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[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread [PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

08-03-2016 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
FYI - Travel Notice

Hi, Folks -

I will be traveling for the next couple of weeks starting this evening. My colleagues on the team will monitor this thread and will respond if something is urgent, otherwise I'll pick things up when I get back. I will try to check in occasionally, but I'll only have intermittent access to the Internet so I might not be able to provide much help while I'm away. Fortunately, there are a few regular contributors to this thread who are quite knowledgeable and helpful to other players, for which I am grateful.

In the meantime, I wish you all well at the tables!

Thanks for your well wishes. However its quite difficult to play on the tables when the client crashes 3 times a hour. Am i missing something i should of done to prevent this had a few months off playing.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by theproksa
Hi, after the recent update the chat changed at the hyper simple theme, and I personally liked the previous layout better, is it possible to revert back to it or should i just get used to this new one. Reason being its too big and my HUD just overlaps with it too much, i have to detach chat in order to scroll to see the previous action and all in all its much less transparent.


Edit: Also if you cant revert the old theme as a whole just place the name templates where they used to be.
If you read a couple of pages back, you'll see we've had a discussion about this. Here's a summary:

1. We're changing all table themes to standardize on the chat box design from the Mercury table theme.

2. In the process of doing #1, several table elements were inadvertently moved around and we should be reverting them to their original positions, but it may take a build cycle or two before we have them restored.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
Thanks for your well wishes. However its quite difficult to play on the tables when the client crashes 3 times a hour. Am i missing something i should of done to prevent this had a few months off playing.
I share your frustration with the persistent crashes. We have not been able to reproduce the crash in our QA lab, so we have been unable to find a definitive source and correct it.

We know that upgrading to Win10 has helped some players, and updating graphic drivers has helped others, turning off sounds through Settings has helped at least one player - but also that each of these things have had no impact for other players. We have simply been unable to find a common thread, either in the actions players take that trip the crash, or in the setup changes that seem to make the software less susceptible to crashes in some cases.

You are welcome to try any of the above, and other players may have additional suggestions for what they did that solved the problem for them. Meanwhile, if you have not already done so, there are a few things you can do to help with the investigation, as outlined in these posts:

As we cannot reproduce the crash, the only way we will eventually solve it is through the cooperation and assistance of affected players - so we thank everyone who helps us with the investigation.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 10:56 AM
[*] Upgraded other Desktop table themes to use Mercury style chat functionality

Why? I am not a big fan of the mercury style tbh
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by coach999
[*] Upgraded other Desktop table themes to use Mercury style chat functionality

Why? I am not a big fan of the mercury style tbh
There doesn't seem to be an answer other than "they wanted to". Calling it an upgrade is a bit of a stretch when it's worse in every way.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by coach999
[*] Upgraded other Desktop table themes to use Mercury style chat functionality

Why? I am not a big fan of the mercury style tbh
Originally Posted by The Imp
There doesn't seem to be an answer other than "they wanted to". Calling it an upgrade is a bit of a stretch when it's worse in every way.
It's a matter of standardization. If the peripheral functions and features of the table theme design are standardized between themes, it makes maintenance, bug fixing, introduction of new features and new functions easier and more efficient. Then, when players change themes, the controls and functions don't change, just the look does.

For example, the Mercury chat box has a tab for "Hands", that gives a quick graphical representation of recent hand history at that table. Many players find it useful / fun. Once all themes have the Mercury chat box design, not only do they all get the Hands tab, but if we add another function to the chat area then all themes will get it at the same time with no extra development effort.

It's a practical improvement on several levels.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 11:46 AM
am i the only one who is getting really bad lag in about 5-10 mins of playing after the recent update?

I downgraded the client, and it was working fine. I upgraded again today and the lag started again.

It is really frustrating, could you please help me with this???

Don't think the problem is related with 3rd party tools..
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by baebba
am i the only one who is getting really bad lag in about 5-10 mins of playing after the recent update?

I downgraded the client, and it was working fine. I upgraded again today and the lag started again.

It is really frustrating, could you please help me with this???

Don't think the problem is related with 3rd party tools..
I'm sorry you're experiencing lag. Hopefully, some of the other players will be able to offer troubleshooting tips and suggestions on things you might try.

Otherwise, please contact Support to let them know of your symptoms, and send your log files the next time you experience lag. My colleagues there should be able to help you start trouble shooting as well. If enough players are reporting similar issues to Support, it will trigger an investigation into whether we have a systemic problem with the software or servers.

The best way to help us investigate the lag you experience is to follow the steps I outlined in this post from last year:<br />

I also have two more posts in another thread that may be helpful. The first is discussing the Network Status Panel:

...and the second is a follow-up post that discusses possible sources of lag:
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 01:14 PM
Alright Pokerstars,

I dunno what to say anymore.

