I have a few websites that are completed (or very near completion), but not yet widely publicized. The ideas behind them are pretty strong - one of them is a very solid business model that has done extremely well in the past, but for various reasons that competitor closed up shop, giving me a great niche opportunity.
Hopefully this question isn't Googletarding (I checked the FAQ), but I'd like to know how 2p2ers here got their start in marketing their sites or ideas around the Interwebs. I know all the basic standard stuff - promoting it through blogs, message boards, writing blog posts and adding content, submitting my site to various search engines and legitimate directories, but any further insight is certainly welcome. Perhaps some ideas on how to setup an affiliate network? Backend software? I'm fairly proficient (or at least, I can find people who are) when it comes to website tools implementation, so reading material is certainly welcome.
EDIT: The idea of the website centers around Internet gambling/services.