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***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** ***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread***

09-15-2016 , 11:38 AM
Imma open a coffee shop, and have a buy five get one free loyalty card system. It'll be great the consumers will be enticed to comeback and earn more towards their free coffee, it's basically a saving for them. Heres the real clincher, when everyone gets to four or five coffees and are close to getting their free one, I'll say the system is no longer in place

Thoughts on this promo ? I feel it could be metaphorically applied to PokerStars, it would make them tons $$$.

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09-15-2016 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by HostJacob
Obviously bad beat jackpots have been around a long time, and have been offered before on various sites. They've always been considered and it was never felt that they were a very attractive promotion, so I doubt they'll be added. Things like The Deal are more meant to introduce a jackpot type element that all players can participate in as opposed to just cash game players.

I fully accept that the prizes are not going to significantly enhance your income from poker. However, most challenges type promotions these days are meant to be ones that you can finish relatively quickly at very low stakes and get a bit of free money with a small dream of winning a significant amount. The combination of being allowed to play it at micro stakes and only needing a small number of hands to finish certainly means the prizes on average are not going to be eye popping. The feedback of having different prizes at different stakes definitely has been discussed.

I would say generally speaking the idea of these promotions is not to get a player to do something they don't want to do; it's to make something they already had a reasonable inclination to do somewhat more entertaining. I accept that the feedback of your average professional or experienced non professional would be that things like CardHunt or JacksOrBetter or Pyramid weren't that entertaining; I'm not sure based on what I've seen that this is true for recreational players who are choosing between poker and Clash Royale and Candy Crush.

One other alternative would be to have a larger minimum prize for completing a challenge but a chance of winning nothing at all. I'd be curious to know the thread's thoughts on that.

While you say "WCOOP doesn't count", WCOOP is a high profile series of events and there's certainly some extra focus being placed there during it's run.

I've passed the question on to our tournaments team; you can probably interact with them more directly in the MTT discussion thread though.

I'll pass this on to the ring games team - their initial answer was that nothing should have changed with zoom recently. There are some settings about how often you can do the "leave and come back" thing though - they are explained here:

Is it possible this triggered for you?

There will be. Details on the third should be announced soon.

I do look at it almost every day. If there are questions about how something works or a complaint that something isn't working correctly, I will answer right away. If it's specific feedback, I will almost always raise it internally even if I don't respond here.

Thanks all for the comments, positive and negative.
Your 500$ daily freerolls, which are you "creme de la creme" these days, last on average 5 HOURS and pay out a whopping 50$ for first and min cash which takes hours is 1$. That's not exactly living the "dream".
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09-15-2016 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Sonicdahedgehog
Yeah, fair points...

I hardly ever play zoom so, am certainly no expert when it comes to those tables and the rules around buy-ins on them etc...I can only comment in a general sense from my extensive play on and knowledge of standard cash tables.

What I can say is that, if the max buy-in for one of my tables is $100, I have $140.00 upon leaving my seat and then choose to sit back down at that table shortly after, my buy-in has to be $140.00 again despite it being higher than the table max.

I would've assumed this is the same across the board on all cash tables so, it comes as a surprise to me that zoom could possibly have or had a different set of rules...Perhaps they did in the past but, have now been brought in to line with standard tables so, it's one rule for all...I don't know.

Would be interested to find out now from someone who has a more in-depth knowledge about it though...

There is such thing as a 'buy-in obligation feature' where if activated, enforces a higher minimum buy-in at ring game and Zoom tables under very rare circumstances and although it only affects a small % of players, the OP who brought this subject up could possibly have activated this by his/her actions. It's hard to know exactly what is happening without exact details and prior history leading up to it...
Non-Zoom that makes sense. It's the same table -- the same players in the same seats when you return. Coming back with just a max buyin can certainly be an advantage that has direct downside to your specific opponents. Just as true in a live poker room.

Zoom it's not the same so no need to "prevent" an advantage since it's the entire pool that you are impacting, no direct advantage to be gained. Which is why Zoom always avoided penalizing you for exceeding the max buyin in this way.

Hope it hasn't now been undone -- idk since I only play Limit games in cash as of this summer. Best poker related decision I've made in years.
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09-16-2016 , 08:34 PM
Anybody else spotted any overlay in the miniWCOOP? Looks like there was a little bit in this one ...

