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Is PokerStars down / lagging? Is PokerStars down / lagging?

04-11-2015 , 04:12 PM
i heard partypoker never has connection problems
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by rzek
i heard partypoker never has connection problems
888 poker with the same reliability
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:20 PM
I get now the answer to a part of my problem (reading steve saying that they close games and open etc).

This all days.

Was the problem that no new tables of USD born in micros at a certain time of the day. Never anyone give me an answer on that. Now i know. Because the servers can´t handle it, stars just don´t let born new micro USD tables.

When they do this, they create ( my second problem) the Reservation sickness lag - hundreds of people, that want to play, don´t have a free table, and so, they click massibly on quick seat, this make the sick LAG of R, and put more lag on the games.

This is all days.

So, IMO, to stars run the fancy casino on the server, they just deteriorate the micro cash games, making them almost unplayable ( for someone who wants to play lots of tables) - cos they know noone cares about that, that´s why i never saw a complain like mine here.

Now all makes sense.

The other lag - the standard one... it´s what it its. This thing only puts in more lag, and the R sickness, and the lost of seat positions.


No new tables » no new players » donks lose stacks to multitablers »games be with multitablings » no fish » games be slow because the lag of the site » starts the R sickness lag » games be even more slow with lag and even more slow because you are now basically playing with the nits ( impossible to open new tables, stars dont let them born = donks go play other thing or elsehwere), massive lag =====» FROZEN.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:22 PM
So as of posting this, there's 62,722 players online.

in 40mins tournies are going to recommence.... apparently

Is what you're saying that your current framework can only support 63k players for tournies and keep the Casino going at same time?

Before the Casino / Live Casino / Slots were added, was there ANY additional servers bandwidth purchased at all?

Or was this situation brought about by simply hoping that the current set up could handle it?
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:25 PM
What happens when you have 4 SNGS left on battle of the planets given the recent setbacks of the server problems? Appreciate it if someone can address this situation.

Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:26 PM
How do I win one mirrion now??!
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Renaan
So as of posting this, there's 62,722 players online.

in 40mins tournies are going to recommence.... apparently

Is what you're saying that your current framework can only support 63k players for tournies and keep the Casino going at same time?

Before the Casino / Live Casino / Slots were added, was there ANY additional servers bandwidth purchased at all?

Or was this situation brought about by simply hoping that the current set up could handle it?
nothing is gonna to recommence. It is just really really fked up. PS can't get a grip on the situation for more than 24 hours now. And they have no idea, when they get that under controll.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:41 PM
We will shortly re-enable Spin & Go tournaments.

Originally Posted by Jaylee18
What happens when you have 4 SNGS left on battle of the planets given the recent setbacks of the server problems? Appreciate it if someone can address this situation.

I assume you are talking about or as BotP is no longer running on our other licenses. Please send an email to support.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
I can assure you that there are quite a number of people working on the problem helping with the things you mention and I am in constant communication with them.

I understand the disappointment and frustration that many of you may be feeling. In my view, the only thing that is likely to satisfy you, our customers, is the return of our site to operating properly at full capacity. In the meantime I want to make sure you are informed of operating status.

There is not currently an expected time for the issues to be resolved.
Hi Steve,

I have played on Pokerstars for maybe 8 years. It's sad to see what is happening here. So you fix the servers for the rest of the day. They will lag again tomorrow, and next weekend and next week like they have since Amaya took over and whatever changed with the software. Is there any chance you guys can close down and renovate per say, invest more money in to your software and give a proper connection, do what you need to do or re-install whatever was taken out to save money. ?

I have emailed connection and software problems for 6 months now and all I have gotten is log file cut and paste responses, insinuating my computer is the reason I was having problems when it was not and I knew it was not. I have reported problems to your site 6 months ago that you said were ONLY MY ISSUE that you seemingly ignored that others are posting here now.

Not sure what the exact cause of your sites chronic problems are but nobody will be disappointed if you shut down for a few days and fix this so we can enjoy what we had for years. I for one don't trust much money your site now and these daily apologies and saying things are resolved when they aren't is making you look really bad

You can't take a warm bath to solve the problem of a cold apartment. You need to call a repair man and fix the furnace...
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
We will shortly re-enable Spin & Go tournaments.

