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World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy

08-07-2020 , 05:37 PM
UPWK and/or FVRR as plays on (I think?) the rapidly growing field of freelancing are intriguing.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-08-2020 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
UPWK and/or FVRR as plays on (I think?) the rapidly growing field of freelancing are intriguing.
interested in upwk just don't know enough about it
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-09-2020 , 08:23 PM
To be fair, I don't know much about either company, I'm mostly just aware they're the two biggest players in the centralized freelancing world, but I think there has to be a pretty big opportunity lurking in that space. I bought a decent amount of UPWK post-ER around ~14.50, mostly out of expectation that the stock price is going to go up decently over the next couple of months assuming the market stays where it's at now or explodes to the upside. Plan on learning more about it in the near future and will then determine whether it's worth holding for the long haul.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-09-2020 , 09:14 PM
I think in 10 years they will have a new design for basically a smart city, with an entirely different infrastructure than what we see today.

They will realize it's too late to implement in places like New York and whatnot, but they will decide to rip up entire sections of the US and basically start over and set up these tech cities. Basically a giant construction boom which would also guarantee a bunch of jobs as well.

Maybe this would keep oil flowing? Not sure what else.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-13-2020 , 08:52 AM
Posted about this in the long term value thread just now but what about 3D printing? Its growth doesn't seem to have translated much into related stocks experiencing much growth themselves. A lot of these companies seem to be well below their peak stock prices. I know next to nothing about the industry but it looks like there's probably a lot of competition out there and maybe the dust hasn't settled yet. Anyone knowledgeable about this industry want to chime in?
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-13-2020 , 11:42 AM
It got a lot of hype years ago, but I think graphene will be huge in the next 10-15 years.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-13-2020 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
To be fair, I don't know much about either company, I'm mostly just aware they're the two biggest players in the centralized freelancing world, but I think there has to be a pretty big opportunity lurking in that space. I bought a decent amount of UPWK post-ER around ~14.50, mostly out of expectation that the stock price is going to go up decently over the next couple of months assuming the market stays where it's at now or explodes to the upside. Plan on learning more about it in the near future and will then determine whether it's worth holding for the long haul.
This post and jeremy got me interested. I did more research and found that there are 2 public players and about 15 private competitors. Toptal and others that just seem like they could be better in the long run than upwk. I also saw the CEO on youtube talkinga bout her boycott of facebook. Didn't inspire confidence in me. I'll pass on it.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-13-2020 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
Posted about this in the long term value thread just now but what about 3D printing? Its growth doesn't seem to have translated much into related stocks experiencing much growth themselves. A lot of these companies seem to be well below their peak stock prices. I know next to nothing about the industry but it looks like there's probably a lot of competition out there and maybe the dust hasn't settled yet. Anyone knowledgeable about this industry want to chime in?

also curious about this from ark invests


it needs to be cost and time effective to 3d print, and not sure it's there yet
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-13-2020 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Andrew44
I think in 10 years they will have a new design for basically a smart city, with an entirely different infrastructure than what we see today.

They will realize it's too late to implement in places like New York and whatnot, but they will decide to rip up entire sections of the US and basically start over and set up these tech cities. Basically a giant construction boom which would also guarantee a bunch of jobs as well.

Maybe this would keep oil flowing? Not sure what else.

underground tesla tunnels for sure
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-13-2020 , 03:54 PM
One big problem is that a lot of the businesses worth buying are private and have no reason to go public if they are f=growing exponentially.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-15-2020 , 05:18 AM
Maybe someone will figure out how to explore the bottom of the ocean better than anyone else and scoop up all the old coins and stuff off shipwrecks?
Estimated 700 trillion+ value in gold alone down there. Imagine all the other crap.
Underwater mining as well could be huge. Definitely some stuff hidden close by.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-15-2020 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Andrew44
Maybe someone will figure out how to explore the bottom of the ocean better than anyone else and scoop up all the old coins and stuff off shipwrecks?
Estimated 700 trillion+ value in gold alone down there. Imagine all the other crap.
Underwater mining as well could be huge. Definitely some stuff hidden close by.
def not trillion
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-15-2020 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Andrew44
Maybe someone will figure out how to explore the bottom of the ocean better than anyone else and scoop up all the old coins and stuff off shipwrecks?
Estimated 700 trillion+ value in gold alone down there. Imagine all the other crap.
Underwater mining as well could be huge. Definitely some stuff hidden close by.

Also mining those asteroids. Either way sounds like calls on TSLA are in order.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-16-2020 , 03:15 PM
I invested pretty heavily in cloud about 7 years ago. That still feels like a good bet. So, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. I loaded up on SKYY and its way up, but seems to be mostly because of its position in Amazon. (Although it looks like it has rebalanced and taken a smaller position as of late)
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-16-2020 , 04:15 PM
Video game hours played, as a percentage of total human recreational time spent, is only going up.

The people who are most ok spending a larger percentage of their recreational time and money on video games than the rest of the population are all still at the ages where their incomes are nowhere near their peaks.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-16-2020 , 08:10 PM
I think microgrids will be big in the future with growth in the next five years. CLSK seems like an interesting gamble to me.
Biofarming. I found a penny stock company that grows plant cells in water that are identical to the original plant. They have made a resveratrol product (red wine) and plan to
large scale the same thing with cannabis. This sort of thing will be huge. No pesticides, non gmo, no soil, no plant - hardly any space. I don't think it's a good bet but the company is Bioharvest sciences inc. Process patents are pretty weak so I don't think they could do this exclusively.
Holograms, augmented holographic reality plays. Samsung comes to mind but i think every major tech company is involved with this in some way.

Last edited by kustard; 08-16-2020 at 08:21 PM.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-16-2020 , 08:15 PM
decentralized finance cryptocurrency
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
08-16-2020 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by chytry
def not trillion
Yep I was wrong that number is actually the value of gold that's IN the water in trace particles or some **** but can't be extracted. Shipwreck gold estimated at only $60 billion.

There was a shipwreck that had 1 billion in gold all by itself and a couple billion in platinum ingots, whatever the **** that is. A ship called Port Nicholson from WWII era. A group of investors sunk $8 million trying to recover some stuff from Nicholson and failed lol.

There's an estimated 1 million shipwrecks at the bottom of the ocean! But I guess whoever gets it won't be a public company, so we'll all be sitting with our thumbs up our ass anyways.

Alright back to underground tunnels.
World in 10 Years - What businesses to buy Quote
