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Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet

12-31-2018 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
It's amusing how obsessed you are with me to the point you are going to lose the bet over it.
Not letting creepy stalking losers follow your trades isn't "obsession". It's being a good human being.
Congrats to Brian, jb and coordi.
Well, it's not 100% over yet, so don't jinx them, but I'm >90% to lose at this point, today doesn't look good for turning $1K into $6K.

And I like all of the above also, so congrats to them also.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Not letting creepy stalking losers follow your trades isn't "obsession". It's being a good human being.

Well, it's not 100% over yet, so don't jinx them, but I'm >90% to lose at this point, today doesn't look good for turning $1K into $6K.

And I like all of the above also, so congrats to them also.
Yeah because you are a forum troll with no life. Congrats on me being in your head all year, makes me feel great I caused you to keep being a loser (with zero proof you've made $125k this month). LOOOOOOOOOOOOO-SAH.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Yeah because you are a forum troll with no life.
I have a lovely life that most people would envy. I'm not 20 and partying any more...I did that hard for many years and I'm not interested any more.
Congrats on me being in your head all year, makes me feel great I caused you to keep being a loser (with zero proof you've made $125k this month). LOOOOOOOOOOOOO-SAH.
I didn't say I made $135K. I said I made 27x my most at risk money/biggest drawdown, without specifying the amount made. December was an incredible free money month (like October and November) if you've been trading for a while. I assume you did pretty great as well. Only the fish and newcomers failed to make great money through this volatility.

The hardest thing for mediocre and inexperienced traders now will be rapidly shifting gears and resetting their brain as the market has changed from one you could throw a dart at a board of long volatility and make money and got clear intention signals to one where it alternates between buyup and a mean reverting whipsaw.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I have a lovely life that most people would envy. I'm not 20 and partying any more...I did that hard for many years and I'm not interested any more.

I didn't say I made $135K. I said I made 27x my most at risk money/biggest drawdown, without specifying the amount made. December was an incredible free money month (like October and November) if you've been trading for a while. I assume you did pretty great as well. Only the fish and newcomers failed to make great money through this volatility.
Your life is so great you keep engaging with losers like myself. I'm so honored bud you are so addicted to posting here and can't stop lying and spinning...
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Your life is so great you keep engaging with losers like myself.
Sure, why not?
I'm so honored bud you are so addicted to posting here and can't stop lying and spinning...
What I am lying and spinning about? You've never been specific on that.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:08 AM
First step of addiction is admitting you have a problem... Seriously though keep responding please. Every time I log in you are right here to counter, it's as predictable as you losing this bet because you missed out on one of the best months of trading in decades. Maybe you could win the bet and prove you aren't a habitual liar...
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:13 AM
Btw Brian I'll expect my check in the mail... Sticking around today so TS won't post the winner since he's so afraid of me sharing in his genius (which would actually help him win if I had any interest in hopping on his loser ideas/trades lmao) while I'm lurking.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
First step of addiction is admitting you have a problem... Seriously though keep responding please.
Yes, you need the validation of your betters.
Every time I log in you are right here to counter, it's as predictable as you losing this bet because you missed out on one of the best months of trading in decades. Maybe you could win the bet and prove you aren't a habitual liar...
So when asked for what I lie and spin about, this is your response? You won't make any specific claim of what I'm lying about, yet you claim I'm a liar. You need a father figure in your life so you can learn how to be a man rather than the child you are now. Brian and I were men - we had a disagreement, we bet on it according to our beliefs.

You act like someone raised by a single mother with no decent male role model. It's sad, bro. At some point you need to sack up.
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Btw Brian I'll expect my check in the mail... Sticking around today so TS won't post the winner since he's so afraid of me sharing in his genius (which would actually help him win if I had any interest in hopping on his loser ideas/trades lmao) while I'm lurking.
If you want a check you should have bet. You were too much of a coward and hence you missed out on both that and trades. Congratulations to the people who think I have a lower edge than claimed and aren't cowards.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:22 AM
We should petition the mods to change the name of the thread to " A thread where TS makes a terrible $40 dollar trade, is confirmed as a racist, and coordi posts uglies".

Love watching facists own themselves.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Yes, you need the validation of your betters.

So when asked for what I lie and spin about, this is your response? You won't make any specific claim of what I'm lying about, yet you claim I'm a liar. You need a father figure in your life so you can learn how to be a man rather than the child you are now. Brian and I were men - we had a disagreement, we bet on it according to our beliefs.

