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[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread [PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

02-13-2011 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Barry1219
I play the micro DONS..for a few more days I read...either way..I will not play any games where rs03rs03 is conspiracy theories aside I just don't like his play..this new update totally wiped all my notes out and my yellow flag tabs are gone off players I have notes on...signed onto play a few games tonite...and 6 hands in I realize the guy is seated at my table...WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
Same here. I exported everthing, including my notes, from the old databse, set up the new DB, and imported into the new DB. Everything seems to be fine except that I don't get my player notes.
back up your notes? I don't know as I haven't updated the Stars GUI recently...
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Mikka
same problem here. When I click maximize after I moved it from the stack it would resize the table to a normal size and move it to the upper left corner of the screen. Annoying

Thinking about it I realise that it makes more sense this way since the table is already maximized so when I try to max it again it should make it to normal size. However the way it worked before was great for playing fullscreen.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by NLnit
What up with this:

When I get disconnected because of my ******** internet connection I have no option to sit back in at the table. Sometimes it says 'sitting out' sometimes it says 'disconnected'. Either way I cannot sit back in.

When I go to the 'session options' button it does not show me at these tables. For example I may be at 12 tables but if I am sitting out because of a disconnection at 8 of the tables it will only give me an option for 4 tables.
This. I've been having this problem as well. I'm not sure when it started, but it's been happening for at least a week or so. It happened to me last night again. I figured out a way around it: I opened Task Manager and killed PokerStars.exe, then when I relaunched it I was able to sit back in on my tables.

Stars really needs to fix this. A short post from a PS rep acknowledging this problem would be appreciated.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 03:06 PM
Have the PCA megapath be normal speed, not turbo crapshoots.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 03:07 PM
get sng lobbies in starslobby same as cash (see players without openening the tournament lobby of that sng)
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by starscream1101
back up your notes? I don't know as I haven't updated the Stars GUI recently...
It seems like every 10 days there is a " updated software" window with Stars...I have never had this issue before..almost seems like with the combination of eliminating location by City and Country they eliminated notes you have taken years to compile..can't help but think it was on purpose.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 06:15 PM
Having issues with the hand re-player,just posting to see if any one else has had issues.Basically shuts stars down if I click on the red button but clicking previous hand works fine.
Reinstalled and all that jazz and tried with out all my programs,same spaghetti!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Malefiicus
Anyone else have a problem where the click call like 52 times and finally on the 53rd time it calls? Obv an exaggeration, but **** that's tilting.
Originally Posted by randomuser1
Yeah, this is happening all the time for me as well (don't know if it's Call only though).
Seriously, Stars, how can such basic stuff suddenly start bugging?
Get rid of the time-down indicator. I had the same problems as soon as it was released, I disabled it (options --> table-display options) and button-response was back to normal immediately.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by randomuser1
Anyone else having trouble with automatic table activation?

Sometimes when I'm multitabling (cascade) and it is my turn to act, about to click a button, another table gets activated/pushed on top, on which it's not even my turn to act (in fact, it's not my turn on this table until the next hand on it).

This is really frustrating, in panic trying to find the table on which it was initially my turn before getting obscured by a not-my-turn-table. Usually I just wait until another table requires my action, after which it will return to the first table. The problem is I'm often already time banking at that point, and in some times even timed out.

Anyone else having this issue?

Note: using latest client version and no tn/scripts
This has been happening to me for quite a while now. I use TN so I just assumed it was something to do with that. I just use the "cycle table or whatever the option is called thingy" on TN to go to my active table. It happens at least once in a session but doesnt cause me too much heartache due to the option in TN to change tables quickly.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 07:59 PM
Hey stars how about a filter checkbox for package tourneys, ya know the ones where you win tourney entry, hotel, and a bit of cash for expenses.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by randomuser1
Anyone else having trouble with automatic table activation?

Sometimes when I'm multitabling (cascade) and it is my turn to act, about to click a button, another table gets activated/pushed on top, on which it's not even my turn to act (in fact, it's not my turn on this table until the next hand on it).

