Achievable Roi in $1 9max turbo SNGs ?
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 50
Over 500/1k sample size any idea ?
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 4,680
Why does it matter? What do you need the information for?
should be called sevenfour
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Her0can, it depends on a number of factors:
- variance (500/1k) games is merely a drop in the ocean when it comes to sample size, although admittedly it will give you a vague idea of how you are doing.
- how many tables you are playing at once, even with the micro stake sng, there will still be players able to exploit you and make the clever plays (particularly if you are multi-tabling.
- game selection - yes, it is micro stakes, but some plays are infinitely better than others! The better the players you are against the lower your ROI will be. More fish = moar $$$'s.
-your skills, we know nothing about your history/experience of playing poker, if you use a HUD, are you aware of ICM and its importance in Single Table Tournaments.
TLDR: achievable rates - say around 10-20% but as above points a 500 or 1k sample size is minuscule and there are plenty of other factors. Rake for example is a lot % wise on micro stakes.
Best of luck and let us know what win rate you can achieve!!