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03-28-2011 , 05:34 PM
whats the right play with AK UTG. in 6max i raised got the big blind to call and the board was like 763 rainbow. he bet out like pot size bet. should you always fold if you miss and someone leads out first?
AK UTG Quote
03-28-2011 , 05:35 PM

edit - folding if the bb donk pots is fine
AK UTG Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:03 PM
i don't know what i'm talking about, but in that situation if i've been winning and am up alot, i'll chase alittle, but i'm always scared of flop texture like straight or flush possibilities like 678 or w/e, but if it's early in the game then I'll fold it.

^^^^^^^^pretty sure that's called a leak
AK UTG Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:13 PM
without info on villian folding it's fine but don't take this as a rule. u should develop reads that sometimes r wrong (expecially at the beginning).
start asking yourself question about what kind of player is,what kind of range could have,is doing this often, never? then look at your card and draw your conclusion.
in this case very easy fold unless u go ape crazy like "omg omg I got The big slick i gonna shove cuz i saw on tv"
AK UTG Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by SilentKilla
whats the right play with AK UTG. in 6max i raised got the big blind to call and the board was like 763 rainbow. he bet out like pot size bet. should you always fold if you miss and someone leads out first?
What kind of a player was the BB? What was your raise size pre? Have you seen him donkbet pots before?
Another important question: If an A or K comes on the turn and BB bets large again, are you really comfortable putting more money in?

As for what BB has here... You're way behind to any made hand, with very few outs in most cases and none in some. You're only slightly ahaid of straightdraws. Only thing you really beat is complete air and that's a very small part of his range (without specific reads).
Combine that with the large bet size (you don't want to be playing A-high in a big pot) and the fact that you probably won't feel comfortable committing your stack if you do hit an A or K on the turn and this is a fold.

Folding here isn't an absolute, it really depends on the range of hand BB does this with. If you know he slowplays anything big, then this bet is very likely to be a semi-bluff (or at most Top Pair). If he is a maniac, total air is very possible. Then your response depends on what you think he will do when you call or raise. But if you don't want to get into that, folding is a better general rule than call or raise.
AK UTG Quote
03-28-2011 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by dimaba
Another important question: If an A or K comes on the turn and BB bets large again, are you really comfortable putting more money in?
Excellent question: if you get what you want, do you really want it?
AK UTG Quote
03-29-2011 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Beer
Excellent question: if you get what you want, do you really want it?
Great points. If you are continuing flop you definitely need a plan for the turn and of course a lot these plans are player read dependent.
AK UTG Quote
03-29-2011 , 01:28 AM
fold when BB donks pot sized.

also due to position you AK is not such a great hand (if you raise big preflop some guy will shove and you will have a tough choice).
AK UTG Quote
03-29-2011 , 01:39 AM
fold w/o info on guess is that this is 2NL so there's about a 99.3234 chance that he's going to pot the turn again with any two.... just fold. make's life alot easier.
AK UTG Quote
03-29-2011 , 02:10 AM
What are the stack sizes? Do you have a BDFD? Has he been donk betting a lot? If he has donk betted a good amount of the time is it usually a fairly large bet such as a pot sized bet? Have you seen him donk bet and get raised before? If so how did he react in those situations? What was the board texture like in those cases?
AK UTG Quote
