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thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw???

05-16-2012 , 10:00 PM
I like to choose red or black and then bet on the opposite. Because on average I lose when choosing, the other color must be a winner.
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
05-17-2012 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by SheetWise
The Epaminondas System

Always place the next wager on the winner of the previous trial. The system is designed to profit from imagined or undetermined bias, anticipating a non-alternating outcome.
The probability of 2 in a row is 1/4 chance.
The probility of hitting the next colour is 1/2.
So by the maths we should be alternating our bet placements to increase our chance of winning.
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
05-17-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by sexdotcom
The probability of 2 in a row is 1/4 chance.
The probility of hitting the next colour is 1/2.
So by the maths we should be alternating our bet placements to increase our chance of winning.
The Law of the Maturity of Chances.

Can't lose
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
05-17-2012 , 10:29 PM
Here is a fail-safe way to win the big big monies!...

1) Count the cars in the casino parking lot.
2) Continue to bet on the roulette wheel if there are more cars and if there are more cars.

3) Subtract one for every or Renault, Peugeot or Skoda
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
06-18-2012 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
what are the odds that someone will lose lets say 9 or 10 + spins in a row during thier lifetime?
dont have time to go into detail but i played a somewhat similar system t the one described with p:ersonal modifications and ocassionally trying a max bet first spin. i did this on black chip poker combinedc with my poker winnings i ran 20 dollars up to 1600 in 2 weeks. then one nighti was on life tilt logged in decidd **** it im balling out lets try a hit and run for 50 ( ialways quit after 3 wins) . i bought in for 1000 did my usual min bet until i saw a string of reds then i bet 50 on black i lost to 0 i doubked my brt 100 black as always i lost i tried to double and bet black again but i found out for the first time that max bet was 100 i said oh **** there goes mt strategy i said please let me just get back to even long story short i lost 13 spins in a row i bet black everytime for max bet of 100 busted my account including the 600 i had made from pure poker scores .

long story short it happened to me twice i lost 14 spins in a row on americas card room busted my account i truely think acr roullette is rigged idc if im wrong im never playing there again. that was last month this month i played bcp poker and my system plus a little luck and knowing when to walk away built me up fast but i crashed in less then 2 minutes taking tons of hours of poker winnings with me.

long story short u would be surprised how often u can lose 10 bets on black in a row even when there is only 1 zero instead of 2 . my advice play roullete live watch for a pattern do a large bet on the opposite color hit and run or bet small and know when to quit. u can win money in the short term but u have to walk away most people cant i. great with stop win but stop loss is harder.

dont play online go live wait for 5 reds bet 50 black and 1 dollor on zero u lose double and try again but keep the 1 dollar on zero until u see it miss zero 36 times then try betting 3 dollars on zero until u win or hit your loss limit remember even if its red 13 in a row and score a big win on black that it has nothing to do with the next spin get ahead and get out hit and run is your best chance the more u play the more inevitable it is u go broke dont ever think roullette alone will make u money to live on pray u run above average and win just enough so u can be roll:ed for poker thats what i did my problem was i didnt stop after i had built a roll high enough fot the poker stakes i wanted i got greedy. sure in reality i only lost 20 dollars from my start 2 weeks ago but it feels like a huge blow and my good poker play and hours of ti.e grinding count for alot

if u really want to play roullrte online i suggest u avoid acr. bcp seemed way less rigged although i find it funnt that i didnt have a 13 bet losing streak or even a 5 bet losing streak until i started making max table bets.
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
06-18-2012 , 04:02 AM
btw i typed all that from my phone so excuse terrible writing.

personally im about to deposit 600 onblack chip poker and seriously considering getting myself life time banned from roullette i dunno if i can control myself seeing that button. i played roullete last time because i had only put on 20 bucks which couldnt do **** for me poker wise. i wish i had quit once i was rolled for 25nl with 600 im rolled for 25 nl so i think i should tell them remove casino option. one bad fight with my gf causing mr to abandon even the pretense of strstegy tilt off my entire roll and not realizing max table bet size really ****ed my month up. im a good poker player i judt lacked the bank roll gotta havr money to make money i got my roll with good play and some luck only hsd one day t play 25 nl when i was proper rrolled and i wss crshing it while 6 tabling made more in one day of just rakeback then my initial 20 dollar deposit.