I assume you are talking about or as BotP is no longer running on our other licenses. Please send an email to support.
Yeah i was asking on behalf of a friend for PokerStars.FR thanks for the quick and timely response Steve, appreciated.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by alsk
Hi Steve,

I have played on Pokerstars for maybe 8 years. It's sad to see what is happening here. So you fix the servers for the rest of the day. They will lag again tomorrow, and next weekend and next week like they have since Amaya took over and whatever changed with the software. Is there any chance you guys can close down and renovate per say, invest more money in to your software and give a proper connection, do what you need to do or re-install whatever was taken out to save money. ?

I have emailed connection and software problems for 6 months now and all I have gotten is log file cut and paste responses, insinuating my computer is the reason I was having problems when it was not and I knew it was not. I have reported problems to your site 6 months ago that you said were ONLY MY ISSUE that you seemingly ignored that others are posting here now.

Not sure what the exact cause of your sites chronic problems are but nobody will be disappointed if you shut down for a few days and fix this so we can enjoy what we had for years. I for one don't trust much money your site now and these daily apologies and saying things are resolved when they aren't is making you look really bad

You can't take a warm bath to solve the problem of a cold apartment. You need to call a repair man and fix the furnace...
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:50 PM
its still really laggy for me playing zoom. Is this likely to improve or is this 'fixed'?
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
We will shortly re-enable Spin & Go tournaments.
I love it how you're sticking gambling Spin & Gos among poker games like they're one of them
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:10 PM
Will the ChromeStar VIP Weekly be running later on today?
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:19 PM

You have to be fair to the PS team, they've suffered an attack from mobs just like iPoker & 888 have in the recent months, majority of you won't understand the damages a DDoS attack causes, modems/routers & servers will have suffered damage if the attack was severe enough and bandwidth will be high for several days. Handling an attack worth 9.235 Mbps periodically isn't easy.

We're all frustrated but they will bounce back!

Last edited by skeldon87; 04-11-2015 at 05:41 PM.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by skeldon87

You have to be fair to the PS team, they've suffered an attack from mobs just like iPoker & 888 have in the recent months, majority of you won't understand the damages a DDoS attack causes, modems/routers & servers will have suffered damage if the attack was severe enough and bandwidth will be high for several days. Handling an attack worth 9.235 Mbps periodically isn't easy.

We're all frustrated but they will be bounce back!
I think if that is the case the majority of people would be very understanding and cut them some slack. However, with a lack of communication, most people fill the gap by assuming servers haven't been maintained properly. Now people with half a brain know that you don't suddenly get problems on a random average Saturday night without something haven't happened. But the communication could have been a lot better if this is the case.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by skeldon87

You have to be fair to the PS team, they've suffered an attack from mobs just like iPoker & 888 have in the recent months, majority of you won't understand the damages a DDoS attack causes, modems/routers & servers will have suffered damage if the attack was severe enough and bandwidth will be high for several days. Handling an attack worth 9.235 Mbps periodically isn't easy.

We're all frustrated but they will be bounce back!
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:38 PM
We are resuming SNG tournaments now and, assuming all goes well as expected, scheduled tournaments will start running as scheduled in approximately 22 minutes.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by PlasticPearl
I think if that is the case the majority of people would be very understanding and cut them some slack. However, with a lack of communication, most people fill the gap by assuming servers haven't been maintained properly. Now people with half a brain know that you don't suddenly get problems on a random average Saturday night without something haven't happened. But the communication could have been a lot better if this is the case.
Totally agree, the communication has been poor, a simple banner or news item wouldn't go a miss, even a mass email could be produced with an apology and explanation.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:41 PM
OMG I had no idea everyone else was lagging. Mine is sometimes to the point where it sits me out in all my games! I have been so tilted by this and I almost threw my computer out the window because I thought that is what it was.

And the other day after the update I had to reset all my hotkeys, my table layouts, sound settings EVERYTHING!

This can not continue.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:44 PM
So can you give us the lowdown as to what is causing these problems, Steve?

Is it, in all likelihood, going to happen again tomorrow? Or are you confident that is is a problem that has been sorted?

Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:55 PM
The site is now back to full operation.
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 06:02 PM
And still not resolved the download issue -3/0 ?
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 06:06 PM
seems to run smooth for now...

it might be not possible for you to answer steve, but any suggestions how play will run tomorrow ... sunday traffic and all?
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
04-11-2015 , 06:09 PM
zoom is still lagging as hell
Is PokerStars down / lagging? Quote
