows Ad Ac (a full house, Aces full of Nines)
    Hero mucks 4d 5c
    CO wins $30.30
    (Rake: $1.00)
    04-25-2012 , 03:38 AM
    Firstly, No more hyper's until the end of next month (May) (sucks that stars doesn't have a ban game feature). So instead:

    Offering A Freeroll to All BQ People:

    $25 to you
    $25 to a charity of your choice

    If I am spotted playing ANY HUSNG HYPER TURBO or ANY 6-max/9-max HYPER TURBO games.

    Doesn't count if you see me playing a scheduled hyper turbo tournament. (I.E Scheduled HU Hypers/FO hypers etc...)

    Only applies to stars.
    04-25-2012 , 04:03 AM
    dont play hypers /nods sagely
    04-25-2012 , 05:05 AM
    Originally Posted by enprinte
    OMG PS bought FTP!
    are they both back online in the US? they wont segregate the players from us will they? Its going to be like fishing in a overfilled fish pond when the americans get back online. I cant wait.

    In othe news I continues to play yesterday and managed to win back 3BI from the 6BI I was down in the morning. I had made 5BI back but then doomswitch activated to a insta quit rather than lose it all back.

    Also im getting really frustrated with.. "This seat is occupied", "This seat is occupied", "This seat is occupied", "This seat is occupied".......

    Last edited by 3pidemic; 04-25-2012 at 05:12 AM.
    04-25-2012 , 05:52 AM
    First hand on first table of today table, 2 other players sit down with full stacks (unknowns) i have AK off in SB...

    BTN open shoves..

    Im never folding here. Anyway he had KQ and im left shouting "no Q" "no Q"
    04-25-2012 , 06:02 AM
    Im hoping that "No Queen" came mate?

    Pokerstars buying out FTP is not a done deal. It doesnt even make sense to me. Why would they bother since they have the poker market mostly to themselves now anyway?
    04-25-2012 , 06:31 AM
    Terrible Terrible Weekend.

    Probably one of my worst - Probably down close to $350 all up. (Including cash)

    Bricked another 4 $15 HUSNG - just could not close them out. (Villians kept sucking out when short, then won flips vs me when we were even).

    I think it may be time to call it quits with my stars roll.

    Will decide after sleeping on it tonight.
    04-25-2012 , 07:28 AM
    Why is everyone so sure the americans coming back online will be easy money?
    Just because of larger player pool?
    tbh I find it hard to play against unpredictable fish who will c/r with middle pair, call 3bets with junk so you can't put them on a hand, etc. Too swingy for my tastes.
    04-25-2012 , 07:56 AM
    imagine a world where there are another 100-200,000 players on stars, most of who dont have a clue how to play but have deep pockets. Those are the happiest days of our lives. This likely outcome is one of the main reasons I started learning and playing cash online last year. I want to be ready for when the US comes back.
    04-25-2012 , 08:37 AM
    Originally Posted by chad0x00
    imagine a world where there are another 100-200,000 players on stars, most of who dont have a clue how to play but have deep pockets. Those are the happiest days of our lives. This likely outcome is one of the main reasons I started learning and playing cash online last year. I want to be ready for when the US comes back.
    yes, lots of new fish ready to play and also lots of frustrated people who want to gamble with their locked up cash. There will be plenty of regs but I think there will be a lot more fish.
    04-25-2012 , 08:45 AM
    and a little field of alfalfa for the rabbits?
    04-25-2012 , 08:57 AM
    Originally Posted by 3pidemic
    yes, lots of new fish ready to play and also lots of frustrated people who want to gamble with their locked up cash. There will be plenty of regs but I think there will be a lot more fish.
    I also understood that a lot of people who used to play higher moved down to the micros when their rolls got locked up on FTP. If the money is returned, shouldn't it also then mean that a lot of current good regs move up and away from the micros?
    04-25-2012 , 09:38 AM
    No idea where this stuff about americans playing on stars or a potential new FTP is coming from. If it where to happen, it won't be anytime soon imo.
    04-25-2012 , 09:57 AM
    Online poker is illegal in the United States and I don't think that will change anytime soon, if ever. If they did re-legalize it poker skins would spam advertise ESPN and other networks that might be of interest, and then I think a new poker boom would happen.
    04-25-2012 , 09:59 AM
    Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
    No idea where this stuff about americans playing on stars or a potential new FTP is coming from. If it where to happen, it won't be anytime soon imo.
    I think it's from the post by Shaun Deeb who said FTP will be open in the US market.

    I'm now officially break even on Stars. My first deposit was for Micro Millions only and as I was way underrolled for most of those events I blew the roll in 40 MTTs, despite a nice 20% itm finishes. Or actually, when I had played all MM events I could play I just fired up some $11 MTTs with the last money to get rid of it (or get rich!) as I had no intention of staying on Stars. My second deposit was for BHUNLA and with the excess money from that deposit I have been grinding 2nl and 5nl zoom since then. As of today I've now earned back my initial €100 MM deposit and from now on I'll be looking at pure profit!