This is really frustrating, in panic trying to find the table on which it was initially my turn before getting obscured by a not-my-turn-table. Usually I just wait until another table requires my action, after which it will return to the first table. The problem is I'm often already time banking at that point, and in some times even timed out.

Anyone else having this issue?

Note: using latest client version and no tn/scripts
I'm having this exactly issue.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 10:01 PM
How would you guys feel about an option to hide tables you are already sitting in?

You can hide tables with one player which is nice for people who don't start games hu vs good regs, but it'd be nice to trim out games you're already in, too. I know they show up a different color, but am I the only that has no reason to see them once I'm in them?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by KreellKeiser
Please fix the disconnect and unable to sit in again at your tables issue. Search "pokerstars disconnect" and you'll find at least a dozen threads about this. It's ridiculous.
O M G ! Thank you man, you made my day. I thought I was the only one. Why couldnt support tell me that many ppl are experiencing this problem?! I almost went to FT because of this. Its so frustrating when that happens and its been like month and a half since this problem appeared.

PokerstarsSTEVE, please adress this. Its a very serious problem for ppl who have often disconnects. When it will be fixed? ty
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by NLnit
What up with this:

When I get disconnected because of my ******** internet connection I have no option to sit back in at the table. Sometimes it says 'sitting out' sometimes it says 'disconnected'. Either way I cannot sit back in.

When I go to the 'session options' button it does not show me at these tables. For example I may be at 12 tables but if I am sitting out because of a disconnection at 8 of the tables it will only give me an option for 4 tables.
This. My god. Please adress this.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 11:04 PM
^^I have to exit those 6-7 tables with missing ''I'm back'' button. Than I have to find them in the list which isnt easy since they are not highlighted in red (and I am still on them when I find them on the list by name ) I have to find them while other tables are poping out. Its so tilting and almost impossible to play under these conditions. I almost didnt play at all in january and february and support couldnt help me. Where is the ''I'm back button''? For a month and a half!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-13-2011 , 11:13 PM
...and fwiw, my roommate also plays on stars... we are on the same ip adress but he never experiences this problem with ''I'm back'' button... he uses mac, I use pc.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Flotastic
fix the stars 5 minute breaks - I never ever get a full 5 minute break on stars. FTP breaks are sync'ed and you actually get the full 5 minutes. But on stars either a break is late to start or a new tournament is opening and starting.

Make your breaks sync'ed stars.
+16545341651!! If a sng tournament opens at the sync'd break time, you should have it wait for the hour to start... SERIOUSLY! Every time there is a synch'd break, I either have to sit out and do whatever i have to do, or just stay in the computer cause there is 1 tournament running.

I have to say FTP's breaks are way worse though... If a sng isn't in the 3rd level or whatever it is, it won't have the synch'd break... That kind of takes the whole point of it.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by randomuser1
Anyone else having trouble with automatic table activation?

Sometimes when I'm multitabling (cascade) and it is my turn to act, about to click a button, another table gets activated/pushed on top, on which it's not even my turn to act (in fact, it's not my turn on this table until the next hand on it).

This is really frustrating, in panic trying to find the table on which it was initially my turn before getting obscured by a not-my-turn-table. Usually I just wait until another table requires my action, after which it will return to the first table. The problem is I'm often already time banking at that point, and in some times even timed out.

Anyone else having this issue?

Note: using latest client version and no tn/scripts
I'm gettting pretty much the same problem.
I stack using TableNinja to keep 30 tables open at the same time and focus gets stolen almost all the time. Having to manually click a flashing table all the time is extremely fustrating. I noticed that most of the time when this happens a new SnG is starting; I obviously have "New Tournaments Take Focus" unchecked but new SnGs being added to the stack seem to still be causing focus issues.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by 175503
No, when I timeout(it happens =\ ) after three orbits you get a popup saying you've been kicked off the table.

