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Which type of coins/bullion should I buy (silver/gold) ? Which type of coins/bullion should I buy (silver/gold) ?

07-22-2012 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man
The fundamentals are still there...
And what are the fundamentals. Silver has some industrial use and there is plenty of silver for those uses. It's the tinfoilers "investment demand" that drives silver prices up. What does it cost to dig up silver and store it and is that price under or over reflected right now assuming it is only used rather than hoarded by the crazies?

Gold is even worse it has very little use other than jewelry which is not a neccessity. Sure its a great conductor but it can easily be replaced in that capacity. If we all woke up tommorrow and all of the gold in the world disappeared. Life would go on. Crops would grow, animals would breed, people would go on with life as we know it. It adds very little to absolutely nothing in the great scheme of things. Gold is valuable because somebody way back when said it was. But if there wasn't any gold at all the world would be no worse off. Its value is just as "made up" as fiat currencies are. Real commodities like food and energy and even copper have real value since they are useful and neccessary. Silver less so and gold a whole lot less so.
Which type of coins/bullion should I buy (silver/gold) ? Quote
07-22-2012 , 08:07 PM
"Gold is as made up as fiat currency." This is laughable. I cant wait for Silver man to show you how you are completely wrong.
Which type of coins/bullion should I buy (silver/gold) ? Quote
07-22-2012 , 08:42 PM
Calling gold a made up fiat currency is giving it too much credit. Gold isn't a currency -- it is a commodity and no different than any other commodity.
Which type of coins/bullion should I buy (silver/gold) ? Quote
07-22-2012 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Gold isn't a currency -- it is a commodity and no different than any other commodity.
Then why do Central Banks hold it?
Which type of coins/bullion should I buy (silver/gold) ? Quote
07-22-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Calling gold a made up fiat currency is giving it too much credit. Gold isn't a currency -- it is a commodity and no different than any other commodity.
True. Gold is valuable because people say it is.
Which type of coins/bullion should I buy (silver/gold) ? Quote
07-22-2012 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
And what are the fundamentals. Silver has some industrial use and there is plenty of silver for those uses. It's the tinfoilers "investment demand" that drives silver prices up. What does it cost to dig up silver and store it and is that price under or over reflected right now assuming it is only used rather than hoarded by the crazies?
You are crazy when you say it is the tin foilers investment demand that drives up prices. You think silver went from 14 bucks or so almost up to 50 and half way back down in about 2 years time because of a virtually non-existent microscopic group of tin foilers buying and selling?????? The investment demand for silver effecting the price hasn't even happened yet. No one buys it. The change of prices now have to do with the bankers and politicians keeping their funny money game afloat. Investment demand will effect the price in the future but so few people invest in it in any meaningful amounts. Once 1% of the population is buying silver then the price per ounce will be in the hundreds of dollars.

Silver has SOME industrial uses? Try THOUSANDS of industrial uses.

Fundamentals are... ask the Fed how many trillions they are printing. Ask the debtclock where it is at right now.

Silver is so suppressed it isn't even funny. People thought when it hit close to 50 last summer that it almost broke the high. HA. Adjusted for inflation silver would have to be around 400 dollars per ounce to break that 1980 high.
Which type of coins/bullion should I buy (silver/gold) ? Quote
