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10 BB - Shoving 10 BB - Shoving

08-18-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Bartlett
We're talking about MTT, not a turbo SNG.
That was my point exactly sir.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 09:58 AM
If you don't shove an unraised pot with TT and 10bb what are you waiting for? If the pot had already been raised, say 3x or 4x bb, I might call and see a flop.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:00 AM
Shoving TT with 10bbs is completely +EV.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by ronmon
If you don't shove an unraised pot with TT and 10bb what are you waiting for? If the pot had already been raised, say 3x or 4x bb, I might call and see a flop.
Call off 4 of your 10 BB and see a flop??

And then fold if no 10??
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by ronmon
If you don't shove an unraised pot with TT and 10bb what are you waiting for? If the pot had already been raised, say 3x or 4x bb, I might call and see a flop.
agree with part one but not with part two.

shove TT w 10BB to a 3Bet almost as quickly as if you were opening. its not even close.

if you disagree, start by putting whoever opened on a range and go from there....
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
shove TT w 10BB to a 3Bet almost as quickly as if you were opening. its not even close.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:24 AM
You guys know that atc stands for any two cards, right? As in 100% of hands, as in you don't even need to look at your cards.

I might write out a post on playing shortstacked donkament hands, thing is I'm not even especially good at it. All you need to do is look at a situation and work out what calling ranges need to be for shoving to be breakeven then decide if people are calling looser or tighter than that. Something about this prob alreasy exists in mtt strat. Link anyone?
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by allergictobroke
i appear to be missing something here as im an STT player.... but shoving ATC with > or approximately 10 BBs seems so wrong to me.
In STT's this is wrong but in a MTSNG like a 45 man shoving with >10bb can be profitable because we are not looking for a min cash, well at least I am not.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by sump
In STT's this is wrong but in a MTSNG like a 45 man shoving with >10bb can be profitable because we are not looking for a min cash, well at least I am not.
Exactly the point.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:58 AM
you dont have to shove ATC with a Shortstack to beat low stakes SNG but you can shove with a range that your opponents will envisage is ATC. all im contending is that even if shoving ATC with 10BB is profitable..that its more profitable to pick your spots a bit more carefully*...why? because in games when your opponents suck at the dont have to make those superthin plays to be profitable. you can sit back in your chair and pwn them when you ahve a distinct edge.

*and by carefully i mean with hands that when your opponents and lose many of them will still think you are a moron and pay off appropriately.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
you dont have to shove ATC with a Shortstack to beat low stakes SNG but you can shove with a range that your opponents will envisage is ATC. all im contending is that even if shoving ATC with 10BB is profitable..that its more profitable to pick your spots a bit more carefully*...why? because in games when your opponents suck at the dont have to make those superthin plays to be profitable. you can sit back in your chair and pwn them when you ahve a distinct edge.

*and by carefully i mean with hands that when your opponents and lose many of them will still think you are a moron and pay off appropriately.
Shoving ATC is not a good idea, imo.

PS: Ari Gold rules!
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:29 PM
If you want to watch someone that waits longer than normal 2+2 "standards".. watch mement_mori. Obviously he is more skilled than most (all) in this thread when it comes to mtt's... but learning something different can be good, even if it's just to learn how to exploit it when others do it.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by therightdeal
In a tournament, down to the final 18 and you have 10 BB left, and look down to see 1010. Is it appropriate to shove there and there? Especially in big blind?

I was called by one player with JKo - but he flopped a K.
then it was obviously a bad shove. Never shove 1010 if you know someone is going to outdraw you.
10 BB - Shoving Quote
