Originally Posted by ToothSayer
30% margins on an $80K car with $25K worth of components in it isn't hard, man.
Imo it is very hard, that's why so few companies succeed in doing this very thing.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
He has no manufacturing experience
He seems to be gaining experience fast though.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Let alone making the 5x the profit per car off in the best in the business while doing a fraction of the volume and lacking the economies of scale.
They cut down the PR a lot, don't use dealerships, add a lot of extra software in the price. The economies of scale are starting to have an effect now and will likely continue to increase as they scale from 100k to 500k cars per year.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I didn't mean to insult you, but you're a smart guy who needs to understand for his own investing health that he's off in lala land and being played by Nerd Trump. The numbers you posted for 2019 are not going to come anywhere near reality. They're fiction. Pure fantasy.
Yeah, they are fiction, the future tend to be fiction. But I find them to be pretty reasonable. We will see in a few years how far off they were.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
20% margins on an $40K car with $20K worth of components is a very different thing.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
It's pure fantasy.
Yeah, that is is the big question, if they will manage to do just that.
I see an ASP around $42k with battery costs around $100/kWh and average 60kWh -> $6k in 2020 and a profit around $8k. Which leaves about $28k to spend on making the rest of the car.
Making a car for $28k is not impossible, plenty of other manufacturers seems to be able to do just that even while having to fit an ICE inside them.
Imo it will be tricky, but I am confident that they can manage it. They have surprised me before and now finally they have everything up and running. I put my money where my mouth is, now we will just have to wait and see where the dice lands...