You act like someone raised by a single mother with no decent male role model. It's sad, bro. At some point you need to sack up.
If you want a check you should have bet. You were too much of a coward and hence you missed out on both that and trades. Congratulations to the people who think I have a lower edge than claimed and aren't cowards.
Its a shame because I wanted to believe you weren't full of **** but every post just keeps confirming that viewpoint. Oh btw yet another response like clockwork, so addicted and obsessed with me. I'm flattered honestly that you mentioned me for why you are going to be a big LOSER, and that you continue to meltdown and respond. What's next bud? May want to focus on the market opening in five minutes...
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
We should petition the mods to change the name of the thread to " A thread where TS makes a terrible $40 dollar trade and coordi posts uglies".
So you're a misogynist too who reduces women to their looks? Not surprising, most hard left wingers are pretty disgusting people as we're finding out from metoo.

1. Your wife supports your sorry ass
2. You support fascist-like mobs who beat up and intimidate women
3. You make comments which reduce women to objects of objectification

Like I said, you're a pure detestable loser no matter your politics.
Love watching facists own themselves.
The only person who owned themselves in this thread is you. This thread and bet has made me a lot of money.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:31 AM
Can someone link to the racist TS posts?
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:33 AM
And we're off, 6 hours and 45m for TS to turn $960 into $6k... POPCORN.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Its a shame because I wanted to believe you weren't full of **** but every post just keeps confirming that viewpoint. Oh btw yet another response like clockwork, so addicted and obsessed with me.
Defending yourself from obsessed attackers - even mocking them - isn't obsession. If you don't post to me I don't reply to you and I don't follow you around.

If I don't post to you, you'll follow me around and insert yourself into every conversation you can, tarding up threads, like a spurned ex girlfriend. You've made 200+ off topic posts about me that attack me in some way. That makes you obsessed/weird. This is straightforward stuff man. You don't know how to relate to other men and I'd suggest therapy even though I rarely suggest it for people.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Defending yourself from obsessed attackers - even mocking them - isn't obsession. If you don't post to me I don't reply to you and I don't follow you around.

If I don't post to you, you'll follow me around and insert yourself into every conversation you can, tarding up threads, like a spurned ex girlfriend. You've made 200+ off topic posts about me that attack me in some way. That makes you obsessed/weird. This is straightforward stuff man. You don't know how to relate to other men and I'd suggest therapy even though I rarely suggest it for people.
Six hours left, $5038 to go. Better start cranking up the magical 5 bagger machine.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:30 AM
Lol TS is very triggered by ASAP right now. Think he should be called lil' ASAP from now on.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:34 AM
Very weird for someone with such an awesome life to be triggered so easily.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:36 AM
I keep hearing the "24" clock...

Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:54 AM
He’s spinning pretty hard.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
He’s spinning pretty hard.
Already trying to freeroll more people by offering action on another bet when he's done nothing in here (also refuses to confirm he will pay Brian out immediately after this is over claiming its not the forum's business), what else is there other than personal attacks and trying to gas light the discussion as much as possible?

Claims he wants to keep the thread on trading then goes on a tirade in the very next post...

How about some trades with five hours left after a year of **** talk?
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 12:17 PM
Only thing that will stop TS from winning is if he gets caught up in some New Year's Eve jacuzzi sex party action and forgets to log the 20-bagger he's been lining up. Brian might as well ship the money now.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 12:17 PM
TS should get the undertitle of "losing trader" for his actions itt. It's all but confirmed.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
TS should get the undertitle of "losing trader" for his actions itt. It's all but confirmed.
With complete hilarity, despite me posting no winning trades in this thread so far, the only confirmed losing trader in this thread is you. coordi got it said:

Originally Posted by coordi
Originally Posted by turtletom
I was trading in 2000-2002, albeit poorly, pretty sure there were a few then too.
So you've been up tradable age for 16 years and you're fully supported by your wife while you're going to college.... So you completely outage yourself as a loser. Yeesh.

Time to Let It Go bud
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
With complete hilarity, despite me posting no winning trades in this thread so far, the only confirmed losing trader in this thread is you. coordi got it said:
The funny thing is how much time you keep spending on turtletom and you think you are owning him? With <5 hours to win a bet you've had 95% no wait 98% no wait 100% confidence was a winner... LMAO please keep posting bud. Gift that keeps on giving.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-31-2018 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
As a proud member of antifa portland I refuse to support bigots. If you won the bet, even though doubtful, I would be supporting the enemy. I can't do this with a sound conscience.

Sorry bub.
Worth the $500
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
