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1/2NL Live. Looking for "That is just idiotic.  Please don't EVER do that again" leaks. 1/2NL Live. Looking for "That is just idiotic.  Please don't EVER do that again" leaks.

04-05-2014 , 10:54 AM
Seeking feedback on my 1/2NL Live session.
I understand the game is VERY nuanced (stack size, texture, Villain styles, etc)
But, if I said I go ALL-IN every time I get 7 2.
Or if I play 80% of my hands.
You don't need much more detail and context to tell me to stop doing that.
This is the level of information I am seeking.

You must crawl before you walk.
I am looking for "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" leaks in my game.

For starters, I am a passive limping fish who can't beat 1/2NL.
I never bet, and I never re-raise. I always limp.
If I have a strong hand, THEN I can play TAG and bet accordingly.
But, I am VERY passive/limp pre-flop.
Books all say the opposite, but then I go actually play, and I always limp/call.
I know I need to address this.

Disclaimer: Please do not tell me you need more information in order to help. There is NO MORE INFORMATION. Please do not reply telling me you can't help b/c there is limited information. I know. This is all I am capable of observing and/or transcribing at this point in my game. THERE IS NO MORE INFORMATION. If you can't offer any general insight, please do not reply.

Again, I am looking for HUGE fundamental leaks and GLARING errors.
I am looking for "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" leaks in my game.

With that out of the way, let's get started:

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First, I tracked my fold rate
70 hands total.
I called/played in 16 hands.
16/70 = 23%

Is there a GLARING error with this number?
Does this deserve a comment of "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" ?? Yes or No?

================================================== =====================

These are the 16 hands I limped/played:
10/J suited
9/10 OTB
JQ suited
10 J
A 10 suited
K5 suited
89 suited

With ZERO context (position, etc), are there a GLARING errors with these hands?
Do any cards above deserve a comment of "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" ?? Yes or No?

================================================== =====================

I have several hands I want to discuss.
I will post one at a time.

Please read the disclaimer one more time before proceeding.
There is limited information, I have a terrible memory, and I wrote down all I could during the hand.

Again, I am looking for HUGE fundamental leaks and GLARING errors.

Hero gets AK.
I call $2.
V1 bets $15
V2 raises $50.
I fold pre-flop.

Does this deserve a comment of "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" ?? Yes or No?

Last edited by LadyBugger; 04-05-2014 at 11:04 AM.
04-05-2014 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by LadyBugger
Disclaimer: Please do not tell me you need more information in order to help. There is NO MORE INFORMATION. Please do not reply telling me you can't help b/c there is limited information. I know. This is all I am capable of observing and/or transcribing at this point in my game. THERE IS NO MORE INFORMATION. If you can't offer any general insight, please do not reply.
I got tilted just from the tone of this paragraph so this is probably a glaring leak
04-05-2014 , 11:06 AM

Hero gets AK.
I call $2.
V1 bets $15
V2 raises $50.
I fold pre-flop.
I was V2. No leak detected.
04-05-2014 , 11:13 AM
With ZERO context (position, etc), are there a GLARING errors with these hands?
There is a GLARING leak here and that is you think that stack sizes, position, action to you and your opponents have nothing to do with what hands you should be playing.
04-05-2014 , 11:26 AM
You got so many leaks i stooped reading mid way in case they infect me. You are not playing vs other cards you are playing vs opponents. Also you can't ask people to help you and then say don't ask for more info. :S
04-05-2014 , 11:28 AM
Back in the 1950s there was a farmer who had a horse that could add. If you asked the horse what is 4 + 4 it would tap its hooves 8 times. If you asked it what was 9 + 6 it would tap its hooves 15 times.

This horse become famous and eventually a university heard about said horse and challenged the farmer to bring it by, and he did.

Sure enough, they asked the horse what was 3 + 7 and it tapped its hooves 10 times. 4 + 2 six taps. 13 + 11 twenty four taps. Eventually one of the professors figured out what was going on. You see, the horse had learned that when a person asked it a certain question with a certain tone in his voice that the horse should tap its hooves until the person got really really happy and then immediately stop.

