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AA OOP on super wet flop AA OOP on super wet flop

01-28-2012 , 11:22 AM
I raise UTG with AsAd, one caller from BTN. Flop is 89T all clubs. What should my action be against a decent lag reg?
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 01:58 PM
First you puke,

Then you look at the opponent.

Depending on how LAG he is you can consider c/c'ing down or b/3b on the flop. You need to know how his bluffing frequency will be on thee kinds of boards. What range will he raise with? what range will he bet flop with if you check?

Some people will bet 100% of their range when you check so you can call them down if no bad cards come on turn/river.

Some people will raise with all their draws here so getting it in against a draw is good.

Some people will just fold a lot so against them you would need to b/f or c/f.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 03:30 PM
I tend to min c/r in a spot like this if he chooses to use position and bet. It works most of the time. If he just flats the c/r and the turn comes a blank I might be inclined to shove the turn to get his stack if he's on a draw. If he already has it I see it as a cooler but it's hard to think he does if you doesnt raise the c/r.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 03:50 PM
why would you ever min c/r? What are you trying to accomplish? And are you saying you would shove 85 bb into 30 bb on the turn?
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
why would you ever min c/r? What are you trying to accomplish? And are you saying you would shove 85 bb into 30 bb on the turn?
They fold most of the time on a board like this (I have a solid tag image and c-bet most of the time so it appears im tryign to extract extra value to villian) and yes I would overshove on the turn. I find lots of fish and even what would seem like solid regs, will stack off on draws or weak pair hands assuming I'm semi-bluffing.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:07 PM
So why are you min raising? Any draw will get the odds to call. What are your play if he 3bets you?

Also, since you are only folding out a bluff why not just call? If he bluffs enough you can call down.

And overshoving turn for value can't be profitable. Of course if you play against people who will pay you off then it is good but there is no way I believe this line to be sound. (and no solid reg will ever call with a naked FD, if he does he simply isn't solid).

Also, what other hands are you taking this line with?
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:07 PM
In fact I min c/r oop in a head up pot on any monochrome board. They fold more often than not. At least in my experience.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:08 PM
I do it with any 2 cards.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:13 PM
and if they 3-bet?
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by dsk1231
I do it with any 2 cards.
does this include over-shoving turn?
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:17 PM
so lets presume we check, lag guy bets 3/4 pot, i call because "he will do this with his whole range" and the turn is like 7h I check he bets 80% - are we calling again withthe flush and an infinite number of straights on the board? If not, shouldnt we just c/f the flop in the first place and save ourselves some BB's ?
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:28 PM
I have to ask what do you do in this spot Ert?
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by dsk1231
I have to ask what do you do in this spot Ert?
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
First you puke,

Then you look at the opponent.

Depending on how LAG he is you can consider c/c'ing down or b/3b on the flop. You need to know how his bluffing frequency will be on thee kinds of boards. What range will he raise with? what range will he bet flop with if you check?

Some people will bet 100% of their range when you check so you can call them down if no bad cards come on turn/river.

Some people will raise with all their draws here so getting it in against a draw is good.

Some people will just fold a lot so against them you would need to b/f or c/f.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:33 PM
^This Chad
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-28-2012 , 10:08 PM
Would this be a situation where you would want to use the "Protection Bet" discussed in my other thread? I mean if all he did preflop was call your raise he could have just about anything - not a terribly high probability he "hit" even on a drawy board like that.

As you know, I'm not an expert yet but wanted to throw this thought out.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-29-2012 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by DalTXColtsFan
not a terribly high probability he "hit" even on a drawy board like that.
It's actually the type of flop that hits villain's pre-flop calling range very hard.
When you open in early position, you rep a big pair or a big ace. You tend to call pre-flop raises in position with a different range, namely smaller pocket pairs and suited connectors. (i.e. If someone in early position opens, you should auto fold hands like AJ, because it's dominated by bigger aces, and be more inclined to call with "speculative hands").
A monotone flop like 89T can give someone a set, two pair, a straight, a flush, or (more commonly) some sort of combo, such as a pair and a straight draw. AA is ahead of some of these hands, flipping with others, and crushed by others.
It's a yucky spot, because you don't know where you're at, and it really helps to have notes on your opponent. Against some (bluffers and semi-bluffers, and also some passive players that will bet top pair) it is best to check-call. Against others (players with a high "fold to c-bet" stat, for example), it might be better to bet, as if they play back at you, you know they have something.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-29-2012 , 02:17 AM
I'm easily bet/folding flop.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-29-2012 , 09:45 AM
yeah. bet/fold seems the best move. Dunno what happened to me in this hand, was just nitting up/trying to be "sensible" and stop having losing sessions instead of trying to win maybe?
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
01-29-2012 , 11:35 AM
against passive players i cbet who never raises draws and we can fold safely.
Against decent players i check-call, if we would get in on flop there we are way behind drawing to 2outs or flipping.
he could be raising a lot of 8J 9J TJ, FD's or whatever combodraw and we dont know where we at. really very villain depending spot, sometimes i check-call, lead turn depending on villain its quite unlikely that he will raise you now with a combodraw on the turn and we can fold more safely and he might even call your turnbet with small PP's like 55 cause this line looks quite strange

Last edited by DieHard; 01-29-2012 at 11:42 AM.
AA OOP on super wet flop Quote
