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September [censored] thread September [censored] thread

09-10-2007 , 03:35 PM
So Im fairly new to investing and got some recommendations for some books to help get me started. Are these any good?

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach
What are your goals [i.e. rate of return that you want or hope for]?

Not really sure yet. Im 19 and just started making pretty good money at MSNL (10-25k/month).
09-10-2007 , 03:54 PM
Anybody know anything about RIO?

I buy for the long term (ROTH IRA) and have heard good things about this stock from family.
I don't really have any recent information but it was talked about here last year and the year before.

The most recent news is that another split is coming. I'm in it for the long haul and have no intentions to sell.

You can also find some decent information on's RIO board. Look for posts by a man called andersonole.
09-11-2007 , 10:57 AM
It's 9/11 so I'm posting a question.

In doing some research on the Federal Reserve based on some informative posts I've read here, I noticed how the trail quickly led into conspiracy theories / New World Order / Council on Foreign Relations / etc. ad nauseum.

Do any of the posters knowledgeable about the history of the Fed also support the NWO theories? Seems like the two go hand in hand, at least on the interweb. Maybe it's just a byproduct of the historical domination of our government posts by Wall Street bankers and lawyers, who also appear in the CFR rolls.

P.S. Fred Thompson: CFR and Trilateral Commission!

......... (folding tinfoil hat now) .........
09-11-2007 , 01:11 PM
Investment noob trying to get educated. I've been reading to start getting some info. How good/bad would it be to use one of their portfolio ideas?
09-11-2007 , 06:54 PM
how does youtube make $
09-11-2007 , 07:55 PM
how does youtube make $
google just announced their plan. Imbedded advertising someone in the video or whatever. Google 'youtube revenue plan' and im sure you'll find the news source, it came out in the last 2-3 weeks
09-11-2007 , 09:44 PM
so up until this point theyve been operating without any income? i dont see any ads anywhere on the site.
09-11-2007 , 11:14 PM
Before they were sold to Google, they actually did have adsense up at the corner. I seriously doubt they made any appreciable money off that though.

But yeah, they had several rounds of financing from VCs so was just burning that before the big cash out.

It was the same with photobucket. Free image hosting site got bought for $300mil.
09-12-2007 , 01:40 AM
Seaway Valley Capital Corporation (SWVC.OB) could possibly be the most fun stock I've ever day traded. Over the past week there have been multiple 50-100% swings in a day!
09-12-2007 , 10:28 AM
I enjoyed the comments about professors only believing in efficient markets. I am glad my professor for investment theory also is a hedge fund manager.... I think academia has many positive contributions to the world of investing, but sometimes assumptions can't be broadly stamped on all market activities. While the ideas of academia hold true frequently, there are many exceptions to the rules, such as fat tails.

I think Warren Buffett's concepts demonstrate a good balance between academia and reality. Buffett frequently criticizes ideas such as volatility being a measure of risk. However, Buffet advocates very low turnover and index fund investing for average investors.
09-12-2007 , 02:53 PM
Is it possible to buy partial shares of ETF's (VTI) that are mentioned in the FAQ?
09-12-2007 , 07:17 PM
Trails dont lead to theories. People can have crazy theories about whatever they want. Serious gov't officials used to believe the world price of gold, etc was controlled by 10 Swissies in Zurich with help from the Russkies. Just as dumb as any other theory.
09-13-2007 , 05:14 AM
Trails dont lead to theories.
Bad use of language on my part perhaps.

Call it linkages.

Many opponents of the Fed during the debate over its creation were suspicious of the nation's monetary policy being controlled by private bankers.

G. Edward Griffin, author of 'The Creature From Jekyll Island', which has been mentioned in posts here, runs some conspiracy theory websites.

Edward House, a close confidant of Woodrow Wilson, was a founder of the CFR.

Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy was written by Murray Rothbard.

While 'trail' might have been a poorly chosen word, I don't believe it was a dumb question to ask considering opposition to the Fed is closely tied to 'globalist' conspiracy theories (theorists).
09-13-2007 , 11:14 AM

The most recent news is that another split is coming. I'm in it for the long haul and have no intentions to sell.