So when the professor isolated the horse from others, asked the horse what was 4 + 7, but kept his face dead pan, the horse kept tapping well past 30...

Occasionally in this forum we run into posters that are only interested in a paint-by-numbers guide to poker.

If you approach poker this way, it is possible that you can learn to tap your hooves until you get the right answer and that "at best" you can become a slight winner longterm. But you will never learn how to add and you will never beat 1/2nl and 2/5nl for more than 3bb/hr.

It's not about a laundry list of items like "do this and don't do that..." but rather it is about you understanding WHY you do this and don't do that.

The reason why limp/calling "can" be bad is because mathematically, you are going to miss the flop 70% of the time. Then for the sake of argument on those times you do hit the flop it is very possible that you still won't like your hand all that much.

The reason why limp/calling "can" be good is if we are getting the right implied odds vs the right opponent vs the right situation such that mathematically we're risking peanuts to win pearls...

Sure, I can give you a paint-by-number list of items but if you don't understand the reasoning and logic behind it, then you are just tapping your hooves. You will apply the list and then feel helpless when it doesn't work or worse, results in horrendous losses. The game will then feel "random" to you which will further enforce all those incorrect rec-fish beliefs in the game that govern their bad play like, "I notice a lot of sevens are dealt and sevens are lucky today so I'm gonna raise because I have K7s..." good..."

Anyways, I know you think its helpful to generate a list of glaring leaks and to be fair there is "some" value there. But the real value is in understanding the WHY behind the leaks. You need to figure out for yourself WHY limp/calling and being passive and limpy is bad and in what circumstances it is bad.

Because in poker, the answer is "It depends" but if you don't understand the WHY, you will never be able to figure out the WHEN

04-05-2014 , 11:38 AM
Hero gets A Q.
V1 bets $12.
Hero calls along with many others.
Flop = 7 3 5
V bets $20
Hero folds.

Does this deserve a comment of "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again"
Again, I am looking for HUGE fundamental leaks and GLARING errors.
04-05-2014 , 11:41 AM
This hand gutted my stack right at the start of the game.

Hero gets A K
V1 is all in with $65
Hero calls
Flop does not have A or K.
All 5 cards are low cards.
V1 pairs a 5 on the board.
04-05-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by LadyBugger
Disclaimer: Please do not tell me you need more information in order to help. There is NO MORE INFORMATION. Please do not reply telling me you can't help b/c there is limited information. I know. This is all I am capable of observing and/or transcribing at this point in my game. THERE IS NO MORE INFORMATION. If you can't offer any general insight, please do not reply.
1. Don't make demands regarding who can post what in a thread.

2. Fix the fact that you can't pay enough attention to your game to remember significant details. Until you deal with this you simply can't make any progress.
04-05-2014 , 11:43 AM
Hero gets A 10 suited
Hero calls $7
Flop is K 3 8
V bets $7
Hero folds
04-05-2014 , 11:44 AM
Hero gets J 6 OTB
V1 bets $7
Hero folds

Does this deserve a comment of "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" ?
04-05-2014 , 11:45 AM
Is this a troll?
04-05-2014 , 11:46 AM
Hero gets pocket 5's
Hero calls $5
V1 raises $25
Hero folds

Hero gets pocket 7's
Hero calls $2
2 all ins pre-flop.
$85 to call so Hero folds.
(K J J was the flop)

Does this deserve a comment of "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" ?
04-05-2014 , 11:46 AM
Hero gets pocket A J
Hero BETS $15
V1 goes all in.
Hero folds
04-05-2014 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by LadyBugger
Hero gets pocket 5's
Hero calls $5
V1 raises $25
Hero folds

Hero gets pocket 7's
Hero calls $2
2 all ins pre-flop.
$85 to call so Hero folds.
(K J J was the flop)

Does this deserve a comment of "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" ?
This thread deserves a comment of "That is just idiotic. Please don't EVER do that again" ?

That is why it is now locked.
Closed Thread Subscribe