three times now i went broke from online roullette and i played a pretty good strat problem is no matter what you do your going broke no matter what if u cant stop when ahead
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
06-18-2012 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by Battle Smurf
Three times now i went broke from online roulette and i played a pretty good strat problem is no matter what you do your going broke no matter what if u cant stop when ahead
Take out that last part, and you've solved the riddle.
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
06-18-2012 , 08:22 AM
Ah yes, the old stop-win strategy, also known as the "Magic Casino Door" that starts your life over. Some say just switching chairs works too.

And of course in every session you will get ahead before you get broke too.

Last edited by NewOldGuy; 06-18-2012 at 08:29 AM.
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
06-18-2012 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by NewOldGuy
Ah yes, the old stop-win strategy, also known as the "Magic Casino Door" that starts your life over. Some say just switching chairs works too.

And of course in every session you will get ahead before you get broke too.
again lots of info short time and im typing on a thumb pad phone screen. you dont need to be sarcsstic to yhe guy and clearly my thoughts on tthe subject run in tandem to your own and the fact thst my final night i lost 13 spinsstraight shows /that often you never do grt ahead. but more likely yhen not if you arnt complrte fail you will be ahead at some point. thats when u walk out.

the onlu way to truely beat roullette is to get ahead and never play again your right. sometimes people just want a rush no harm in discussing yhe old wait for a string of reds then brt black doublr if u lose bet smaller or quit if u get ahead. atleast i tried to help offer some insight and to avoid straight up rigged online sites. again some people got money to blow they dont care if they are 48% to win or not they play for fun. just dont lrt it get out of control and realize theoritically it coild be red 100 or even 1000 times in a row i wait for string of 5 then brt opposite twice then wait for another string. works better then always betting same amount on same color anyway and ya if i wi i let it ride once or if i lose i double up until i bust or win

i like to take my day poker winnings after a session now and again try roullete quit as soon as im up like i said it worked until i altered the plan and went degen on my toll roullette isnt some hopeless money pit with no chance to profit if u suck at pokrr u got a better chance playing a decent roullete systrm then most of the other ****.

i do understand most of us here dont bet without a perceived edge but there are some people that do it for fun and dont mind being a small dog for some fun and entertainmrnt. i thought id judt givr a little advice to slow their inevitable demise.

personally im avoiding roullete until i have extra money go to vegas and pay to play. thats how i see gambling outside of poker.
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
06-18-2012 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Battle Smurf

often you never do get ahead
the onlu way to truely beat roullette is to get ahead and never play again
I'm glad you get those two points.

you dont need to be sarcsstic
But the Magic Casino Door is always funny; amuses me anyway.
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
06-18-2012 , 12:22 PM
Instead of doubling when you lose you should try splitting your bets up. Buy in for $100, bet $3 13 times in a row then bet $4, then $5 until you either double or nothing. It won't help with your odds, but your gambling addiction will cost you less.
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
06-18-2012 , 02:54 PM
dont play online go live wait for 5 reds bet 50 black and 1 dollor on zero u lose double and try again but keep the 1 dollar on zero until u see it miss zero 36 times then try betting 3 dollars on zero until u win or hit your loss limit remember even if its red 13 in a row and score a big win on black that it has nothing to do with the next spin get ahead and get out hit and run is your best chance the more u play the more inevitable it is u go broke dont ever think roullette alone will make u money to live on pray u run above average and win just enough so u can be roll:ed for poker thats what i did my problem was i didnt stop after i had built a roll high enough fot the poker stakes i wanted i got greedy. sure in reality i only lost 20 dollars from my start 2 weeks ago but it feels like a huge blow and my good poker play and hours of ti.e grinding count for alot
Sweet mother of god.

btw i typed all that from my phone so excuse terrible writing.
lol ok
thoery to beat roulette can anyone see a flaw??? Quote
