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0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? 0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for?

08-05-2010 , 12:24 AM
So I have about $700 in my account and am wondering what cash games Im rolled for. I also have this question.

What is $2nl, $5nl $10 nl etc etc.

I ask because I thought $2nl was 100 BB at .01/.02 - but I can buy in for $5.00 and thats 250 BB so is a full buyin of 250 BB at .01/.02 $5nl?

Please school a youngun.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 12:27 AM
25$NL is the highest your rolled for. 10NL comfortably, but those are operating under the assumption u win... I would just start at the lowest and at least play each level for a few hours
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08-05-2010 , 12:29 AM
Start with .10/.25, or 25NL

Xnl refers to a 100bb buy-in, where X = 100 bbs. 2NL with a 250bb is just a deep stacked 2NL table.
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08-05-2010 , 12:30 AM
Have you played much online?
20buyins in pretty standard recommendation, based upon that you are rolled for 25nl and will be good for 50nl at $1000, but if you dont have much experience I suggest playing several thousand hands at lower stakes.

No, 250bb at .01/.02 is not 5nl, it is 2nl.

5nl is just a name referring to a full 100bb buyin. .05x100=$5, therefore 5nl
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08-05-2010 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Illiterate
Start with .10/.25, or 25NL

Xnl refers to a 100bb buy-in, where X = 100 bbs. 2NL with a 250bb is just a deep stacked 2NL table.
Very helpful thanks alot for the info - so even though its 250 BB its still $2nl gotcha - I kind of feel obligated to buy in for that whats the best strategy here? Shall I buyin for the max amount at every table I play at $2nl - 250 BB each

I am kind of new to online cash games but have been playing tournies for eons (well 6 years) - Im thinking of just multi tabling (for now 4 to see how it goes) with 100 BB at each and play for awhile and see what happens. Your thoughts?
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by mjwhit
Have you played much online?
20buyins in pretty standard recommendation, based upon that you are rolled for 25nl and will be good for 50nl at $1000, but if you dont have much experience I suggest playing several thousand hands at lower stakes.

No, 250bb at .01/.02 is not 5nl, it is 2nl.

5nl is just a name referring to a full 100bb buyin. .05x100=$5, therefore 5nl
Gotcha, so each name for xnl is referring to x times 100. Cool - understood thanks man. Yeah Im thinking of just starting at .01/.02 - Ive been playing tournaments and sngs since 03 and now think about "grinding" cash to see how I do. Guess its time to set some goals and stuff?
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by RexTheDog
Very helpful thanks alot for the info - so even though its 250 BB its still $2nl gotcha - I kind of feel obligated to buy in for that whats the best strategy here? Shall I buyin for the max amount at every table I play at $2nl - 250 BB each

I am kind of new to online cash games but have been playing tournies for eons (well 6 years) - Im thinking of just multi tabling (for now 4 to see how it goes) with 100 BB at each and play for awhile and see what happens. Your thoughts?
Probably better strategy to start buying in for 100bb if you are not used to deep stack poker, but top back up if you fall below 100bb. You wont get abused buying in full though.

Download a trial version of pokertracker or holdem manager and track your progress IMO.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 12:40 AM
$700 is way more than most cash game "beginners" start with. It would be a shame for you to burn through even a part of it as a "learning curve"

I know you're probably itching to play, but might I recommend that first, you do a few things. 1 would be get a membership to a training video site. It might not sound worth it at first, but you can find deals or trails either through the site itself or through rakeback/affiliate sites. Watch a bunch of videos about the stakes you're interested in (sounds like 10NL in your case). This will pay for itself long run, I can almost guarantee it.

Also, start with 1 or 2 tables at first. Get a feeling for the flow of the game. Play short sessions (maybe 1 hour to 90 minutes at most), and then take a break. Review your sessions and try to find leaks in your game. What happened in the big pots you lost? What happened in the big pots you won? Post specific hand histories on here for discussion whether you think you played them good or bad.

Also, get the free trial of Holdem manager. Read the tutorials and FAQs and get your HUD set up. Ask any questions if you're confused about this.

This all sounds like a lot of work, and it is. But it will pay huge dividends long run, I GUARANTEE IT.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by EpochFail
$700 is way more than most cash game "beginners" start with. It would be a shame for you to burn through even a part of it as a "learning curve"

I know you're probably itching to play, but might I recommend that first, you do a few things. 1 would be get a membership to a training video site. It might not sound worth it at first, but you can find deals or trails either through the site itself or through rakeback/affiliate sites. Watch a bunch of videos about the stakes you're interested in (sounds like 10NL in your case). This will pay for itself long run, I can almost guarantee it.

Also, start with 1 or 2 tables at first. Get a feeling for the flow of the game. Play short sessions (maybe 1 hour to 90 minutes at most), and then take a break. Review your sessions and try to find leaks in your game. What happened in the big pots you lost? What happened in the big pots you won? Post specific hand histories on here for discussion whether you think you played them good or bad.

