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Selling Facebook Fan Pages Selling Facebook Fan Pages

09-06-2011 , 12:58 AM
I did a quick google search and there are a lot of people trying and saying they have been offered money for their facebook fan pages,

I'm just wondering if anyone has tried this? or knows anything interesting about selling / using Facebok fanpages.

Me and my mate have created two with 3.9k and 4.7k with little effort and I could put a little more effort in.. if I knew what to do with them.

Make a decent fan page + plug website = profit?

Make a decent fan page + sell = profit?

I'm just curious to your opinions on facebook fan pages and if they could be profitable if used correctly?
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 02:08 AM

it might work if you have a website that you can drive traffic to that is relevant. i'd guess that if you start pushing weight loss ads direct on FB that you'll get booted real fast, and you may get booted anyway. and for selling the account you may need to sell the whole fb account, cause i think you can only add sub admins and not actually transfer the master admin, but i'm not sure.
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:36 AM
Just like a real website, if the fan page gets traffic - or can easily get fan traffic in the future - that traffic can often be converted into money, especially if it's a fan page for a product.
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 06:03 AM
I'm kinda in the same situation as you. I started to expriment with Facebook Ads a while back to see how cheap I could get my clicks down to.

I ended up getting down to around 3p per click average with around 90% turning into 'likers' of the Facebook page I was advertising. (These figures are off the top of my head, I can get more accurate data if needed)

The fan page started to be extremely active - people were discussing things with eachother, uploading their own images, asking questions etc. The page only has 2,200 odd fans, but the difference is these are super targeted fans who love the niche.

I started to interact with them too by posting as admin. I made a small sale with Amazon too but that didn't amount to much really. I didn't want to seem like a generic fan page owner and spam the hell out of the users, so instead I opted to co-operate and started to make polls and stuff. I asked them if they would like a website to discuss things on etc, I think the poll got around 300 votes in total and yes they wanted a site.

Next I asked them what they wanted the site to be called and asked them to add their suggestions to a new poll. Again, loads of responses and some good discussion.

I actually went with the name they though of as a group and registered it (wasn't already registered so didn't cost much). Had hosting already so got started on the site.

I actually made the site but didn't like how it turned out at all really. So now I have taken it down, put a countdown timer on in the meantime (to completion of the new site) and am completely remaking the site.

I've decided to go with JomSocial (a ''community'' plugin for Joomla) and a CCK/Reviews/Directory plugin called Jreviews (ReviewsForJoomla). I am in no way plugging these two products, they just seemed the best for my situation - they are both made to work with eachother too which is cool and both come with free/cheap trial periods.

Once the site is made I might post it up for some criticism

Sorry this went a bit off topic! I started writing then before I knew it I was at this point. lol.

For what it's worth I have heard of fan pages being sold, but I'm not sure of the logistics of it. You may be better off selling 'sponsored' statuses. For example work with a business in the niche of your fan pages and give them 10 statusses over the course of a week for $X amount? Also take a look on Fiverr and see if you could sell page blasts there too (not sure if your traffic is enough though?).

Good luck, keep us posted on how you do!
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by mdm13

it might work if you have a website that you can drive traffic to that is relevant. i'd guess that if you start pushing weight loss ads direct on FB that you'll get booted real fast, and you may get booted anyway. and for selling the account you may need to sell the whole fb account, cause i think you can only add sub admins and not actually transfer the master admin, but i'm not sure.
Did you even look at that page when you posted it?!?! I wouldn't go anywhere near that with a barge pole, looks like a complete joke. Also their rough guide to prices is laughable.
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Did you even look at that page when you posted it?!?! I wouldn't go anywhere near that with a barge pole, looks like a complete joke. Also their rough guide to prices is laughable.

Can safely say I won't be using this website
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 11:05 AM

I Didn't pay for clicks, Just growing on their own, one of my groups is growing pretty fast 4.7 - 5.4 since I made this thread, The other hasn't moved at all. I'm thinking about making some more, whenever I can think of a catchy / funny name and use the current groups to help it grow.

And also keep us posted with your website and progress!
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 11:49 AM
Make a decent fan page + plug website = profit?
Just like a real website, if the fan page gets traffic - or can easily get fan traffic in the future - that traffic can often be converted into money, especially if it's a fan page for a product.
Yes. I have zero experience with Facebook pages so I might be missing some weird guideline or rule that they have in place but if your page is about a product it should be incredibly easy to make money off that page.

If it's a page about boat shoes, weightlifting belts or retro yoyo's try to find an affiliate programs for those type of products, write a little post about them and post on your page. I mean, the fans of your page already like those things so converting sales shouldn't be that difficult.

I don't see why you wouldn't be able to run fan-pages as you run a regular affiliate site.
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by RollinHand
Yes. I have zero experience with Facebook pages so I might be missing some weird guideline or rule that they have in place but if your page is about a product it should be incredibly easy to make money off that page.

If it's a page about boat shoes, weightlifting belts or retro yoyo's try to find an affiliate programs for those type of products, write a little post about them and post on your page. I mean, the fans of your page already like those things so converting sales shouldn't be that difficult.

I don't see why you wouldn't be able to run fan-pages as you run a regular affiliate site.
How do you go about getting an affiliate with a website?
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 02:22 PM
You could join commision junktion or Amazon's Affiliate Program and look for products on there that might suit your fan page. A lot of sites also run their own affiliate programs, you can usually find a link in the site footer on those sites.

Maybe you meant: "How do you go about getting an affiliate without a website?"

They might turn you down unless you already have your own website up and running. Don't know how picky they are.
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Did you even look at that page when you posted it?!?! I wouldn't go anywhere near that with a barge pole, looks like a complete joke. Also their rough guide to prices is laughable.
but did you see their testimonials!!?
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 04:50 PM
Looking at creating a "Spread Shirt" store, and making t shirt designs relevant to the Facebook page, any one know what the %s ect are like?
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 04:55 PM
%'s of what?
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:28 PM

Make it a habit and look in the site footer for affiliate programs and such in the future.
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-06-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Did you even look at that page when you posted it?!?! I wouldn't go anywhere near that with a barge pole, looks like a complete joke. Also their rough guide to prices is laughable.
not recommending, just pointing out that there is a market
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-07-2011 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Shovel

I Didn't pay for clicks, Just growing on their own, one of my groups is growing pretty fast 4.7 - 5.4 since I made this thread, The other hasn't moved at all. I'm thinking about making some more, whenever I can think of a catchy / funny name and use the current groups to help it grow.

And also keep us posted with your website and progress!
Yeah cool. It's really nice to see the group grow isn't it.

What is it that entices people to join your groups? Are they funny group names, about a product/brand/sport etc??

How responsive are your users to your statuses and do they interact with eachother?
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-07-2011 , 11:58 AM
lol @ that link .

there are places where you can buy/sell facebook fanpages , probably on digitalpoint or on the warrior forums . valuation of fanpages depends on the niche , how targeted the fans are , country location . etc.
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
09-07-2011 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by JoeMofo
Yeah cool. It's really nice to see the group grow isn't it.

What is it that entices people to join your groups? Are they funny group names, about a product/brand/sport etc??

How responsive are your users to your statuses and do they interact with eachother?
Yeah I think it's the names, my main one which has 7.5k is called

''That annoying moment when a girl says ''its only a game of football''

And yeah they interact a lot, posting comments, debate, and argue lol
Selling Facebook Fan Pages Quote
