I can share the Excel file if you want but what I did here is I ran a linear regression (slope function) on daily returns for past year with data from Yahoo! Finance with SPY daily as the X and TSLA daily as the Y.
Beta = 1.196
Then I ran a conditional slope function that only ran on days where |SPY daily| > 0.01 (days where S&P 500 moved by more than 1%) and the result is
Beta = 1.168.
This took me a grand total of 10 minutes to do. Biggest chunk of time was double checking days were lined up.
Even making the claim of beta = 3 to 10 suggests lack of financial knowledge about ranges of beta in the equity market. A more narrow claim of high beta but only on "directional" days is slightly more interesting but note that would imply the stock has lower (probably negative given the differential between overall beta and the "directional" beta TS is suggesting) beta on non-directional days. That particular claim, if made at my old firm, would prompt me to demand data for back up. I don't think the data exists for TSLA.
I'd be surprised if there is a single stock that has 1.28 overall beta but 3+ beta on "directional" days. A pretty basic query into the database calculating beta and betas on "directional" days as I specified would take less than an hour of coding, debugging, running, and confirming results. You can modify the definition of "directional" days or even do it on hourly basis instead but the core code is still the same: beta on unfiltered data vs beta calculated filtered for (definition of directional day/hour/minute). I just made a falsifiable claim and even explained how to falsify it.
For a coding genius that could get almost fully autonomous driving in a year (a claim TS has made), this should be absolutely trivial to do. It would certainly take less time and effort than drawing lines in MS Paint.
At least, I know I am not such a coding genius and I could do what I just suggested in less than an hour.
PS: writing and editing this post took like 20 minutes though. Can't believe I just wasted 30 minutes of my life on this. I am just really tired of verifiably false assertions of facts being thrown around as true.
Last edited by grizy; 07-29-2020 at 10:37 AM.