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2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2

10-08-2008 , 12:18 AM
Hello 2p2 forums, here's my third hand that I've posted, I hope you enjoy it...

Poker Stars $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: $1.42
UTG: $1.06
CO: $1.00
Hero (BTN): $5.07
SB: $0.36

CO posts a big blind ($0.02)

Pre Flop: ($0.05) Hero is BTN with 3 3
1 fold, CO checks, Hero calls $0.02, 1 fold, BB checks

Flop: ($0.07) 3 T 6 (3 players)
BB checks, CO bets $0.12

With that 12 cents bet which is 1.5x the pot size, should I have called or raised? If I raised, how much should I raise? I'm not sure if a bet higher than the pot size signifies weakness or strength at the 2NL level. If it is a show of strength then the person has atleast a pair of tens or two pair, which I beat. If the person has a set then I lose to a set of 10's or 6's. There is another person still to act. I'm not really sure what to do. What do you think? Thanks, Yojimgari
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 12:56 AM
Raise to $0.42-$0.45~ and snap call when he jams.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 12:58 AM
Raise and get it in.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:09 AM
Probably don't need to raise as much as I stated as his stack is only $1, but it shouldn't make much difference.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:12 AM
You canNOT worry about set over set. It's like folding kings preflop-- don't do it. I'd raise it 3x, but 42-45's probably right too.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:14 AM
I would raise pre, and I would reraise the flop bet, probably up to .36. I'm putting CO on AT, A6, or a diamond draw. Most players in the micros check sets to try to trap, so I'm not too worried about pocket 6s or pocket 10s. If he calls the reraise and bets at a diamond on the turn, I'm slowing down, but if the turn is a blank and he bets, I'm raising enough to put him all in. EDIT: Actually looking at it, he doesn't really have too much, so I'm putting him all in on the turn regardless.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:23 AM
What's snap call and jam? So you guys are recommending 30 to 50 cents or something?

(4/52) * (3/51) = 0.0045
That's the chance that somebody has pocket 6's, and the same goes for pocket 10's.

That's the chance that somebody has pocket 6's or pocket 10's, basically a 1 percent chance.

So basically I should raise enough to force out a diamond draw? If somebody has two diamonds plus there are two diamonds on the flop, they have 38% chance of completing a flush by the river, and about a 19% chance for each street. How much should I raise that flop bet to force out the cutoff opponent if he has two diamonds? Thanks, Yojimgari
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:25 AM
jam = shove = go "all-in" = bet the maximum = bet everything

snap call = call instantly = no hesitation
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:31 AM
Hi Nair, I was thinking that it was something along those lines. I see your new avatar now, it's great. Let's play on PokerStars, thanks, Yojimgari
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:51 AM
He may have two pair or TPTK afraid of the flush, OR he may easily have AK QK of diamonds which would give him an edge vs top pair hands but a dog vs your set.

On a wet board, put your money in while you still can. If you get sucked out on or coolered, that's allright.

You can't force out a diamond draw, tbh. Just charge him for it. I don't know if you can fold even if the diamond comes. If it does you may consider checking or min raising a small bet; if he reraises he's probably got it; if he flats he may have it, but will shut down on the river if he doesn't.

A rational player would assume that since his hand has shwodown value (if he doesn't have the flush) he would try to see the showdown cheap, so you may get a check on the river; also, if you show some aggression, a flush may try a check raise on the river. A hand you can beat probably will not 3bet your minraise on the turn, so you might be able to fold, but it really depends.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 08:56 AM
Repop to .36-.50 as stated above. If he calls, you should likely shove on the turn no matter what.

I wouldn't even consider set vs. set with that type of bet. Maybe an overpair. He bets more than the pot to make it look like a steal, you repop with TPTK he shoves and you're drawing thin. That is pretty normal for uNL.

With 98.5% confidence, I'd say your good here. Repop and shove the turn.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 02:27 PM
The flop pot is 7 cents, he raises to 12 cents, so I should raise it to 3x(36 cents) or 4x(48 cents)? What's the difference between the two raise amounts theoretically? Thanks, Yojimgari
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 04:09 PM
If it's set over set, it's a cooler. If he did have tens or sixes, preflop, nothing short of a shove would have gotten them to fold (and it's highly likely that they would have called it anyway)

Take his ass to value town, imo...
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 06:05 PM
What does everybody think of me just going all-in on that flop?
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 10:28 PM
Some villains might actually fold.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-08-2008 , 11:31 PM
PokerStove shows that I had a 84% chance of winning if I went all-in on the flop and there was no more betting. I have PokerStove open and use it for all my important hands. I guess I didn't have PokerStove open for this hand. I shouldn't worry about set over set. My stack size preflop was $5.07 and it's a 1/2c stakes level, I'm curious about going all-in on the flop, or value bet, if I value bet I wonder how much. Thanks, Yojimgari
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-09-2008 , 09:38 AM
To be honest, I don't believe in using pokerstove midgame-- you should have all the numbers (approximates) in your head. Save important hands, or remember them (or just go back to HEM to find them) and then see if your decisions earned you Galfond dollars.

Also, putting people on ranges is more than just finding their PFR/VPIP and so on. Try to find out how they play flopped flushes/straights, or TPTK/TPGK on wet boards, which would really help you find out how best to proceed.

You want to value bet quite ruthlessly against loose maniacs, though. It's not hard to get them all in on wet boards.
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-09-2008 , 05:24 PM
I'll have to start getting the numbers in my head and taking notes. I want to write down how they react and act in many situations. Thanks, Yojimgari
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-10-2008 , 02:31 AM
Notes are very useful in that respect. I like to note people who plays TPGK passively or aggressively, how they respond to wet boards, etc. Really helps you to milk them or even bluff them out of pots.

Being a calling station, I can't say it helps me dodge monsters with a straight face, but I'm sure it can help in that respect as well...

2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
10-10-2008 , 07:37 AM has a couple great articles about taking notes, I'm reading them now. I only got two more articles to read on that site to finish. Then I get to start Pr0crast's anthology. How many people have read it? On Tuesday I'll finish NLHETAP and start PNL1, which is going to be great as well. I haven't had time for videos recently, been doing other stuff, including reading every single page on the PokerStars website, via the sitemap, and a lot of playing. I may post a hand later today. Hope you have a good session tomorrow RoSeeker, I'm sure you're looking forward to October 28th. Thanks, Yojimgari
2NL FR(9) CG 3s3h vs 1.5xpot bet on 3c10d6d flop vs 2 Quote
