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0 BANKROLL (What limit to play)? 0 BANKROLL (What limit to play)?

11-03-2008 , 12:50 AM
Hey im sitting with a $600 bankroll, what limit cash game and mtt/sng should i be playing?
11-03-2008 , 12:54 AM
You may consider me a nit but 25nl for cash and anything u have 100 BIs for for mtt/sng i.e $6
11-03-2008 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by UnbelievablyFTP
Hey im sitting with a $600 bankroll, what limit cash game and mtt/sng should i be playing?
dude.. there is a thread of this....

look up "why you suck at uNL"
11-03-2008 , 01:03 AM
15/30 limit is a good palce to double your back roll.
11-03-2008 , 01:03 AM
You want between 25-40 full buy-ins for cash and around 60 buy-ins for stt...100 for mtt
11-03-2008 , 05:39 AM
rule of the thumb. never joint a tournament or play a cash game that requires 10% of your bankroll.
11-03-2008 , 06:46 AM
If your serious about Poker i'd recommend taking that $600 roll and begin your journey at .10/.25

This will give you around 25bi.

Grind up until you get at least 35bi for the next limit

e.g. $1750 for .25/.50 during this shot at the next level if you drop below 30bi ($1500) drop back down to .10/.25 until you get back to $1750 and take another shot.

I just recently hit $3500 and am taking my shot at NL .50/1

You can grind all the way up to $1/$2 and once you get there really work on and develop your game before you take shots at higher games. My brother currently has over 120bi for $1/$2 and is making a career out of it. It may sound like alot of grinding but when variance hits you you'll still have $$ to fall back on.

The 35bi move up 30bi drop down principle has worked flawlessly for me, and I have never gone busto. Also you just get time to really build and develop your game.

Good luck dude

on a side note try to maintain 100Bi for SNG and MTT's because the variance is insane and rely more on luck due to the wrath of the ever increasing blinds.
11-03-2008 , 08:16 AM
you could also play some $1/$2 limit, youve got 300 BB for that limit so if you like LHE you could play that
11-03-2008 , 08:44 AM
NL: $25nl
Limit: .50/$1 maybe some $1/$2
SNG: $6 multitable sngs, $11 single table sngs
MTTs: $11 or less

Those are just suggestions, its hard to give you better information without some background information, like how did you build you roll to $600, do you have more money to deposit, how risk adverse are you, how much experience do you have.
11-03-2008 , 12:44 PM
rule of the thumb. never joint a tournament or play a cash game that requires 10% of your bankroll.
Please everybody stop saying this!!!!!!!!

It's terrible advice. If you join a MTT for 8% of your bankroll, you have 12 buyins. There is no MTT player in the world that won't go busto playing this strategy.

If you join a cash game for 8%, for that matter, you have 12 buy ins, which is super likely to go bust.
11-03-2008 , 12:48 PM
Hey im sitting with a $600 bankroll, what limit cash game and mtt/sng should i be playing?
How good are you?
11-03-2008 , 02:09 PM
Asking where to play is terrible.
Look up bankroll advice, and figure something out.

Here's the cliff notes for you if you're lazy:

Pick a level that gives you a LOT of buyins, and then play lower.
11-03-2008 , 02:14 PM
Play at 2NL for 20,000 hands. Then move up if you're a winner.

If you're not a winner, play another 20,000 hands at 2NL.

Repeat with 5NL, 10NL, ....
11-03-2008 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by VUcats
Please everybody stop saying this!!!!!!!!

It's terrible advice. If you join a MTT for 8% of your bankroll, you have 12 buyins. There is no MTT player in the world that won't go busto playing this strategy.

If you join a cash game for 8%, for that matter, you have 12 buy ins, which is super likely to go bust.
well, never join a tournament that requires 10% of your bankroll doesn't mean u should join a tournament or play a cash game that requires 8% of your bankroll!! u are not fully understanding the meaning of it. For the example above, if he has a bankroll around 600 then he can play any SNG or tournament that is less than or equal to 6 dollars.
11-03-2008 , 03:00 PM

300BI's FTW!
11-03-2008 , 03:10 PM
You should play **insert my limit here**, you'll do fine, I promise.

-play where ever you feel comfortable, and be prepared to move down even if your bankroll says you can afford higher limits.
11-03-2008 , 04:58 PM
well, never join a tournament that requires 10% of your bankroll doesn't mean u should join a tournament or play a cash game that requires 8% of your bankroll!! u are not fully understanding the meaning of it. For the example above, if he has a bankroll around 600 then he can play any SNG or tournament that is less than or equal to 6 dollars.
Where in your advice did you advocate a 1% tournament buy-in strategy? You just gave "no more than 10%" as your rule of thumb. And I've seen that "rule of thumb" posted in BR threads countless times before, so I just needed to clarify that it's a bad rule. You should have 100 buy-ins for MTTs, ~25 for NL cash games.
11-03-2008 , 07:08 PM
600 dollars is kind of between limits . If you feel confident to beat 25NL I would go there but if no play 10NL.
11-05-2008 , 10:29 AM
Is this the Bankroll that you STOLE?? Nice Bankroll how about you come back and give the people's money back you stole. Why don't you take that bankroll and pay pay the money back that you stole..I think its funny this thief comes on here and brags that he has a big bank roll.. Ask him where he got it!

Last edited by *TT*; 11-10-2008 at 05:18 PM. Reason: removed link (might be reverse spam) -
11-05-2008 , 12:44 PM
Ladies and are aiding and abetting a known theif by advising him. As Bakrauf posted, this player was on GAS, rec'd a handful of stakes from different people, rolled with the cash and built it up for his own use. All need to know about this little punk and his history. Please read the GAS thread posted by Bakrauf.
Thanks and GL.
11-05-2008 , 01:35 PM
I would play 1/2 fixed limit if you like limit of course
11-05-2008 , 09:43 PM
Bump for a thief!
11-05-2008 , 09:52 PM
Dude it's up to you. Cash games offer the quickest bankroll building potential unless you are some MTT prodigy. I take a little more risk than others. I am a very strong player too, but if it were me. Starting with a bankroll of 600 I'd play .25/.50 until you are winning consitantly. Put the time in, play any chance you get. Once you are consistant at that level move up. I'd say if 7 out of 10 sessions are winning sessions for you at a specific level it's time to consider moving up.
11-05-2008 , 11:40 PM
The quickest way is to keep stealing everyone's money!!!
11-06-2008 , 12:11 AM
25NL is easy. move up to 50NL when you get 1k
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