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Silver Silver

11-05-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyLond
The difference is silver has gone in and out of favor for thousands of years. It has real intrinsic value based on its use in electronics and jewelry. It will someday be in favor again, it is just a question of when.
It's in favor right now, man.

Originally Posted by rafiki
I'm not incorrect in assuming that at some point, this is going to be an interesting buy/hold, right?
Silver will never be an interesting buy and hold. The most valuable thing in the world is the ownership of the organized labor of the world's most intelligent people. The second most valuable is to own privileged access to markets and resources (and laws which protect these). If you can own a part of that, you get rich, reliably. Silver is just a lump of a static substance that cannot produce wealth. It will never be a long term buy and hold.
Silver Quote
11-05-2014 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSoother
It's in favor right now, man.

Silver will never be an interesting buy and hold. The most valuable thing in the world is the ownership of the organized labor of the world's most intelligent people. The second most valuable is to own privileged access to markets and resources (and laws which protect these). If you can own a part of that, you get rich, reliably. Silver is just a lump of a static substance that cannot produce wealth. It will never be a long term buy and hold.
Are we maybe not talking about the same time frames? From 2005 to 2012, surely buy/hold on Gold was +EV?
Silver Quote
11-05-2014 , 06:22 PM
Anything that can fluctuate 300% over a decade will beat the S&P 500 over periods < 15 years. That's not proof it's a good buy and hold. Most of the time it will lag, and long term it will ultra lag (to the point of being a horrible, horrible investment), but the possibility is there. The only question left is, are these fluctuations predictable? I do not believe they are*. The silver proponents in this thread certainly had no clue that they were making a bad buy over the past 3+ years, and they're the ones arguing for the metal.

*Especially when you consider that the S&P500 destroys gold even if bought at the highs.
Silver Quote
11-05-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSoother
Anything that can fluctuate 300% over a decade will beat the S&P 500 over periods < 15 years. That's not proof it's a good buy and hold. Most of the time it will lag, and long term it will ultra lag (to the point of being a horrible, horrible investment), but the possibility is there. The only question left is, are these fluctuations predictable? I do not believe they are*. The silver proponents in this thread certainly had no clue that they were making a bad buy over the past 3+ years, and they're the ones arguing for the metal.

*Especially when you consider that the S&P500 destroys gold even if bought at the highs.
I suppose. But why trade anything at all reliant on areas like commodities, energy, etc...? Somewhere some people are beating those sectors. I'm not claiming I could or should be, I just know that if all I did was invest in intelligent people and brain power while I was working at Nortel, reinvesting my pay the way so many people did around me did then, I would have had my ass handed to me.

Innovation and technology is great until it's not. Look at long term charts for Nokia and Alcatel for example (companies I also worked with who employed some of the world's most intelligent people), once power houses that had so many of the qualities you mentioned. They are now dead money in buy/hold. Siemans had been one of the most prolific places for IP across a ton of sectors. I think from 2000 to now, you're still down on your shares.

I don't disagree with all that you're saying, and obviously investing in the leaders and best minds in innovation is a great thing. But I think it's a bit simple to say "invest in companies, not in things". Lots of companies in the business of building all manners of great devices have lost people money.
Silver Quote
08-05-2015 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by NajdorfDefense
Now with an $18-handle!

Now with a $14-handle! Only down 70% for the 'getting rich off silver' bros!!

Silver Quote
08-05-2015 , 07:48 PM
I forgot this thread existed. Fun times.
Silver Quote
08-05-2015 , 07:51 PM
This thread will never not be hilarious.
Silver Quote
08-05-2015 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by NajdorfDefense
This thread will never not be hilarious.
This is the greatest thread in the history of 2+2. It should be required reading to understand the psychology of bubbles.
Silver Quote
08-05-2015 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mori****a System
Admittedly, I'm a noob investor and I'm shorting silver because I'm a degenerate....but how are the charts here not exactly like the chart here?
Yep, this will never stop being great.
Best enjoyed from start to end with a glass of scotch and Schubert's Unfinished Symphony in the background.
Silver Quote
08-05-2015 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by emet
Ok for the record I'm now short silver at about $40 and change. The tipping point for me came when my mother mentioned her co worker looked into a monex trading account to buy silver and gold. I maybe a bit early but I thing the fed will raise interest rate much sooner then most believe as in this summer. GL to everyone but I think the gold silver run is coming to an end very soon.
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder
Possibly the dumbest, most irrelevant and random tipping point used as a catalyst for a real trade.