Did RIO split yesterday? I bought it on Tuesday, Scottrade says I own the same amount of shares at half the value but show no decline on the charts, looks like a split but I can't find it anywhere in the news?
09-13-2007 , 11:18 AM
Yeah, it's a split.
09-13-2007 , 05:37 PM
i was thinking of investing in an overseas property if it could yield decent returns. i understand the whole credit crunch -> bad for global property in general, but there must be a few 'hotspots' out there. also as my funds are relatively low, i cannot buy myself a place for a few years here in london so would be good to buy elsewhere.

i saw the thread about holland which sounded interesting. fwiw, i read an article saying holland and germany were the only 2 european countries where properties were undervalued (uk and denmark were most overvalued).

if this is a stupid idea cool, just had a fair bit of thinking time recently and could be interesting.

given im starting a job in 4.5 weeks, im looking at ways to get a better return than it just sitting in a savings (although i have nothing against savings, just looking for something more interesting with better expected returns).
09-13-2007 , 05:49 PM
It's lonely out there leaning short today.
09-13-2007 , 07:15 PM
any thoughts on property in thailand? plan would be buy it, rent it out (although id want to use it a few times a year for a week), sell it in 4-5 years time.
09-14-2007 , 11:55 AM
I want to buy some gold stocks. I don't want to buy the commodity, just stocks with lots of potential for growth that deal with gold (mines, etc.). I remember reading before about some suggestions but couldn't find them...any ideas?
09-14-2007 , 12:07 PM
I want to buy some gold stocks. I don't want to buy the commodity, just stocks with lots of potential for growth that deal with gold (mines, etc.). I remember reading before about some suggestions but couldn't find them...any ideas?
ill have some canadian mining picks by next week if you can wait. Im running a fund at my school and have 7 students under me who do my bidding. I assigned 3-4 to find good mining companies by wednesday
09-14-2007 , 12:16 PM
haha, awesome ahnuld. I await your picks eagerly. Thoughts on V.CKG?
09-14-2007 , 12:19 PM
Be careful of stocks on the venture exchange. I learned that the hard way .
09-14-2007 , 02:20 PM
I want to buy some gold stocks. I don't want to buy the commodity, just stocks with lots of potential for growth that deal with gold (mines, etc.).
Yamana Gold (AUY) is one that I have tracked over the past 18-24 months and have been in and out several times over that period. Good company--has pulled back some over the past 6-8 weeks.


What about buying a stock off the bulletin board that is supposed to become listed later this year? I'd be using a small percentage (>5%) of my portfolio to purchase a few hundred shares of (CHCG), but I have never purchased an unlisted stock before.

I found the company while researching stocks through the "Stock Screener" function on my brokerage site (Scottrade). The company is an electronics retailer in China and has a solid quarterly and annual earnings growth record going back a few years and similar expectations in the next few quarters. Also, the ROE = +75%.

Watching the stock this week, it was a wild rollercoaster due to the failure to obtain private financing for future acquisitions and a conference call has been setup for Monday morning, possibly to discuss the financing issue.


Any comments on whether the merger between SIRI & XMSR is going to be approved by the DOJ? I believe the executives have been given the old "wink and a nod" since they have begun purchasing stock in recent weeks. I bought 30 Jan08 $4 calls on SIRI two weeks ago after reading the SEC filing on insider stock purchases by executives of XMSR--the stock has run up +/-$.50 in the past 2 weeks to +/-$3.50.

09-14-2007 , 03:01 PM
Hey guys,

I'm looking to invest 10k, and a lot more as time goes on, in ETF's. I'm 20 years old and will not need this money for a while (hopefully). I'm thinking some basic stuff like SPY, DIA, etc. Any specific recommendations? Should I pick an international one as well? Let's say I start with 10k, how many funds should I choose? For example, 5 funds at 2k each, 3 for 3.3 each, 10 for 1k each, etc. Also, which site would be best for me to invest, I'm currently using the Bank of America program since its linked right to my bank account online but it doesn't offer a lot of the funds that I want to invest in. Thanks for any help!
09-14-2007 , 03:03 PM
check the sticky, theres a link to a good thread on passive index investing
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