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ACE KING of the same suit against a Opponent who bets out of position on a questionable flop? ACE KING of the same suit against a Opponent who bets out of position on a questionable flop?

02-15-2010 , 01:05 AM
Here is a problem/situation I am having sometimes.

I am on the Button or the CUT OFF.

I have ACE KING suited.

SOMEONE in early position has limped. no one else limps.

I raise it to 3-4 BB's.

Question one. Is this proper.



So it is heads up.

WHEN it is checked to me I bet on good board. 2 4 Q, or 3 5 K. Etc....

Here is problem.

WHen board comes out. 3 5 8 two to a FLUSH. What to do when my OPPONENT BETS OUT FULL POT?

If my impression is they are not an INSANE MULE, How I am I to continue here? If I am without the FLUSH DRAW?

The POT BECOMES BIG. AND if they are SHORT, they are almost Pot commited.

SOme of these CHARACTERS are sitting with 30-50 BB's.

ACE KING of the same suit against a Opponent who bets out of position on a questionable flop? Quote
02-15-2010 , 01:31 AM
Raising preflop to 3-4bb, in position, with one limper is quite standard, I think. Nothing wrong with that.

I think when the board comes out and you completely miss, just lay it down. Let's look at the situation you gave, 3 5 8, with a flush draw (that's not your flush draw).

I think an early position limp/call puts him on quite a wide range. 22-99 (any higher would probably open-raise), A8 or higher, perhaps some mid/high suited connectors.

If he's betting out a full pot (and assuming he knows what he's doing), you're basically getting 2:1 to call, with 6 outs (which may not even be good). He could have hit a set, he could have had a hand like A8 or A3 suited (depends on the levels, I've seen people play with these), 35 suited, even. Or he could be on a flush draw, or a straight draw. It's way too wet a board, and you completely missed it, so it should be an easy lay down. You might get bluffed off every once in a while, but that's fine. I don't think you're ahead anywhere near often enough to call.

You have to remember. AKs is a strong hand preflop, but it's still a drawing hand. If you don't hit your draw, you need to be able to let it go. At least, that's what I think.
ACE KING of the same suit against a Opponent who bets out of position on a questionable flop? Quote
02-15-2010 , 02:57 AM
Your REAL problem is that all of your posts have RANDOM caps which makes them HARD to read.
ACE KING of the same suit against a Opponent who bets out of position on a questionable flop? Quote
02-15-2010 , 03:04 AM
Watch their tendencies.
If they are short stacked, they mostly have overcards and your AKs is ahead. Put them all in.
If they are on draw, they will likely crai.

Don't be afraid to play against short stacks. Most of the time, you would be ahead/flipping.
ACE KING of the same suit against a Opponent who bets out of position on a questionable flop? Quote
02-15-2010 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Quang

Their tendencies.

If they are SHORT STACKED, they mostly have overcards.

And your AKs ahead.


If they ARE ON DRAW, THEY WILL likely crai.

Don't be afraid TO PLAY against short stacks CHARACTERS. Most of time, you would be ahead


ACE KING of the same suit against a Opponent who bets out of position on a questionable flop? Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:34 AM

ACE KING of the same suit against a Opponent who bets out of position on a questionable flop? Quote