Also, get the free trial of Holdem manager. Read the tutorials and FAQs and get your HUD set up. Ask any questions if you're confused about this.

This all sounds like a lot of work, and it is. But it will pay huge dividends long run, I GUARANTEE IT.
Very cool, Yeah I finally have a decent size roll - I had always played with just $50 or $100 in my account and finally had a job where I saved some decent money and took like 15% of it to put towards a roll.

I am DLing holdem manager right now - Ive seen HUD displays before and it all seems foreign to me, but Im going to take the time to learn it. I know it cant be THAT confusing, but like you said I need to read the FAQs and such and learn what it can and does do for me.

But arnt things like Holdem manager not allowed to be open while playing on sites like Stars and Tilt - I thought I read that somewhere - or.......
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by RexTheDog

But arnt things like Holdem manager not allowed to be open while playing on sites like Stars and Tilt - I thought I read that somewhere - or.......
perfectly legal on stars and tilt. I think Cake Poker has a problem with it though.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by RexTheDog
Very cool, Yeah I finally have a decent size roll - I had always played with just $50 or $100 in my account and finally had a job where I saved some decent money and took like 15% of it to put towards a roll.

I am DLing holdem manager right now - Ive seen HUD displays before and it all seems foreign to me, but Im going to take the time to learn it. I know it cant be THAT confusing, but like you said I need to read the FAQs and such and learn what it can and does do for me.

But arnt things like Holdem manager not allowed to be open while playing on sites like Stars and Tilt - I thought I read that somewhere - or.......
It sounds like your intentions are good and you are serious about becoming a stronger poker player. It also sounds like you have a lot to learn about the community and standards of online poker (no offense). Like I said, please take it slow, don't rush yourself, don't put any kind of expectations of yourself early on, don't be results orientated, study bankroll management and what it means and why it's so critical (can't stress this enough), lurk more on these forums (make sure to read all the stickies and FAQs), ask a lot of questions, stay patient and humble. Good luck.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 02:43 AM
the standard is 20 buy ins for each level... so your rolled for 25nl which would make you have 28 buy ins... i use 34 buy in rule cause i 24table, so bankroll requirements is also related to # of tables.... with that said try atleast 5nl/10nl for a few thousand hands first if your not use to inet poker and see trends and even make a few buy ins and then go to 25nl
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 02:53 AM
20 BI is too low (lag...),if you multitable four table and bad periods of entry may be swing is easy 10-15 BI ..

40 BI per level.

NL10 (BM 400$) and NL20 (bankroll management 800$)
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 03:47 AM
yeah, learn the software/hud and start at the lowest stakes possible for now.

Someone said a few thousand hands, play like 50k-100k at least between 2 and 5nl. The more experience you get, the better you will become if your trying to improve. Strat forums, vids etc... are all good as a base to learn and improve, but figuring out the style/strat and adjustments to those you personally want to use as your own game to beat other styles of play will only come with the experience you put into playing the actual hands. Dont run many tables at first (if you usually run alot at once in sng's), observe what is happening, and try to figure out the other players hole cards (a range as well as trying to narrow down to one or two specific hands) before they are shown even when you are not in the hand. once your really good at figuring out the ranges, then increase tables if you want as you will be used to seeing the hud data that indicates those ranges and how to play against certain people etc... if your wanting to run even more tables. Observation to figure it out, then pay attention to the data, then use the data to try to figure out the ranges.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 04:48 AM
good sir, you are rolled for 1 $700 Hyperturbo HU sng on FTP, good luck.

0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 09:26 AM
First thing is definitely sign up at DC and watch the series "From The Ground Up", and then toy around at 2nl until you're comfortable with your HUD and the fundamentals of cash. Then I'd move up to 10nl, you're still well overrolled for the game, its still easily crushable, but you'll face a bit better opposition and start seeing more of the TAGfish regs that you'll see at 25nl.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by PunkFloyd510
First thing is definitely sign up at DC and watch the series "From The Ground Up", and then toy around at 2nl until you're comfortable with your HUD and the fundamentals of cash. Then I'd move up to 10nl, you're still well overrolled for the game, its still easily crushable, but you'll face a bit better opposition and start seeing more of the TAGfish regs that you'll see at 25nl.
That sounds like a great idea..............what is DC? Im down.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
08-05-2010 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by RexTheDog
That sounds like a great idea..............what is DC? Im down.
DC is the training site Deuces Cracked. I tend to agree that you should get your feet under you at 2nl (play 10-20k hands) and if you feel confident you could skip 5nl and jump up to 10nl. Right now you're rolled for 25nl but if you're not experienced you can lose money pretty fast there. I would advise learning to utilize your HUD and some basic lines and concepts at 2nl then moving up to 10nl.

So basically everything punk floyd said. Also post problem spots and read lots of 2p2, it helps a lot.
0 on Stars, so what am I rolled for? Quote
