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The Shark Tank The Shark Tank

03-31-2013 , 03:49 PM
Was I the only one who thought that skin care girl looked like she was in her mid 20s
The Shark Tank Quote
03-31-2013 , 03:57 PM
robert has always been mostly useless, but when did he get this stupid? the drop stop is awesome. if it wasn't for the 50% f*** you canada premium i'd order it right now.
The Shark Tank Quote
03-31-2013 , 11:53 PM
Robert's ability to overlook the market of these products, while cutting to another shark buying in is constantly growing. I was extremely impressed by the 18 year old girls composure during her time in the Shark Tank. She knew her numbers, and it showed throughout her performance.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-02-2013 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Rizzeedizzee
I wouldn't go this far, but I do think that I'm enjoying the show less and less as the sharks tend to repeat patterns of behavior. Robert is his usual waste of space, functioning more as a guy to summarize the deals. Kevin wants his royalty-based deal. Laurie touts all her supposed connections. Mark's son has skin problems. And Damond has clever wit but says the product really isn't in his space.

I enjoyed the show more when I couldn't pretty much guess the outcome in most cases based solely on the product and the valuation being sought.
awesome summary lol. this has def gotten really annoying but its still my fav show on TV.

yesterday i had some epic deja vu. was driving home from grocery store and dropped my phone in "the gap" and as i was struggling to pull it out was thinking wtf why has no one solved this problem?? then i watched shark tank after dinner and met the drop stop.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-02-2013 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
I have been watching the Canadian Dragon's Den lately, pretty legit. U.K. version seems downright terrible however
The Shark Tank Quote
04-06-2013 , 11:49 PM
No comment on this week's Shark Tank yet?

Liddup -- why is Robert so whiny? People don't respect his business skills in part because of exactly how whiny he is.

meat company -- totally seems like he got the best of this deal by getting his name out there by getting on the show but not actually getting a deal. ecommerce doesn't seem like the right distribution, but clearly there are established channels.

Root Suit -- hadn't heard of this. i guess i'm out of touch now that i'm in my 30s. Daymond's deal sounds crazy unless that contingency was a very high hurdle (eg, we have to be in thousands of stores). sounds like Cuban stayed in just to try to make sure he didn't take Daymond's deal. classy of him.

Coop update -- did I miss it or were there no numbers?

Gobie water bottles -- Robert is one of those people who appears nice but is actually a total jerk. I would definitely do a deal here because this seems like one of those opportunities where like Daymond I can get a decent valuation, but there's probably over a 66% chance I drop it after due diligence.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 12:21 AM
root suit : i wonder how much money that guy made w/ the harlem shake video taking off and everyone wearing one in those videos .he did kind of blow it by not putting any branding on the suit ,

the water bottles , i agree w/ mark , he should just sell the cup w/o the filtration system ...if i were in a store browsing and i saw that cup i would instantly buy it ,water filtration system or not . its a really cool looking bottle and i will probably buy one now just to have it around the office .
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 12:44 AM
How is the root suit guy the first to make this product? He claimed that he started the business in 2008, but Greenman (from It's Always Sunny) was popular a year before that.

Regardless, the big problem is that anyone can make a spandex or lycra body suit, and no one cares who makes it. It seems a product that is going to be basically impossible to brand.

One more troubling fact - the suit is a breathing hazard if you get it wet. At some point, some drunken idiot is going to fall in a pool and suffocate due to the suit - seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 01:26 AM
if the root suit guy wasn't really the first, all the more power to him. He's making decent money for an idea anyone could have done.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 03:55 AM
was waiting for root suit guy to say "my product was on Always Sunny."

lights in a cooler seems like a pointless product, especially when you factor in that every cell phone on the planet has a cell phone. you can argue that a drunk would drop it in trying to find a drink, but still, just seems like a "eh, we don't really need that" type of invention.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by LaPulga
Coop update -- did I miss it or were there no numbers?
Last year, 350k. This year they are on track for 1mil.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
was waiting for root suit guy to say "my product was on Always Sunny."

lights in a cooler seems like a pointless product, especially when you factor in that every cell phone on the planet has a cell phone. you can argue that a drunk would drop it in trying to find a drink, but still, just seems like a "eh, we don't really need that" type of invention.
Assuming that the lights don't cost that much more, I would rather have a cooler with lights. Much easier than having to pull out your cell phone to find the drink you want.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
Assuming that the lights don't cost that much more, I would rather have a cooler with lights. Much easier than having to pull out your cell phone to find the drink you want.
That was my thought as well, I cant imagine the LEDs adding too much to the cost of the cooler; I would imagine that it would become the "default" cooler from now on.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 06:24 PM
If you could actually see in the root suit I would think it is awesome. My greenman suit was impossible to see out of which made it really worthless to me.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
If you could actually see in the root suit I would think it is awesome. My greenman suit was impossible to see out of which made it really worthless to me.
You can't.

Pretty sure that all of these suits are made of the exact same material and basically identical to each other.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by AnthonyJoseph
That was my thought as well, I cant imagine the LEDs adding too much to the cost of the cooler; I would imagine that it would become the "default" cooler from now on.
Why not put a small solar panel in the lid to charge the LEDs? If you want to go a step further you could even attach a USB slot for Joe Camper to charge his iPhone.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 07:14 PM
Solar panels are expensive. You can't possibly get a combination of solar panels and batteries that would be a negligible cost. LED lights however should be possible at negligible cost.

This looked like the perfect opportunity for a shark. It won't cost you much time at all, and if one of the cooler companies licenses it, then you know you'll make money. It's amazing that none of the other sharks would offer a better deal than 33% (except for Robert at 25%, but I'd never want Robert negotiating for me)
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 09:01 PM
Robert: Hey cooler company, for a small fee we'll let you license our technology so you can put LEDs into all your coolers. What do you say?
Cooler Company CEO: Sounds great, let me run it by my team and see what comes back.
Robert: What? If you don't KNOW you want this then I'm not even interested. Good day sir!! <walks out>
The Shark Tank Quote
04-07-2013 , 10:43 PM
Yeah, WTF was up with Robert in this episode.
Also, water bottle guy was terrible at pitching and negotiating. I guess he was super nervous.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-08-2013 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by pepper50000
Also, water bottle guy was terrible at pitching and negotiating. I guess he was super nervous.
I got a different vibe - he struck me as slick, in a bad way. I literally turned to my wife while watching and said "this guy will be arrested within 5 years, either for bad dealings or in some sort of a coke bust."

Thoughts on how much the meat guy was paying himself out of the business? It's middle America, so probably not as much as that lady a few weeks ago who counted past salary among the company's debt (I think she was $100,000 per year or something), but I'm guessing probably $80K, or that kind of ballpark.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-08-2013 , 11:55 AM
After the good endorsement from the Sharks, I'm tempted to go for this.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-11-2013 , 03:51 AM
The water bottle pitch is one I'd like to see unedited. Seemed like a lot was edited out.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-11-2013 , 05:06 PM
liddup ****ed up soooo hard. how do you possibly take a 33% royalty over 25% of the company + a guaranteed strong contact at a major cooler manufacturer??? i hate on robert as much as the next guy but I really don't blame him for dropping out the second he saw that these guys were dumb enough to think those 2 offers were even close to comparable.
The Shark Tank Quote
04-11-2013 , 06:18 PM
Because Robert was offering it
The Shark Tank Quote
04-11-2013 , 11:54 PM
Shocked liddup got an investment at all - does anyone really think that the major cooler makers have not already considered the idea?
The Shark Tank Quote
