The trading data is from public data of US american brokers.
Of course, as in poker, all this is always a bit difficult to interprete.
E.g. does a poker player (or trader) count as "winner" if he played/traded very little and just came out on top? Or do you just count people who play/trade a bit more, above a certain threshold?
-> take all these numbers in poker & trading with a grain of salt
Because in both, you either need to pre-select heavily or get a lot of "random winners/losers" in.
Ah ok!
Then you could provide a pic to liquipedia article on your brother!
Didn't see him play conciously, tbh - as I mostly watch EU streams. But if he goes to some major tournaments, I might!
But liquipedia article sounds good:
"Xenocider is a young "prodigy" as described by his team mates, incorporating unique play styles and builds." ^^