Looks like regular-sized WCOOP might be on track to overlay too, not sure? It's a $320 entry though (significant portion of my roll, and too high stakes for me )
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-16-2016 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by HostJacob
I accept that the feedback of your average professional or experienced non professional would be that things like CardHunt or JacksOrBetter or Pyramid weren't that entertaining; I'm not sure based on what I've seen that this is true for recreational players who are choosing between poker and Clash Royale and Candy Crush.
Anybody else who plays Candy Crush as well? Sometimes they have special games within the game where it shows who else is playing - and does it seem to everybody else like it's about 2/3 females playing? Wonder if maybe a decent number of guys might tend to especially enjoy when there's an opponent? Not sure?
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09-17-2016 , 03:04 AM
My opinion is that the support is super slow. If they start a security check in my opinion they should do it instantly or to not start it, until they do not have time to process it quickly.

In short - I cannot cashout money for 2 weeks because of security check
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 10:07 AM
Hi guys,
soon i'll finish football fever challenge, step 4, so i'll get some reward. What kind of reward i can expect, can't find anything about it.. If anyone had experience with it, please share it.
Hope it wont be 5$ free bet.
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Kros
Hi guys,
soon i'll finish football fever challenge, step 4, so i'll get some reward. What kind of reward i can expect, can't find anything about it.. If anyone had experience with it, please share it.
Hope it wont be 5$ free bet.
On the challenge window, when you click on the small "i" on the top right corner, you find additional info on the given challenge.

Here is the payout table anyways:

50% ---> $10
40% ---> $80
10% ---> $200

Good luck!
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Purps
On the challenge window, when you click on the small "i" on the top right corner, you find additional info on the given challenge.

Here is the payout table anyways:

50% ---> $10
40% ---> $80
10% ---> $200

Good luck!
Thanks man!
Found it, i have
50% ---> $2
40% ---> $10
10% ---> $50
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 10:28 AM
Quite a big difference in payouts.
Which client are you on?
I'm on EU.
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 10:34 AM

Btw, i am running hot on betstars
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Kros
i am running hot on betstars
Nice, I am not, so maybe that explains the difference.

afaik they've been giving out better deposit bonuses for losing players etc.

However I thought these challenges would be same for everyone,
guess that's a bit naive of me
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 10:46 AM
Well, to be honest i expected the same.
Was surprised when i saw my payouts.

And now for like 10 minutes all markets are suspended..and a lot of games are in-play..
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Kros
Well, to be honest i expected the same.
Was surprised when i saw my payouts.
What was the minimum accepted bet in your challenge?
Mine was $50 on every bet, so if yours was less, that would also explain the different payouts...
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 12:23 PM
Yea man, you are right!
It was 10$ minimum bet for my challenge.
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 12:38 PM
Ok thx, that explains it
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-18-2016 , 01:30 PM
Won 50$ with this promotion
Niiice, last hit was combo in-play, Tottenham win & Hertha - Schalke over 0,5
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-20-2016 , 02:01 PM
Sorry if this has already been posted. If so, I think people should watch it again, its pure gold. Go to 13:55.

Yeah nice job Stars, mind = not blown.

Your site is pure garbage now, next they will be adding a brothel service. Feeling dumpier every day.
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-20-2016 , 03:28 PM
My wife lives with me if she opens an ps account and deposits does she also qualifies for stars600 bonus even thou we share ip?
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-20-2016 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Gameoverbmo
My wife lives with me if she opens an ps account and deposits does she also qualifies for stars600 bonus even thou we share ip?
A lot of those deposit bonuses have a '1 per household rule' but, i'm unsure about the one your talking about. Best thing to do would be to flick Pokerstars support a quick email asking them this question. It shouldn't take to long for them to get back to you.
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-21-2016 , 12:46 PM
Hi all!
Firstly I will apologize for my english, but I hope that you can understand me.
In my opinion, PokerStars should made something like Spin&Go Satelites to Daily Majors and weekend majors. In my opinion, it should look: you will create new bookmark for this in Spin&Go section. There will be few satelites, for example 4 satelites, all costs 5$(except weekend majors sat).
1. Bounty Builder Sat
2. The Big Sat
3. The Hot Sat
4. Weekend majors Sat

And for example, in bounty builder spin&go u can hit:
- x2 multiplier,
- x4 multiplier,
- Bounty Builder 55$ ticket,
- Bounty Builder 82$ ticket,
- Bounty Builder 109$ ticket,
- Bounty Builder 162$ ticket,
- Bounty Builder 215$ ticket,
- and maybe something like JACKPOT, for 1st 215$ticket, 2nd 162$ ticket, 3rd 109$ ticket

Similarly to other kinds of this spin&go satelites. Maybe this sat to weekend majors will costs 10$, because they are few more expensive MTTs.
Tickets win in this satelites can be use ONLY in this tournaments, you can't change it to T$.

