Originally Posted by Niediam
Well theres sessions where i dont get AA at all. And they might have two pair or flop a set. The biggest pot i won here was when i flopped a set of Aces, and their were people with two pair, flush draw, straight draw, flush and straight at the same time and a pair on the board(the river), and i full housed it at the river against someone else who had a smaller full house. Was around 60-80 bucks in the main pot, and a side pot which i didnt get. But it seems pretty rare for crazy board cards like that and almost everyone having a piece of it .
How about AK and AQ? Sometimes people hit their two pair with their Ace Rag or whatever, or someone flop a set, and they reraise me on the turn.
Last edited by joshua305; 12-29-2009 at 04:50 AM.