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Advice on playing AK in cash games? Advice on playing AK in cash games?

03-08-2012 , 08:03 AM
I don't have a lot of experience playing cash and normal play mtt's. The last 5 times i've been dealt AK i've had to let it go i'll continuation bet but then end up letting it go.

I've missed the flop the last 5 times and just seem to be losing money with it should i be trying to bluff more with it or am i doin it right just letting it go and only betting when I hit?
Advice on playing AK in cash games? Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:15 AM
Five hands is nothing in poker, I`ve lost with KK vs AQ AI pre five times in a row on occation, it doesn`t mean KK is an underdog to AQ.

Posts some of the hands in question, it`s kind of hard to give advice not knowing how you played them.

Oh, and read the long answer
Advice on playing AK in cash games? Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:15 AM
* Arty tries desperately not to use the phrase "lolbad sample size" *

5 hands represent a lolbad sample size. * Damn! Failed! *

In the long run AK will win in the region of 55-65% of the times you get dealt it, depending on the tables you play (6max, full ring, fishy network, live) and - of course - how well you play it.
C-betting and then giving up is often perfectly fine, but there are plenty of spots where a c-bet is unwise, so don't blindly bet every time. (Many beginners auto c-bet, not considering flop texture, position and number and tendencies of villains).

This topic has been done to death on this forum (search for AK) but for detailed advice on how to play AK, go directly to and
Advice on playing AK in cash games? Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Scyth
I don't have a lot of experience playing cash and normal play mtt's. The last 5 times i've been dealt AK i've had to let it go i'll continuation bet but then end up letting it go.

I've missed the flop the last 5 times and just seem to be losing money with it should i be trying to bluff more with it or am i doin it right just letting it go and only betting when I hit?
Are you serious?! Bitching after 5 hands?! Come back in another 95 and we'll talk.
Advice on playing AK in cash games? Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:31 AM
Tuesday night in a local tournament I went all-in pre with AKo in early position with about a 30BB stack. Got called by QQ and KQo. I won the hand and ended up finishing in the top 10 in the tournament.

I echo the advice to read that COTW link you were given - excellent stuff.

I would cliff notes to say this: With AKs or AKo, you're dominated by AA (but since you have an A it's that much less likely someone else has AA), you have a 30% chance of beating KK (and, again, since you have a K it's less likely someone HAS KK), you are in a coinflip against ANY other pocket pair, and you DOMINATE any non-pair starting hand.

The key with AK is knowing when to dump it. If you were the PFR, fire one barrel and if you don't get an A or K by the turn, fold. EDIT: As Arty said, you will eventually figure out that there are BAD times to cbet AK, but if you're new to AK it's not a bad plan to cbet one street if you were the PFR. You'll eventually develop a feel for when it is and isn't a bad idea.

I personally 3-bet with AK, one because it's a very strong hand, another because I want to send a message to the table that I do 3-bet with hands other than AA and KK.

EDIT: Do NOT give up on AK - it will eventually be one of your top 10 most profitable starting hands, I promise.
Advice on playing AK in cash games? Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:48 AM
It's only ace high, and is beaten by ANY pair, don't get too attached to it.
I have seen* people shove on the flop over the top of a bet on Jxx boards against pocket jacks (also with queens).
It's like they think 'no, i haz ak it must win' despite what the board is telling them.

*plenty of times too.
Advice on playing AK in cash games? Quote
