Want to make 28% this year?
I assume since you are as a single self-employed lawyer:
1. You have set up a SEP-IRA and are contributing the max.
2. Have set up an individual IRA (Roth if income allows it) and are contributing the max.
If you aren't, then do this immediately and get the tax breaks and get your cash in tax-advantaged accounts. Live off your savings and push your salary into the tax-advantaged accounts.
Dump the funds you put into those tax-advantage accounts in target retirement funds at Vanguard or Fidelity or T. Rowe Price and forget about it.
Also, figure out what the 20% down payment on your home is going to cost and get it in a mutual fund money market like Vanguard Prime MM or a tax-free MM, depending on whichever is better for an after-tax yield. Here's a link to the calculator to figure out which is best.
Good luck!