Just received an E-Mail from the Stars Support:
(Yea, Yea, it´s German i know.....)


Wir haben bemerkt, dass Sie erst kürzlich das Hilfsprogramm mit dem Namen "PokerStove" verwendet haben. Die Schlüsselfunktionen dieses Programms verstoßen gegen die Abschnitte 5.5 bis 5.7 unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen:

PokerStars verbietet jegliche Tools, die komplexe Equity-Berechnungen anstellen. Dazu zählen Range-vs-Range Simulatoren, ICM oder auf Nash Equilibrium basierende Programme. Tools, die entweder einen bestimmten Handverlauf analysieren oder ermöglichen, eine benutzerdefinierte Situation zu erschaffen, sowie Tools, die in Simulationen Vergleiche gegenüber bestimmten Spieler-Typen liefern, sind verboten, solange die PokerStars-Software geöffnet ist. Das heißt, die Berechnung der folgenden Faktoren ist bei geöffneter PokerStars-Software zu unterlassen:

- Die Equity einer bestimmten Hand gegenüber einer nicht-zufälligen Range an Händen
- Die Equity einer Hand-Range gegenüber einer anderen Hand-Range
- Wie die Stärke einer Hand auf alle möglichen Flop-Kombinationen verteilt ist
- Eine Nash Equilibrium-Lösung für ein bestimmtes Szenario
- Der EV-Vergleich (Erwartungswert-Vergleich) für verschiedene Spieler-Entscheidungen
- Die ICM-Equity für bestimmte Turnier-Situationen, abgesehen von Berechnungen für Turnier-Deals
- Wie ein Spieler-Typ oder eine "Künstliche Intelligenz" eine bestimmte Hand oder Situation spielen würde

Uns ist klar, dass solche Funktionen einen legitimen Nutzen zur Analyse Ihres Spiels haben. Daher sind diese Tools zu Übungszwecken erlaubt, sofern die PokerStars-Software geschlossen ist.

Weitere Informationen bezüglich unserer Vorschriften hinsichtlich der Verwendung von Zusatzprogrammen können Sie unter folgendem Link finden:

Wir sehen ein, dass Sie sich des Verbotes dieses Programms höchstwahrscheinlich nicht bewusst waren. Daher werden wir keine der in unseren AGB verlautbarten strengen Maßnahmen ergreifen, welche im Normalfall hier Anwendung finden. Stattdessen möchten wir Sie lediglich darum bitten, auf diese E-Mail zu antworten. Bitte schreiben Sie uns in Ihrer Antwort, dass Sie sich nun unserer Regelungen bezüglich der Nutzung von Programmen wie diesem bewusst sind, und Sie zukünftig keinerlei verbotene Software bei PokerStars mehr nutzen werden.

Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Kooperation in dieser Angelegenheit.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

PokerStars Game Integrity Team

According to this Mail i´m not allowed to use Pokerstove when the Stars Software is opened (Terms And Conditions Chapter 5.5-5.7) --> --> -->
Thank you Stars Support for being so kind not to freeze my account because I OPENED POKERSTOVE!!!!!!!!! (red part)
And no, i won´t answer to your 1st class E-Mail because I´ll never ever create one penny of rake for you.

I mean,
You screen my hard disk, you tell me that i must shut down Pokerstove and want me to say thank you?

Am I allowed to think or do I have to shut the brain down while the Stars Client is opened?
ATM obv waiting for the "your not allowed to run HM2 or PT4 anymore while Stars Client is opened" -->

Insta cashed out obv (+ waiting for "you are not allowed to cash out anymore while Stars Client is running").

So i´ll play on Full Tilt now!
That´s also Stars.........

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 01:46 PM
So you cashout because you can't use prohibited software that gives unfair advantage from ps pov? Makes sense. You know you cant use stuff like propokertools when playing either? Its been like that for ages allready.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by KossuKukkula
So you cashout because you can't use prohibited software that gives unfair advantage from ps pov? Makes sense. You know you cant use stuff like propokertools when playing either? Its been like that for ages allready.
Yea sure.

You know that HM or PT povides 100times more info and so on.... and your allowed to use it.

I didn´t even open Pokerstove!!
I was not sitting on a table. I just downloaded it and installed it while the main Client was open.
15 mins later i received an E-Mail......