Trading 1 contract, stfuimho.
Silver Quote
08-05-2015 , 08:52 PM
i've been waiting weeks for this thread to be bumped!

great buying op right guys?!?!?
Silver Quote
08-06-2015 , 10:57 AM
Guys, I am new to lolling at silver speculators, but this seems like a great time to get in the game. Is it better to lol at physical silver hoarders, or should I lol at companies that mine silver speculators, or is there some kind of ETF for loling at people who don't understand how dividends work? I would also like to gain some exposure to lolgoldbugs.

Thanks in advance,

Silver Quote
08-06-2015 , 11:06 AM
Trolly, you need to physically lol. There are lots of people out there with paper lols and even electronic lols, but what's going to happen to them when the wave finally breaks? There's going to be the mother of all lolsqueezes, and they're going to be out in the cold.
Silver Quote
08-06-2015 , 07:49 PM
Trolly, I hate to tell you but you're too late. Your orders will never get executed due to private lol pools and algo lol trading.

What's even more pernicious is the spoofing of lols by dastardly hedge funds.

But there is still value in loling at people trying to time the Fed rate cycle for silver buying.
Silver Quote
08-06-2015 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Valhalla1
to those saying silver is a bubble -- how is it that everyone can now instantly spot a bubble? nobody saw the tulip bubble, or the dot com bubble, or the housing bubble but now everyone is an expert on bubbles. I postulate that the real bubble is in the US dollar, the world's reserve currency. Ben Bernanke's policies are pissing the world off, and the dollar's status as reserve currency is coming to an end.

Protip: average lifespan of fiat currency is 40 years. Age of the USD fiat dollar as of 2011 - 40 years (Nixon closed the gold window in 1970). No fiat currency has lasted even 100 years.

That's right everybody - NOBODY spotted the Internet Bubble [Cramer made 30% in 2000 shorting tech from the peak, Julian Robertson's stocks went up Billions and NOBODY spotted the housing bubble. Not anyone!

Of course, he could spot the bubble in the USD....meanwhile the Dollar Index has gone from 75 to 98.

Also he got Nixon's timing wrong. So much love for this post.
Silver Quote
08-06-2015 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Is it better to lol at physical silver hoarders,

Thanks in advance,

Only if they're also hoarding 1,200 cans of Stagg Country Style Chili Beans!
Silver Quote
08-06-2015 , 10:35 PM
Some gems:

Originally Posted by X____X
dude, sitting 5/10 and open shipping blind would be more +ev then shorting at $40 imho. But hey, it could work out.
mrapex -
the game has been perm broken destroyed and it will be 2,3,4,5 generations into the future before any thing can start to get back to normal and your talking about a US economy, what economy? What is America doing to pay off its debt, do you realize how many companys like Apple America would have to produce ever week or day to even start to turn things around, do you know the numbers, the debt, do you understand that the Fed prints money to buy its own debt.

Its like reality then people talking about recoverys and silver being a bubble, your a bubble... do you understand its over, gold backed money is what is needed today...Silver is a ROCK soild investment, in time it will be 60, 75.

There are going to be fun and games ahead and idiots talking about silver being at the top of its bubble at $40 when there is only 10 years worth of it on earth are really smart.
Valhalla1 at $47
I retort by suggesting that the correction is here, now, in the move upwards - true price discovery taking place here as silver gets rightfully re-valued after decades of manipulation. The 'short squeeze' is on.
Metsman at $49
Nobody in their right mind would sell physical silver the way things are looking.

This is going MUCH, MUCH higher folks. You'll need it to fill your gas tanks at $8/gallon.
emet --Shorted at 48 looking to add at break of 45.5

wickedgood trader
Originally Posted by emet View Post
Shorted at 48 looking to add at break of 45.5
Lol... seriously.. how can you keep beating yourself up???
ricky1231, days after the top
Pretty sure the definition of a bubble involves mania. ie. almost nobody expects the price to fall. If a bunch of losers on 2p2 are calling a top then I feel quite comfortable with my position
Shortly thereafter came the 10% drop.

Then the margin requirements raised.

May 3 FieryJustice
Why in the world would anyone sell their silver now??
Originally Posted by Najdorf
I bought ZSL at 16.20 today. I should buy something fun, like a ME seat with the eventual profits, but I'll probably just reinvest them elsewhere.

When the trading in the Silver ETF is starting to dwarf the SPY trading volumes, you know you've reached a blowoff top. Meant to short silver yesterday and 'real' work got in the way.
One of my easiest 35% gains ever, less than a week.