Now you will ask me "why?".
- I think a lot of recreational players will play this satelites(rly, tones of new players=tones of rake = you love rake, so...)
- Regs from spin&go wont play this kind of spins, maybe just a little if they play weekend MTTs sessions, because they dont need 10 tickets to tourneys which cant change to T$.
- In this MTTs will play more ppl = higher prizepool = more fishes = MTT regs will be happy = recreational players will be happy(higher prizes) = Amaya will be happy = all will be happy and live in calm and peace .

Idk that someone from amaya will read this, but I hope yes. PM me if you have questions.

I'm surprised that you not invent something like that.
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-21-2016 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by hornykiss
Your 500$ daily freerolls, which are you "creme de la creme" these days, last on average 5 HOURS and pay out a whopping 50$ for first and min cash which takes hours is 1$. That's not exactly living the "dream".
really think you better rephrase the bonus pay outs there ,doesnt make much sense to me.

pokerstars has freerolls many of which are secluded country based,ones also that are offered by affiliate sites or card rooms etc .

most of the freerolls are a waste of time let alone not much fun as they tend to attract more than 8 players going all in via the same pot to try and win yet when ure aces get busted by the 74 offsuit that should never have been in the pot in the first place it put marked doubters in the back of your mind that perhaps the biggest concern is that the whole concept of the game might be all a load of bs in the first place .so my answer to those freerolls is why bother. simply dont play them.easy solution.

ohh and thanks though for your input, it seems you dont really know much about poker or how these sites work.
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-21-2016 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by krrrystek
Hi all!
Firstly I will apologize for my english, but I hope that you can understand me.
In my opinion, PokerStars should made something like Spin&Go Satelites to Daily Majors and weekend majors. In my opinion, it should look: you will create new bookmark for this in Spin&Go section. There will be few satelites, for example 4 satelites, all costs 5$(except weekend majors sat).
1. Bounty Builder Sat
2. The Big Sat
3. The Hot Sat
4. Weekend majors Sat

And for example, in bounty builder spin&go u can hit:
- x2 multiplier,
- x4 multiplier,
- Bounty Builder 55$ ticket,
- Bounty Builder 82$ ticket,
- Bounty Builder 109$ ticket,
- Bounty Builder 162$ ticket,
- Bounty Builder 215$ ticket,
- and maybe something like JACKPOT, for 1st 215$ticket, 2nd 162$ ticket, 3rd 109$ ticket

Similarly to other kinds of this spin&go satelites. Maybe this sat to weekend majors will costs 10$, because they are few more expensive MTTs.
Tickets win in this satelites can be use ONLY in this tournaments, you can't change it to T$.

Now you will ask me "why?".
- I think a lot of recreational players will play this satelites(rly, tones of new players=tones of rake = you love rake, so...)
- Regs from spin&go wont play this kind of spins, maybe just a little if they play weekend MTTs sessions, because they dont need 10 tickets to tourneys which cant change to T$.
- In this MTTs will play more ppl = higher prizepool = more fishes = MTT regs will be happy = recreational players will be happy(higher prizes) = Amaya will be happy = all will be happy and live in calm and peace .

Idk that someone from amaya will read this, but I hope yes. PM me if you have questions.

I'm surprised that you not invent something like that.
and this idea is perhaps one of the best ideas ive heard of in a long time ,but although pokerstars did enforce this with the solitary sunday million win spin and go at the $5 level i think its was, but none the less the strategy put forward by yourself is a good conceptual idea and one that would be greatly hooked on by the players with some making them better spin and go players instead of going all in on the very first hand all the time.

great job and good post. ones like this should be given to the team to look into.
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-21-2016 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by pokerstar king
and this idea is perhaps one of the best ideas ive heard of in a long time ,but although pokerstars did enforce this with the solitary sunday million win spin and go at the $5 level i think its was, but none the less the strategy put forward by yourself is a good conceptual idea and one that would be greatly hooked on by the players with some making them better spin and go players instead of going all in on the very first hand all the time.

great job and good post. ones like this should be given to the team to look into.
Thank you bro! I was rly scary that you (community) will hate me for this idea . I had a lot of (i think not bad) ideas, but I don't remember it now. I should note it somewhere . I hope that someone from P* staff will read that post and reply there/contact me or just implement this. It will be good to poker ecosystem(they like this phrase).
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
09-21-2016 , 05:34 PM
Yep excellent idea, definitely something Stars should look into and I think lots of people would enjoy them too
***PokerStars Promotions Ideas/Suggestions/Opinions Thread*** Quote
