AJo: too loose to cold call PF?
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 55
Playing 5NL ignition zone and I've been pouring through my HM2 db looking for leaks. I'm also working with some pretty thorough hand range charts that I picked up and I noticed that I've almost been insta-calling with AJo against EP or MP opens when my hand range charts don't recommend this. I always assumed that AJo was definitely marginal against solid EP/MP opening ranges but I thought it's still a thinly +EV call. I plugged the recommended ranges + all PP in both positions against AJo in position and I learned I do indeed have under 50% equity, 42% and 46% respectively. So what's the right play here? Does my positional advantage give me enough of an edge to turn this into a call or am I still under water from potential action behind me in the blinds?
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 2,649
in the micros, definietly don't call vs EP, it can be a profitable explo call vs loose opponents raising from MP, but I understand that zone is anonymous. That being said, AJo makes for a decent candidate for 3bet bluff vs ep/mp opens from time to time.
This changes at the higher stakes, but regs at the micros tend to be extremely tight (or at least they used to be, haven't played the micros in a long time), even more so in fast poker, so you need to adjust your ranges to that.
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 13,256
Except in the BB, AJo should be a 3-bet or fold, when facing an open. About the only offsuit hands that can profitably call are position is AKo/AQo, and the former is almost always a 3-bet, and the latter can be too. You shouldn't be doing much flatting pre.
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 623
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Except in the BB, AJo should be a 3-bet or fold, when facing an open. About the only offsuit hands that can profitably call are position is AKo/AQo, and the former is almost always a 3-bet, and the latter can be too. You shouldn't be doing much flatting pre.