Originally Posted by ThePreacherJesse
Supposedly HSBC and JPMorgan are short silver for huge money. They are using the SLV etf, which does not really have enough allocated silver to fraudulently increase the supply of silver for sale and manipulate the price downward. there is huge global demand for silver and a lack of real physical supply. they are now freaking out and doing everything they can to try and shake up the market.
May 5, Bloomberg 'The biggest slump for silver since 1983 may not be over as the Comex exchange in New York makes it 84 percent more expensive for speculators to trade the metal, triggering an exit by investors.'

tl/dr; Just a few posts from the first 9 pages!
Silver Quote
08-06-2015 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Silver is not in a bubble or a popped bubble, it is just in a dip right now in the beginnings of a bull market. There is no way to stop the bull market in silver before the metal price manipulators ruin and lose their price fixing ability.

Interest rates have been manipulated far too long and since they can't stand to bankrupt most of American businesses they can't let interest rates rise to 20% to compete with the gains in silver and gold, to stop the bull market in gold and silver.

Let's say they did let interest rates rise..... how gigantic is the bond market? 50 trillion??? What would happen in a collapsing bond market? Bond investors will protect their trillions and head to gold and silver. Hmmm... you can't have TRILLIONS chasing billions without metal prices skyrocketing, so they can't let that happen.

Some of you say... look what happened to silver in 2008 collapse, it collapsed alongside the sudden bond defaults. They CAN'T let markets naturally purge themselves because the markets are so completely out of balance.

When the bond market tanks... interest rates will rise... the bond market will be discredited before this market is done. If they let interest rates rise slowly, this process may take another ten to twenty years to let interest rates rise to compete with the gains in silver and gold!

How did I miss it?
Silver Quote
08-07-2015 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Mori****a System
Yep, this will never stop being great.
Best enjoyed from start to end with a glass of scotch and Schubert's Unfinished Symphony in the background.
I can't believe we just didn't hold our SLV shorts. My last short call itt was 32.60-$33. That 28% drop/gain for me over the past 12 months would help the old portfolio.
Silver Quote
08-07-2015 , 08:52 AM
Great pulls naj and you didn't even get to the superstar of this thread Mrmusicrecorder. I always assumed the musicman and silverman2 were the same guy since silverman showed up shortly after music disappeared.
Silver Quote
08-07-2015 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by NajdorfDefense
I can't believe we just didn't hold our SLV shorts. My last short call itt was 32.60-$33. That 28% drop/gain for me over the past 12 months would help the old portfolio.
Yep, one of my biggest mistakes was not letting my for teh lulz OTM SLV leap puts run through the year. They would've gone up by six fold by the end of it

Instead I was just happy to take a two bagger like an amateur.
Silver Quote
08-07-2015 , 02:51 PM
The simple fact that this thread was bumped and all the bears are patting themselves on the back makes me feel like we're near the bottom and silver is probably a good buy at this price. $14-15 or whatever it's at right now.
Silver Quote
08-07-2015 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by andr3w321
The simple fact that this thread was bumped and all the bears are patting themselves on the back makes me feel like we're near the bottom and silver is probably a good buy at this price. $14-15 or whatever it's at right now.
Of course it makes you think that. If it wouldn't, we'd be at the bottom.
Silver Quote
08-07-2015 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by andr3w321
The simple fact that this thread was bumped and all the bears are patting themselves on the back makes me feel like we're near the bottom and silver is probably a good buy at this price. $14-15 or whatever it's at right now.
Not bears but people who recognized a tinfoil hat bout of mania which couldn't be sustained. This thread shows the psychology of bubbles in real time and it is worth reading seriously. It's worth it for the lols too
Silver Quote
08-07-2015 , 04:40 PM
So, wait, only silver bulls can pat themselves on the back, not the posters who actually....made money? NotSureIfSrs.jpg.

I'm neither a bull nor bear on PMs near-term. Everything has its bargain price, and if silver drops down to its extraction cost I'd be somewhat more likely to buy, although I'd buy platinum again first at rock-bottom levels.

The issue is that btw Silver/gold and, say, Google or Gilead or SBUX, I find the former to be dramatically worse investments.
All investments must be compared to each other to find which are superior in a number of categories: risk, carry cost, yield, insurance, taxability, liquidity, coupon, inherent gamma/vega, odds of return and size of risk/return ratio, BK risk.

So, a 'risky' stock may also contain the components of: yield, liquidity, 4-1 odds of going up and if it goes up, likely 4-1 unit of return up versus down, no need for insurance.

Or only 33% to go up but likely to have 10x return if that happens [say a drug approval].

Laughing at silver bugs does not make one a bear. Doing it at $40-49.85 was merely common sense AND a money-making opportunity for several of us here.


[Has anyone ever explained why I would trade food for your silver if our economic system melted down? I've never seen it. You eat your silver, I'll eat my wheat]
Silver Quote