Can you please explain in detail how cheating with the use of pokerstove works?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 03:14 PM
Ps thinks you get unfair advantage when you can calculate hand ranges in real time. Because of that ps allso made hem and pt to change the hud and notecaddy etc. And in the end ps can make the rules as game provider. Does these rules allways makes sense? Hell no.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 04:39 PM
Any chance under Gameplay -> Advanced, we can get a "Set/Bet % of pot: Round to nearest SB"? So far you can either not round at all or round to BB which is very unhandy in single raised pots.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by baebba
am i the only one who is getting really bad lag in about 5-10 mins of playing after the recent update?

I downgraded the client, and it was working fine. I upgraded again today and the lag started again.

It is really frustrating, could you please help me with this???

Don't think the problem is related with 3rd party tools..
Same here, only the latest version lags like hell. The former version is running alright, but Pokerstars doesn't care. As we can also see here, WE shall send all kinds of info to Stars. You customer, do this and that and that and this so that your PC runs well with our software that we make worse and worse. Good job, Stars! Just go on like that. Raise rake, stop promotions and make the software bad, yeah that is Poker in 2016.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-03-2016 , 05:08 PM
Mac version: Since the last update the chat box disappeared.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-04-2016 , 04:15 AM
So PokerStars is becoming a big pile of bloatware like so many other programs in the past.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-04-2016 , 04:30 AM
Lucky me I didn't get forced/auto update to latest client version yet.

Btw to all those still getting crashes, try upgrading to win 10 if that option is still available to you. I haven't had a single crash after I upgraded to it and win 10 is very fast and smooth.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-04-2016 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by anuj22
Lucky me I didn't get forced/auto update to latest client version yet.

Btw to all those still getting crashes, try upgrading to win 10 if that option is still available to you. I haven't had a single crash after I upgraded to it and win 10 is very fast and smooth.
FYI Win 10 is still available for free upgrade for those who have a licence for windows' previous versions

Many people are downloading this here whether they are "accessibility" users or not:

There are no checks
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-04-2016 , 07:15 AM
On the last weeks the client crashes randomly sometimes,and have no option but close it+restart.It doesn´t happen as often as it was a few months ago that was crashing like every hour.Now is crashing maybe around once a day.But obviusly still no need to explain what a pain when you have 16/20tables including hypers,sats,etc.

Just no words to decribe the sad turn of Pokerstars from best site to mediocre incompetence.Am I really reading a kind of "we can´t do much more on this because we can´ t reproduce it" ? Lol,like there are not more thigs to do,ways to prevent,invest on decent servers/structure,etc,so just like years ago when these crash things were absolutely uncomon..But hey,now the customers have an important role investigating these crashes! because "we can´t reproduce it".Lol

Its for real that should we need to say that you should solve your problems,crashes,etc,actively,and asume your responsability for them entirely?
Should we really need to say that these things simply should never ever happen on a ragulary basis on a site were we are paying millions on rake?

Keith,I know its your job,but please no need of your "understanding of my frustration",or empty lol posts about taking off responsability or about "some things that work for some players".Just tell Pokerstars to don´t laugh on our faces so hard please.Thanks
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-04-2016 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by _Loki_
FYI Win 10 is still available for free upgrade for those who have a licence for windows' previous versions

Many people are downloading this here whether they are "accessibility" users or not:

There are no checks
You can also change the system clock on your computer to a date before July 29
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-04-2016 , 06:29 PM
Whenever i'm playing in a shootout game eg: heads up or a 4 max sat etc...have won my round or table and am waiting for other tables to finish, once they do and we're ready to be re-seated at a new table, my table closes but, I don't get taken to my new table.

I continually have to find the tournament in the lobby and then click on 'seat me' again. I then get taken to the table, only to find out I was sitting out and losing chips, before being able to start playing again.

This happens in every shootout I play and is especially frustrating when playing a 4 max sat (which I play quite a few of to get into bigger events) with a starting stack of 500 chips and can't afford to be losing chips like that, when on the FT and down to the last 4.

The only time this doesn't happen is when I don't move and players come to my table instead, which doesn't happen often enough for my liking considering the current circumstances.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2016 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by DebtsNBooze
Mac version: Since the last update the chat box disappeared.
Just realized the chat box disappears only when you maximize the window.
Also, the challenges window is empty.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2016 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by DebtsNBooze
Also, the challenges window is empty.

From the PokerStars Promotions/Ideas/etc... thread:

Originally Posted by HostJacob
This is a known issue affecting Mac users that is being worked on by our developers. Apologies for any inconvenience - you should be able to log in on any mobile device, opt in to the challenge, and then go back to your Mac to actually play; once you've started it, it will count the progress and grant rewards whether you can open the challenge window or not.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2016 , 05:30 AM
Oh, thanks @krazykarter!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2016 , 12:39 PM
In 8game mtts its impossible to see hole card suits in stud without making the table bigger
Pls fix this
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
