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Tax advantaged investing after 401k and IRA are maxed Tax advantaged investing after 401k and IRA are maxed

06-07-2015 , 07:53 PM
Obviously if you don't have much time to evaluate and monitor investments, as seems likely since you make a bunch of money as a salaried employee, index funds. Hold. If, however, you have the time and energy to learn and manage, real estate. Rental properties are a good option, but require time and effort. An alternative is RE crowdfunding. This arena has come a long way, and there are legit sites like fundrise that evaluate projects for prospective investors.
Tax advantaged investing after 401k and IRA are maxed Quote
06-09-2015 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by dshen13
Bigger point was the first line about EV. It's rudimentary to not be thinking probabilistically about EV, esp. on a poker forum. You can't just say, "downside capped, upside unlimited = +EV". Basic example to get the point (and obviously outcomes would be over a distribution, but keeping it binary for simplistically), 75% chance of losing your "max" 3k, 25% of winning 8k is -EV.

As for 1, 2, 3.
1. Ok.
2. At your prices, if you trade only 10 contracts you're still looking at $30 roundtrip, which is 1% of your size. And that doesn't include the bid/ask.
3. Sure you could be ITM buyer but it becomes less the premise of an upside home-run trade. 1,2, and comment about EV all remain.

Bottom line, it's terrible advice to think there's a 3k loophole we should all be capitalizing on end of the year. If you want to "take a shot" at a -EV gamboool, there won't be a line.

Tax advantaged investing after 401k and IRA are maxed Quote
06-12-2015 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
If, however, you have the time and energy to learn and manage, real estate. Rental properties are a good option, but require time and effort. An alternative is RE crowdfunding. This arena has come a long way, and there are legit sites like fundrise that evaluate projects for prospective investors.
This. The big deduction is depreciation, but it can be a double-edged sword. There are also all kinds of other stuff like oil, etc that gives you depletion deductions and like that. I'm sure plenty of people at your financial institution know of games that can be played with LLC's, S corp, trusts, and the like.
Tax advantaged investing after 401k and IRA are maxed Quote