If the table gets short I could stay there forever but there's really no way of knowing for me if I timed out or just quit and forgot to close it etc.

I'm still adjusting to stacking, it's really hard in 6m lhe
you might want to get a 1080p monitor, you can tile 12 tables with it. If another mmt'er notices you take forever, you might have a problem.

STARS: fix your connection issues. fix the unable to sit back issues after your disconnect issues. fix it so that if I am somehow able to sit back, that when I check "wait for bb" and it's already been 2 rounds that I don't get kicked off the table for missing 3 rounds as I'm trying to post my bb. This happens, I don't know why (maybe because the bb sat out and I would have posted the SB instead, either way there needs to be something done about it).
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Flotastic
fix the stars 5 minute breaks - I never ever get a full 5 minute break on stars. FTP breaks are sync'ed and you actually get the full 5 minutes. But on stars either a break is late to start or a new tournament is opening and starting.
The break for an individual tournament is guaranteed to be 5 minutes from the moment it starts. If this is not the case, please let us know so that we can investigate further.

The tournament break starts once all tournament tables finish the hand that is going at :55. Note that sometimes this might take several minutes. Once the break starts, it is guaranteed to be 5 minutes -- this makes sure that every player gets at least 5 minutes break.

As a result, based on the dynamics of the tournaments that you are currently playing it is possible that one of your tournaments may resume sooner than another one.
Originally Posted by NLnit
When I get disconnected because of my ******** internet connection I have no option to sit back in at the table. Sometimes it says 'sitting out' sometimes it says 'disconnected'. Either way I cannot sit back in.
Thanks for all the reports and log files from players. The problem has been identified and we are working on a solution.
Originally Posted by randomuser1
Anyone else having trouble with automatic table activation?
We are looking into the potential causes for this. Will PM players for additional information shortly.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:12 PM
When a new SNG opens (with activate new table off), it sometimes sends a random table to the top of the stack. If this happens at the exact moment a table needing action is also activated, the one needing action can be hidden behind the randomly activated one, and no further tables will be activated since the "most urgent" has not been acted upon yet.

This only seems to happen when the newly opened SNG appears in a different area of the screen than the main stack. If am running X tables continuously and I bust a SNG in the stack, the replacement will spawn behind the stack no problem, but if I drag the SNG out before I bust (so I can observe the horrible suckout lol) the replacement is likely to cause randomisation of the stack when it opens at the location of the busted SNG (remember table positioning on).

This will not happen when a table is on top of the stack already awaiting action, thank goodness.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by NLnit
What up with this:

When I get disconnected because of my ******** internet connection I have no option to sit back in at the table. Sometimes it says 'sitting out' sometimes it says 'disconnected'. Either way I cannot sit back in.

When I go to the 'session options' button it does not show me at these tables. For example I may be at 12 tables but if I am sitting out because of a disconnection at 8 of the tables it will only give me an option for 4 tables.
This is not the proper solution, but it works during freezes and connection problems. Open Task Manager (in Windows) click on Pokerstars entry and click "close". It simulates a disconnection. When you restart Pokerstars it will take you immediately to all the tables and you can "sit back in" like normal. It will get you thru until they get the issue resolved...

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:41 PM
I just said that.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:48 PM
[QUOTE=galatrixo;24800217]+16545341651!! If a sng tournament opens at the sync'd break time, you should have it wait for the hour to start... SERIOUSLY! Every time there is a synch'd break, I either have to sit out and do whatever i have to do, or just stay in the computer cause there is 1 tournament running.

I have to say FTP's breaks are way worse though... If a sng isn't in the 3rd level or whatever it is, it won't have the synch'd break... That kind of takes the whole point of it.[/QUO_TE]

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
02-14-2011 , 07:51 PM
Sooo when can we expect a change with the waiting list? On stars Im tired of having to select each table individually, Id like to just have a "join all waiting lists of tables of this kind" option like on ftp. It takes forever to get a bunch of tables going on stars where ftp there's a few clicks and IM being called to all the tables I need.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
